59 "White, ege m ated fSr oalmu. eeated uihite htot aith ýa biote' torch a.ndi t/w,, plie# ged iiice wgtcr, t/w nu, eu' I ing. iiiit cornes out unitarned anid opcrales perfcctlI*. Scienice adids anrother tritipi to ,ils long list of benc efils h)nîodi-rn N OT'so.niany. years ago.our an- cestors prepared their. dailv cut of bear meat over a camp. fire. Since those -days many revolutionary steps have been taken in the art of Cook- ing. Nowý cornes the news that twenty years of patient scientific research have been' rewa'rded with a brand new, he#at sQlrçce itilizing electricjty. F~rom the scientific standpoint there is nothing new about the idea of us- ing electricity for cooking. Electric ranges have been on the market for More than twenty years. Yet these. early ranges, powered by electricity with ail its advantages over cruder forms of fuel, had their drawbacks. True, they didn't overbeat the kitcb, en, and onîe didn't have to liaul coal or wood, but they, were comparative- ly slow and heating units had to be replaced from time to time.- Then, too,, electricity was muc h more ex- pensiv e in those days.than it is now. SBut 'al- this is'changed. New with this new- unit, developed in the lab- oratories of leading mianufacturers- you cati cook electrically in ant in- credibly short time, but this is onlv baîf the story. Believe it or neot, yeti éan take thiýs new electric cooking unit, freeze it in. ice, plunge it red' bot in ice water, twist it, pound it with a hamminer, turn a blow torch oni it and it wiIl stili work faultlessly. 20 Years off Developmnt Work With such a Iist of accoinplish- ments one. wouldexpect the ,rew. unit to look something like an 'anvil, but it's far frorn that. In fact, it looks wor ic enWunwege <>1 neat-re- sisti g alloys and countless experi- rnenting with mantifacturing proces- ses to produce it in quantities and at prices for popular use.- IMr. and Mrs. Edwin J Felke and their son, Tomniy,,of St. Louis, spent three .days last week with the form- er's mother, Mrs. Katheri.ne Feike, 1210 Washington avenue. se. ON THE 1' *