Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Jul 1934, p. 14

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Base bail Game Trhe Village Green. girls' basebal teain played the.Vattinan Park teai Tuesday. July 3. It was 'a close gaine aIl the way thirough. but 'Vattînan Wonl. 9 to 5. Players for Vattmia were:Vr ginia Marsh, catcher; Dorothy Davis, pitcher;, Beatrice Leal, first. base; Alice Wagner, second base; Marjorie- Hill, third base; Marcia Anderson, short, stop; Muriel Kenny, right field; Margaret Mehîlhope,. center field; Bessie Bouchikas, left field. Players. for Village Green111 were: Dorothy- Neuses, catcher; Blanche Kreusch, pitcher: Stella Koeller, first base; Helen Born, second base; Hilda, Voeller. third -base; jackie Mille r,,short stop; Mary WVoodbury, right field; Marian M1iller,. center field; Mary Ann Miller, left "field. .Miss Riggle, the girls' instruîtor at Vattinan, was the umpire.-Doro- thy Davis, Vattînan park. Completes 7-Circle Mat Besicles Pl aying Kiekball 1. have attended the park aliost every day and have already finiished a mat wbich bas seveni circles. Many chi Y ren are busv nmaking these mats and baskets. They have ianyv dif- ferent colors in theini such as red. blue, green and. brown. 1 played in the first kickball, gaine and hope to plav throughôut the entire season.- .Martha Sesterhenn, Village Green. .Village Grçen Poster Cont Slated Today Thursday. july 12 bings the pos- ter conte st. M-anv children are nîak- ing posters.. Thtree winnierso. each, group-junio rs, -interiediates, and seniors-will *be sen t to) the vil- Iage-wde poster contest. Winners of first, second and third places in the yilff*ijde, 'contest xwilI be My, but we feel sad. After aIl the planning Miss Riggfr- and the girls of Vattman had doue for a bicycle hike, it hiad to ramn., . We w'ere planning to go Thtwsda"y morn.ing, Jul0y. 5' and we . were to leave about il :30 o'clock. We wanted tuj leave earlier but we thought there would be a kickball gaine; that of coursc, was postponed' too. WXe. would have to be back by, 4 o'clock because that is the closi ng tiine for the park., "Weenies' were going to be roasted anid we:were to have cer-ý tain girls bring.extra>s ike- cake and candy. .Well, anyway, ive couldn't go and we were greatly (isaI)poiilted.ý Next week we hope to choose a îiice day to go on a hike.-Beatr ice Leal. Vatt- mani park. Boys and Girls Have Grand Time at Beach AIl boys and girls had a~ grand time Friday at the beach. Mr. Stone drove fourteen down and Mr. Mackie had a truck full. We hiad lots of fun down there in the hot sand. Mr. Stone taught some children swim- ining, We léft at 3 'clock. Threc were missing froni Mr. Stone's car, We later picked thei tup on the'%way home. But that surely was a great day at the b)each !-Jacquiel.iie M ic- helsen, Village Green. Senior Girls Enjoying 2 Uot-Weather Games The senior girls at Vattinan park- have found two gaines to play when the mnercuîsy pops up to 90 degrees. Those gaines are horseshoes and lag- en]. Every afternooni gaines in doubles and singles are played. The girlse are showing a ýgreat amount of. interest in horseshoes,: much more than in previous years.--Alice Vfag- ner, Vattman park. YES, IT RAINS PLENTY Every Thursday the Village Green, just lately 'the senior Vattrnati girls hiave been very anibitious. They have beeni looking for short plays or melo- drainas which they can put on for the m:aller children. WVé think we shaHl have lots of fun' presentinig these plaS-s., The plays5 have tiot 'yet been chosenl but- we hope to have thein readv soon.-Virgimia NI-arsh, Vattînan park. Describe Attendance Charts at Playground lu. Our shack we have four large charts, two for the,,girls. aid tw~o for the boys. These are agaiin divided, for, the juniors 'and seniors.. These charts are the attendance' records. There arc sinali sqjuares after the naies of the boys and girls. Ou the, first dav a line. is drawn froin one' cornler to the opposite corner The next day it is drawvn froin the other corners so that .ai! X is formed. If vou have an *N after your inaine, yout know yo'u have beei present for two runniing days.-Irene Boru, N'il- lage Green. Uynhappy Incident Fails' to Daunt Young Artist Al the children are making pos- ters. 1 started to make a poster and somfeonle tore rny picture ini two pieces. But Fi' going to niake . an- other one.. It is going to be about basebaîl. My poster is going to sa, "Play ball at the Park," and 1 arn going tohave a picture of a base- ball player.. I hope I will wviii ou my poster.ý-J aines Schaefifer, Vattina n park. Story Hour to Enchant .S.everal Times, a -:Week OnSaturday morning Miss Bierer read a story to the- sinali cbildren. It was, abOut the princess on the glass, hilI.' We are going 'to hav e storv hour about . three or four times a %yeek. The childr-n like to hear y. tales e. ni it is too on bot days With Devil s Food The senior girls of Vattinan park plai)ne(l to have, a'.biçycle 2hîkc july .5, but becauise of ramn it was èallcd- Because we rnissed our hiike, Vir- ginia Mar sh and Beatrice Leal off ere.d to bring the senior girls soine cake. Virginia brought devil's food, wvhile Béatrice brought gingerbread., Hap got lhold of the cake box andl gave it to oie Of the 01(1er boys. NVTe 'al got disgusted ith ýHap and finally he gave it back with the %va.1x paper stuck in the Iovely'cliocolate frosting. WXe vere ail angry at Hap. but Beatrice gave hum a of<. e gingerbreýad. >Noune of, us wvas sick the next day, so 1 guess ail the cake was -ail riglit. \Ve are sorry wve could tiot have Our hike.-MNarjorie Huil Vattînan park. Rain Enrages Girls Who Desire'to.Enjoy'Kickball \Ve were going to have a kickball gaine Thursday, juIy 5, 4t Village. Greeti. \We could not play because it started to raiti. All the children were -"iad." Miss Bierer. said wé' could play Friday but it was rain3y then too, and we wvere so ma" But I said we will hiave a gaine some day.-Florence Janaes, Village Green. Youngsters Design Many 1Posters for Big Contest. \Ve. have been mnaking posters for, the contest. ý The contest was held, July 'v12. Posters. had to be i ii, july Il. Manyv posters were finished1 and ready to enter.: Sortie of thei are a-bout the doîl show, track ,ileet, basebal, territory, and tennis., Many posters have been. entered.-Doris Wh'<ite, Vattian park. BASKET AFTER BASKET oaigtntl Viattmni "par s and Svery ornian. tthe because there are only nine prizes.- c .ket- MANY ENTER P ET SHOW Grace Engels, Village. Green. hings A lot of cbildren signed up for the aper pet show. Each child who won got we like Vattinan park !best. It's fun a ribbon. The show was held at raining now, so we cannot play.,.The man, Vattinan park.-Ma.ry, Napoli,, Vil- boys went to play bal -Bobby Bush,, lage Green. Vattnîan prk. PICNICS EACH WEDNESDAY Eitery W-ednýesday at 12' o'clocký we bave picnics. I -hope everyb 1ody will corne. L wilI be here every Wednesday too. I was flot present Wednesday of last week.ý-Loriraine Napoli, Village Green. I I

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