Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Jul 1934, p. 12

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Th~e, mutie foi- Sî,nday mning wIli b. as follows: Organ Prelude-'"Largo" (New WorId Symphony) .-ýý... Dvorak Miss Maprie Briel Ofertory Solo- "But the. Lord IsMtndfui of Hie >own", (St. Paul). Mendelssohn Min Florence Farrar Organ Postlude- Allegro Maestosol"........weàt Thehurch school bas discontinued aummer montha,'The Mè,na clasa, how- eVer, tn. meeting each Sunday moring lt9:45. The High School chapter of the Ep- wo th league, wil. i meet Sunday.evening *at 6:80 o'cbock. M. S. Harvey wili b. the speaker of the evening. The. newly elected oficers o! the High Sehool Meagne wtll be instailed by Dr. Oison Wednesday evening, July.18, at the. home 0f Zella and Jane Henderson, 1200 Greenwood avenue. A social wil foilow. A group o! thirty young people wil .,pend the week o! July 23-30 at Epworth Foret, jpworth 1 L9ue 0InstitUte a. Lake Webster, mnd. lira. Norton A. Booz and M. S. Harvey will accompany the. group. DES PLAINES CAIMP GROUNDS On Thursda.y and Friday o! tuls week, a Missionary Institut. ta beinir held at Des Plaines Camp grounds. "Japanese Women Speak" wili be reviewed by lira. Otto Nail at il a. m. At Il :40 a. m., lira. George A. Fowler wiIi give the study book, -Orientais ln Amorican Life." At 1:30 P. m. a School of Meth- oda will be held. On Thursday after- noon lira. Frank McKIbben wiil give the Inapirationai Message, and on Fni- day' afternoon this message wiii b. given by Mits Gertrude 'Clarke. Dr. John W. Langdale will preacb at the evening service on Thuraday and Friday at. 8 o'cbock. The miusic on Thursday night will b. by the Arlington Heighta Church Choir and on Yriday nigbt by the Brookfteid Church choir. "A Daughter of, the Dawn," a draina of early Méthodisin, written by Madew leine Sweeny Miler, will b. presented at, Des Plaines on Saturday night by members o! the Eu 114 Avenue Church, Oak Park. Music b> ythe. Thoburn. Church choir. iy là, b. the "Home SUNDAY sEEtvicES Early service -. .... .... 8 a. M. Siunday school .... ... 9 a. M. Second service........ la. M. The Wonian's society will held Its JuiY work meeting at the. home of Mrs. G. A. Friniand, 709 Illinols road, WilMette, Thur4daÉy afternoon, July 19, at 2 o'clock. Prof. Theodore, Seheerer, our choir- mnaster, will be lit the church on FrldaY. evening aM 7:30 to rehearse, with the soloists for the summer months. Our SUndaY, chool continues Its ful program through the summer. The pastor, the Rev. David É. Kabele, will occupy the pulpit at the two servces held . at 8 and il iVclock,, tach Sunday, throughout the aummer. 'We inîvite You to attend oiqr.eairly service before'your daya' outin. i rst 0Cngre gational johin ,Hidemntr We extenid a cordial Invitation to visitera: and strangers tu Wilimette, t« attend the union services of, the Bapti4t and Coigegational churches whloh are heid in this church during the mofitbl of July. Dr. George D). Ailison of the Baptist ehurch has charge of the serv- ices, wbich are ati11o'clock. "ýCai the Profit Motive Be super- seded ?'ý wiII be ,the theme of Dr. Mui- 8aon's sermon next Sunday, continuwig the serie.s on the generai subject of "I.,alali and the Is.sues of Our Times.,. M". Carnian Learn wiII bé the soloist uext Sunday. Foilowing le the musical program: -Organ, Prelude: -Song of Invocation- . - . . . . . . . .* ' 'Dubois Solo: -0onslder and Hear Me".-. Wooler Offertory Solo: "Judge Me, O God", .... ...Dudley Buck 0rgan Posqtlude: -ConIcert Fantasia".. .. .. .1 . .. . . ... aukea OUr' vacation ehureh sehool ineets at Il o'clock Sunday miorning for a one- hour session. Juniors and Intermediates meet with Mr. Hayes for, 'A 'Trip through Bi1ble Lanids" and the Begin- ners and- PriniarY departments with M .John D. Stevenson. st. John's Lut/zeraw, Wiimette aud Park avenues, Wilmette Rev. J. H. Gockei, pastor 9 :15 a. in.-First service. a pageant,. "A vaugnrer oîtt Dawn" by Madeleine Sweeny Miller on Saturday night, july 14, at 8 ô'elock. This pageant celebrates.wo-1 nman's part in the foundinig of the Methodist Episcopal church one hun- dred *fiftjr years ago and centers aroundBarbara Heck, pioneer Meth-, odist. woman of New York. Many Chicago women are partici-* pating in the institute.