Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Jul 1934, p. 11

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thie lub's first annual race week reaclied the half-way peint yesterday, with Bottoims Up from Paw Pawv lake as the strongest visiting coitenidér. The regatta, which bas~ drawn an ceitrv list of eigbteen from five-differ- euit fleets of the region, will.continue to the end of the. Nweek. Race,;s are, scheduled, for every afternocon tlirougb *Saturclay and are i)roidiig l)cal yachtsmen with. the mnost exten- sîv.e competitive prograni ever. at- teml)ted off Minmette harbor. Tomi Waage's Neo (Star No. 981) held first place for the series %vtî a total of 58 point s up to thîe heginning Of ye sterdav's lîeat. After taking second place l)ehitid S. C. Pirie,..jr.. 's (;emiiii (No. 652.) both Saturdav and \ndv Vaage skippered bis -star into first place and the series'ý leader- shilp in the tlîird race MNoniday after- n11oir.N co as across 1tbehe n'a ~oo five, minutes before lier nearest c4)Itender, Tvinkle Ditto» (No. 412, sailed" by Gordon iJones in ftle ai- seince of Mà\Ix Hayford, w~hile Ceuni -4railit(1 iii- fifth plac'e. Bottom s Up a Veteran IotisUp (No. 763), wlîich lias takentofnt n n thiid place to pl up a third place total of 52 <exclusive of- yesterday's race), lias. competed in two Great Lakes cham- * pionship regattas and. last year flne- * islued ini second or third position, Its total, still places i -t wi striking d (istanice of the leaders for the ,veek's Of the other visiting boat., the best slîioýý-ig'lbas been made by Roth's Bee (No. 255) from tlie Chicago Yacht, club, which stood fiftb up to yesterday %witb ase.venth and two sxhpiaces.- for a total of 44 points. 'jane Il (,No. 257) of. Columbia, 4;eorge Harveys star, folhowve( withî a 39 point total. * Commodore. Wesley .Bownî.a n of flic local club played into bad luck in Mýond(av's race wben bis M et, Smaick ('No. 725> was disijuahified on theport and starl)oar(l rule. The fouI * knocked1 the. Smack from third to2 eighth .place ini the series 'tandilng aiter ii had made a strong begiiningý witl third place in Satturday,'> race ~ad fifth on Sunday. Suminary of Stanudings l'ollowiiig is a stinmarv of the showving of the nine leading boats exclusive of yesterday's race.Tb '~l.Ne . 2 2 I 58ý ('l'uni Waage, She ridainl <ue 12. Gemifni 3 f (S. C. Pir$., Jr., Slie!-id;iii 8hoie> 7 61. Bottonis Up 4 4 1 52 (Stewart Bell, Ia Paw Lake) 412. Twlnkle Ditto . 6 _d 2 ý48 ( Max Il.yford ' Sheridkin Shore) 25. Bee . . 7 6 6 44 (Roth, Chieaigg? Y. C'.) 257. Jane Il .5 914 39. (George Harvey,. Coluimlia) i6. Silver, Spray . ..Il 8 8 36 (Robert Kendig, Sberidan Shore) 725. Wet Smack 3 5 Dis. 34 (Wesley, Bownian. Sheridan S1iore) 704., AlilBaba. 1214 4A 31 (Charles Knight. Sheridan Shore) A (lance in bonor of. tle visiting skippers and otiier guests will be, beld, Friday, niglit on tbe club's outdoor (lance floor at tbe. water's edge, and the race wveek will coniclude, witb a, (Iitier Saturday_ nigbt aithte club- bouse. At this time the "Sport" Her- malin tropby to the winner of the series wîll lie awarded. along with tlîe Past Conmmodores.' trophies to the %Vinniers of ecd race -and other prizes. HOMd Race Sunday \Vitlîout taking time' out to catcb their breaili the Sheridan Shore skip- pers will be out on tbe water again Sunday -afternoon for a. club race.. Tbe évent will be the flrst rave of the W bl.ite" series. This wihl be the second Sulnday seriés of the season, tlhe first.having been-woni by Neo. Two ne W boats' were adcl ed this wee k to the, Sberidan. Sbore, fleeêt, wbïcb vas already the largest in the %vorld on fresb water. Twoliewv mein- bers, L. R. c, and W\N. V. Gatbany, hiave purcbased Pegasuis (No. 80j), tbe star built by 'Steve Trumbul and saihed in the past from Chicago Yacht club. Tbe second addition to tbe fleet is Aquilla (No. $25), whicbh las just been bought by Tom Wolfe, anotber, new member. The boat bias been a part of tbe Detroit River fleet and was sbipped here on .traàiler by Mr.. j Wohfe last week.ý Chiarles Pajeau, veteirali skipper, wlîo recetitly sohd bis Wet Smack and. gave up racing 'for. good, is belp- ing -Aoctor"itheieew boatsand pre- pare tlîenvfor club conîpetition. M\rs. -F. K. Benzing, 139 Abingdon SULTAN^ BRAND Peanut -Butter a'22c , D EL MONTE- Junk.t Dessert 21-ko9 i9spinc-.. 5 TAFFY CRINKLÉ ANN PAGE Cookes *.. .. 170 Peanut Buff.r Z 9 POST S RANDMOT fR*8 Bran Flakes . 'L3% C...Bed'F 0 ANN PAGE SHREDDED G rape Jelly. "'z.10Oi Whea... 2~ 23$ SU LTA NA ANPG Qu.enOlives QT35, ork& Sean. ~5 Prue sr>.Z-,o 0% 14 cigaretes.. .100 Uneeda BWscuit2.,K,,. 9$ TSSEmio... ~ WHITE HOUSE Lglner-in-law The New 2 Why Go to Paris for the .lb. 19c IL 13c JFRESH LIMES ..... d= 17ei v Zotos? Machinees . no electricity quieker . niore comfortable . .. the last *word in permanent waving! COUD STRIEAM PInk Sal-mýon2,G23cI OLD MUNICH-LIGHT OR DARK-HOP FLAVQRED Malt .Syru. 2* ANN PAGE ârRAWBERRY. OR RPP3EROI Preserves.. 2~' 3fr LIFES.UOY OR SCAKFI; 29s Rînso . Sawyo,'. <'Oven Dat.d" 2 39$ I m

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