e.... Ju1y -Highuights coupled with July's important Sales ad SeIIings w.r. planmicd especially to fi11 in depleted wardrobes for the, rem"ang six or feven weeks of. wam weather., At Field'& EvanstonStore you'l lad, special prices on tii., things you need this year and can use next: yemr FOR CHILDREN Sieevelens broadcloth end -dotted mwiss with attracetive C'olis,. end pleated roufe trim. lInyellow end blue, Bases 1 to 3 SHEE DR S~ES...sec Hand embroidered dresses ,of soft Iawu for tiny lister corneln gizes 1, 2 end 3. There are, others in smocked. modela. PAJAMA S,.0.0.75c. Onempiece pajamias in ises 2, 4, end 6 are ideal for Warin weather. They have s M ail.11Printed end checked oferts with cap sieves or rulfle on -theahsud.r. *O0YS' SHORTS ...... 95C Outdoor shorts in a good assoit- ment of colore, sud pettercs. Eu is.es 6 t., 20. BOYS' SLACKS. .51 5 Long cottos slacks in good look- ing StraPes, eec ka or corded patteras, la ises10 o 20. IMPLOýSHIRTS....sac5 Hookdeus fastener polo shirts in bine, whîte, >tan or can". a Ili aimes for ail types of Wear. BATHiNO suie 0. 3.95 Girls', Bra.Top1 one-piece suits in Pagan brown, nif red or ýnavy, bine. la ames 10 t.16. SANDALS . . . . ..35C Bathing sandale for the bach and for the water. AUl white. FOR MEN . Sui ..UU...... .95.g Single or double breasted suits, well tailoei d d oelwlly preced at $995. NECKWEAft......... 135 Hand made tics in the. better Sum mer patteras end colors. They are ail siik, of course. UNDERWEAR .,3 rom 55c Fine combed cotton undershirtm and broaçicloth shorts in the. bet- ter colora .and patterns. SHIRTS....... .95s Somme of, our bemt quality broed. eioth-from a specia July Sale of Shirts. SOCK....... .. F OR S 'Van"y mixed home of rayon end cotton .. 3 pairs $1. Men' su .yuugmeu's wamh mliach for golf'sud tennis. Al ,the pooi lookiug neW' colora end pat- teras. FOR YOUIR MOME. YARNS ............. 49c Pearly FluA Yaru in a large as- sortment of colora end patterns. A large bel ... 48c. WASTE BASKETS..... 01 A 'large assortmnent of patterns' and colorseof waste baskets. COTTON .. ... .. 4 01LeS Buçilia knitting cotton in a good' assortment of colora. PICNic JUG S.0 a 9 a.... 0- 1 galon joàb for bict"es«efor* FLATMME e .... 9 Sîlver plated fIatware in the new Courtney pattera by R-. ge rs. stiicossteel knives are m' ARl mahogauy Duânes Phyfe lampe table with bras .1w feet and two drawers. CHAIRS ............el Unfiaished solid birah, dise chairs. rounded corners and sand.d. COTTAGE SETS ....si Grenadine groupd with p c.aoeb,. grecs or bine mn. Fine quality white orgamdy tail- ored with attractive ruffi» and tueks. OLIVILO SOAP ... Dox. Be. FIELD'S TOILET BOAP ....... DOZ.Sooc AWeek-Long Special BUDGET CHIFFON HOSk 95C FOODS AND DELICACIES e M a r sh alIl F i e id & Com.àpanRy Col., 3 pounds........ .85 M arsh alIl F i eld & Company, Tomate Juice, dozen ..... 1 1 IL. Fudge, 1I L.Pecan Wafers,ý 11 lb. Salted Nuts, ail thre... $ OF During, July and A ugust This Store Will Close at 6 P. M. on Saturdavs *.JULY x.1934 2 1 1 21