Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Jul 1934, p. 10

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WNi1miette. State of Illiniois, at the close~ of the 3th day of june, 1934. as mnade to the PubIlic .ceounts of the S-tate of Illinois, la . RESOURCES .. Casb, Due Frorn Baniks and Other Cash ýReSou rces- 13. S. GovrernIment Investnîients ..... Jnvestments Guaranteed hy L. S.Governïnet Other Bonds and Securities Loans on Collateral Secuiritv........ Other Loans........ Loans on Real. Estate ........ Overdrafts...... ,Other Real Estate........ .......... Banking Hlouse, Furniture and Fixtu >res Customers' Liabilitv under Letters ôof. Credit Customers' Liabilitv account of Acceptances ... Other Resoutces...... Total Resources............... LIABILITIES Capital Stock . . Income Debentures and/or Capital 'Note,, Undivided Profits (Net,) Reserv.e Accou4ts ... . .... Demand Deposits Time Deposits Due to Blanks Total of Deposits Secured by pledge of inve stments .. Not'secured by pledge ff bans and/or liîtveq.tmients Bibls. Payable.......... Re-Discounts Dividends Unpaid Lettersi of .Credii Bank Acceptances Other Liabilities.... Trota aiLiahilities......... Memorandum : Loanis and iv'stneits Pledged to Secure Liabilities: L.oans and Investnients Pledged; U. S. Govertiment Securities. ... Other Bonds, Stocks and Secuiritie-s. Loans and Discounts Tot~al. Jedge (Excbuditng iA;s'coiitsà $1,004,045.ZZ 149,4032, 388,597.45 133,694.59 10,398-M, 87,M4.81 '150,101.00 Noune Noue 61977.93 .$291 12,992.23 50,000 2,095.50 725,761.16 None 1,877,339.65 Noue Noue Noue Noue Noue Noue $2,112,992.23 m oue $5880.0 None Ngne 85,88000 i w'1sing is "On My Last Day," the Amnig the citations which i l- 1<score written by Frances Copthornie prised the lesson-sernon was the of Winnetka. with the iyric by Frain- following fromn the Bible: "O Lord, cesca Falk 'Miller of Chicago. MNrs. open thoui my lips; and my nînouth Zendt sang this same song at the shall shew forthi thy praise. For thon rtecital given for Mrs. Franklin D. desirest flot sacrifice:; else wtould' 1 Roosevelt ini the XVhite House this give it:- thou delightest ntot, in burtit spring during the convention of the offering. The sacrifices of God'are a National League 'of American Peil broken spirit: a brokenl and a con-, Wornel . trite- heart, 0 God. *thou wilt not de- Her other selections will be "Il Re spise", (Psalnxs 51 :15-47). Pastore" (Thé Shepherd King) by Th lssn-enin ls à-Mozart.- with violin obligato by cluded -the following pass ages1 from lRachel Steinman Clarke*; 'Ecstasy," the Christian Science 1textbook. yMHHA ec;"vnn, "Science and Health with .Key to the hy Henliot Levy; . La ]Plainite" b,% Scrilîtures" by Mary ýBaker Eddy:. Edwin Karku. and "Sereniade" by I ,We worship spiritually, only as w John Alden Carpenter. cease to worship materially. Spirit- HSSA OFCU ual devotnessN is the soul of Chris-T A' OF CU tla nity.. Worshipping through theé Coramý T. Davis. Jr., 132 Bertling iediuni. of inatter is paganisni. ju- lane, Winnetka, anid Robert K.:Hi1tch.- Fdaic and other rituals are but . types cock of Evaniston 'and Bar Harbor,. and shadowvs of truc worship7 (P. entertained last' Saturday evenlin.g at 140.). .- the., Illinois Country club. Theý guests. most-of whom hiad enjoyed a game of gol f inl the afternoon, ý werc .served dinnier'in' tthe dining rooni, later moiv- ing to the. Iounge .which lhad.heei. cleared for dancing. Amiong the' CelcBrundage. jerry Van.,Sinden. Miss Catherine MNuniro, Mss aro Cox, Stanley Pirie, Miss Mary M ac - f lihaltont..anidLaurenice Scott. __'onail bdisvite. NIr.- and Mrý SERWICE Evurything for Austomobiles SPECIAL OFFER Rand McNaIIy, 1934. U. S.- ROAD MAP FREE with 1 ca,' Johnson'a Auto Pol- .R(obert Sawvver. and. aatigniter. irs. R. F. Galitt. ail of TIrenton, M. have been l'isitiÎxg their cousin, Nirs. i- liant B. Montgomery, andl the Iatter's datighter, NMrs. ,Margie M. Penick. 6i09 Central avenuie. The two mçen re- turnie( to thleir hoines 1ast Stindav- b>ut their ivives and NIrs. Gantt arc reinaining tor.an etddviýsit. 1 Mrs. WliaxMu dge'-and : her' daughter. Doroth3y, of :Duluth, Minni.. arri.ed, in Keniilworth- on Juby 8. to. spend several weeks with Mfrs.. Walt-' er H. Andersen, 127 'Robsart road. Next $undayr. J. 1M. .Martin of Two Har bors. -Mi., iscoing for an e.-'lded visit with NMrs. Anider- sen. Mrs. Martin and MIrs. Ander- seit were s.chool friends Mi Two 't. and Postal utds of States, Cou $2,961.76 Wv. v.. LE, Subscrîbed anîd sworti to hefore nie titis 5th C, W (SEAI. idav of juby, 193À4. SCHAFER. DELICIOUS ICE CREAM 17e Per oc;. 33c Auditor of l)ursilant to 'r of reet. ýis to

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