Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Jul 1934, p. 15

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department. Mfrs. Lunde believes that the cit-, izen *s part nin education is threefold: lie is responsible through his rep- resentatives ini the legisiature for the plan of organ.ization and the niethod of financing schools andý standards of training required before* 'people nav be employéd ini the systein. Shle lias therefore divided the study pro- grain umder those. three headings: (1), organizationà; (2). finance and (31 personnel. ..Ilillnis.is mie of six states lacking1 a state departînent of, education."1 Mrs. Lunde says. -.Most of our states have fotind such a state departmient verv valuable. , Legisiatures seldomn conifer hroad discret ionary. povvers on, in(lividuals though thiey (Io îlot lies- itate to con fer themù on boards an! commissions. In Illinois, as a resulit the powers of the State Superin-1 tendett of Public instruction have! beeni so narrowVIý defined that they toinstîtute.a handicap> ta the devel- opment of a hbetter co-ordinated, school svstern. 'IThis dÛefect could bi Corrected if Illinois had a State Board ofe EMucation on whicli broader pow- ers could lie conferred and which coul(l exercise these Powers through a state superintendent of, its mvn Stiuly Sçkool Boards 'lhle composition and funictioning ai eéducation to De ceiltralized in the superintendent, elimination of school township 'trustees and treastîrers, and public éducation for aduits, includ- ing illiterates and foreign horn'. Votera' Respousibility In ýspeaking of the item aalarger School. unit, Mrs. I4unde said,'*'This means thée enlargement of areas cov- ered hy school boards, flot ne 1ces- sar.ily consolidation of, schools., The rural children are ýentitled >ta thle sanie quality of education whicb- url>an. children, get. ,And tfie, larger unit is the answer. In aur state.. where. onie school board looks after .500,000 children, it-seems absurd ta have ,1Z.084î school boards to look after the other 800,000 children.", The purpose of the Department -of Governimenit and Education of the League af. Women 'Voters. is. to corn- phasize the responisibility which rests upon voters 1ta secure and, maintain highi standards in education through saund systems, of administratio~n andI finianceý and the new stucly program under M.\rs. Lunde's direction, is buit vvith this purpose in mind. Doris Jane Frykman, daughter of. Mr. and NIrs. Conrad T. Frvkman. 10-15 Ashlaîid avenue, bas been at Long Beach, Ind~ since july 3, visit- ,school boards will be given -caretul îng lier grananlotler. JOnu u ruce thauight and, conisideration by study Fry3-kman joins his sister there Fri- grotips in this departnient. The ques-, dav. and the twa wi.ll stay five or six tioil as ta withe-state and countyl weeks. adinistrativ,,e officials should be ap-ý inder the heading aof fnance, Mrs. Lunde has group)ed five important subjects ivhicli cail for close study: (I1) budgets versuis appropriations; ----(2> how the budget is niade; (3) -so urces of revenue; (4) financial con- trat and (5) thée'relation,&f new sys- ttvms of education ta school finance. M1rs. Lunde' feels that the item on source sof revenue is a particularly 534 Etssex roaci, reniwortn, spent th week-end in Alton, 111. with 'Nr: Megowen's parents. iCOMMUNITY. fuek FIL ASAT., JULT .18-14 RALPE BELLANTr OPEN SATURDAYS Air Cooled Store 7 07 Church Street, Evariston MARTHA W'E A T HJ 5 HO0p WEATHERED MISSES S HO0P SmaiL Sfýzes e MICHIQAN AVE, COR. 0OAK

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