- Biblical lec- tures- are being delivered every' day at 10:20 a.m. by Dr. Clarence Tucker Craig of the Oberlin School- of The-. ology. Dr. John W. Langdale, of New YVork, book editor of the Meth- odist Episcopal church, is -the preach- er each evéning. The closing day of the Des Plai nes camp meeting, will be Sunday, July 15. The preacher, morning and eve- ning, will be Bishop.Francis J. :Mc- Conneli of New York City. Dr. H. C lifford Northcott of Chani- paign,. 1Ill., from boyhood associated. wth the Des Plaines camp meeting. will. preach at 2.i30 and will conduct the young people's service at 6:30. Music for the day will be furnished by the choirs of Willard church, Oak Park, and West Pullman church. There will also be a stringtrio from the Euclid Avenue church, Oak Park, including Edith Heller Karnes, piano, Clifton Jackson, violin, and Clifford Anderson, cello. Miss Editb Hauber wi,1 be vocal soloist. STILL ABROAD Mr. and Mrs. G. S. flollensen of 311 Fourth street, who left the first of March for Europe, have been visiting London; Sweden; Norway, and Denmark. Business activity caîl- ed Mr. Bollensen back to London, and Mrs. Bollensen continued her tour into Paris, there joininga motor. party driving through France,ý and is- niow quartered at- the palatial hotel Negresco, in Nice. on the' French Riviera. While Mr. Bollensen is in Anisterdani, Brussels, and Berlin, 'Mrs. Bollensen will return to Paris, "Problems of the modern church organist and choir director" will be the subject of an intensive five. days of study and conference at the Sum- mer Institute of. Church Music which opens Monday morni ng, July 16, at Northwestern university. The daily- classes, comme ncing1 at 8:P30 a. m., wilI be field. this year in the Gothic- chapel of the S. A. E. headquarters,. Sheridan road and Hinman avenue. Wednesday evenin g, at 8:-15, the public is invited -to join witb the institute ini. an evening of music bjr Bach, giveni by the, Chicago Bach chortus, E.* S. Seder, conductor, and, Prof., Horace Whitehouse, organist,. at St., Paul's Eiglish Lutheran church, Greenwood boulevard and, Maple'avenue, Evanston. Advance registrations -for the week already exceed'those those of a year ago when more than, two hunldred choir directorsand organists gather- ed from 26 states for the first such church. nmusic school .The reglalar summner faculty of the School of Music will be augmented by guest instructors. Horace M. Holhister, of' the Madison Avenue Presbyterian church, New York, will offer 'daily instruction and demonstration; in the field of children's choirs, while Dean .Robert G. McCutchan, Greencastle,. Ind., who is a music editor of the çoming new Metbodist hymnal, is. scheduled for daily forums in wor- ,ship and service-building. LeRoy Wetzel, Chicago, returns to the In- stitute to conduct classes in choral repertoire and interpretation. Prof. Horace Whitehouse will direct classes ini hymn interpretation and service playing. D. A., Clippinger will shov, bis approach to class voice training as applied. to ýthe, inprovement of church choirs. Arrangements are 'under the direc- tion of Prof. O., S. Beltz, assiste.d by John W,.Beattie, acting dean, George. McCIay, Harold S. Dyer -and D. Sterling Wheelwright. This special summer course was organized in 1933. as a result of requests.. grpwing out serve<i.. Our Adult Bible clans meets at 9 -45 of Albany Park. Mrs. Schupp( o'ciock to study "The Life and Lettýrs to Chicago from. Germany witl of Peter," W. invite you to jolu us, parents in 1?54, when she w« * T~ estr tllb.gia ~ b.o!yearis old. Pgriends who atteri service ln case of need. He may be the birthday party were familie reached on Phone Wilmette 3876. many early settlers of Chicago. llucera wees o n muzvwcusi~n s îrm. hem *--o- s 4 atrice . Driver, 423 Abbotsford ddroalý, Kenilworth, returned Tuesday of from Reading, Pa., where she was the guest of Alice Erdm an. girls ivere ciassmates at Vassar. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Bullinger and son. Bruce, left Monday for Harbor Springs, Mich., wbere they"will en-, ;oy a two weeks' outing.

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