Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Jul 1934, p. 6

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tne annuai convention oitté Nationl Education association. Hugh- Mottschall of 33 Crescent place blas been going to the Grant bospital in Chicago for the past three weeks for observation. Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Barton, 1,57 KýenilWorth avenue, Kenilworth,,gave abridge dinner Saturday. -,ý Lot Our EXPERT HoUp YOU With. f URNACE ... ROBLEMS a Repaira and Parts *Oau" *Ad»stmnts *Couditioned -Air *Free Estinites NOW IS THE RIGHT TIME Phone 3060 Millon Hardware Company 1219 Wihntte Aveinte Wilmette . how really delicious . . . how creamy smooth ice cream could bc until you'v. tasted Dr. Lee C. Grassie Is Take >n by Death July 9 Lee C.> Grassle D.D.S., 512 Fifth street, died, Mpnday, July 9, at st. Luke's bospital, Chicago, where lie had been a patient since last-May 24. Dr. Grassie,,who was 36 years old, came to Wilirette -in November, .1933, ,and opeined dental ýoffices at 400 Linden ave- nue. Surviving are the widow' and onie Soni, Richard,. two mionths old.. :Funeral services, in charge of the Masonic f raternity,. were held . at 2 o .clock Wi lnesday afternoon at 6905 W. Roosevelt. roid, Berwyn. Interment was in Acacia cemetery. 1Dr. drassle was a veteran of the, World war,.,and comnmituient wvas wvth military honors, that part of the service being by Wilmette, Post, No. 10, Amer- ican Legion, of 'wbich he was a mem- ber. COME FOR FAIR Mrs.,Alice Speedie and lier daugh- ters, Mercedes and Lillian, of- Win- chester, Mass, and Wilbur ýRaymon of' Boston, who motored up to see the Fair, bringing Mrs. Speedie's sister, Miss Lillian Meyers of Kenil- worth, who had been their guest since October, returned Friday, taking Mrs. Ray Kreutzer (Mary Alicë Speédie) of Evanston to spend two weeks with them at their summer home in Governor's Island, Mass. They had been the guests of Miss Meyers at 628 Abbotsford road, Kenilworth. *Mr. and Mrs. Walter Doering, 1335 Cbestnut avenue, returried last Sun-, day from a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. 'Thomas Dreyer of Glen. Wis.. at their sunimer place at Thireeè Lakes. Claire and Jack, Stewart of Mel-: bour.ne, Fia., are spending the, sum- mer with their aunt, Mrs. josephi O. Converse, 1610 Highland. avenue. the pre-school child, the neecis ofthen adolescent child, and family relation- ships. Parents anid teachers in the Chicago area will be invited to attend. Mrs. F.arlE. Graham, 2819 Iroquois road, Wilrnette, heads a large commit-. tee made up of, tep resentatives f rom nortb shore aànd 'Chicago ,parent- teacher groups, patrons of the National college and, faculty members. The fa culty group incIpudlés -Miss Edna. Dean Baker, president of the college; MissClara, Belle Baker,ý principal of the Cbildren's school; Dr. Louise. Far- well, Miss Martha D. Fink, Mrs. Vir- ginia Bjoington, Miss Miriam Bru- baker,-and1 Miss Elizabeth Spri ngstun. Mr'.Knnt . Fox, co-chairman of the Parents' counicil, and -thé, fol-ý lowing parents associated with the Children's school ýare conxmittee memi- bers : Mrs. Paul L. Fleer, Mrs. AI- ouzo. W. Peake,. Mrs. Ericsson F. Mc- Laughlin, Mrs. .LHarold Cunliff,, Mrs. Frank F. Ferry, Mrs.. Bruce K. Brown,, Mrs. Plii C. Barber., Mrs.. John L. Gardiner, and Mrs. RÉoscoe A. Page. Representatives from other parent- teacher groups wbo have been appoint- ed so f ar are:, Mrs. Guy M. -Pelton, president . of the Central Council oïl Evanston Scbool clubs ; Mrs. Alex W. Moseley of the Eý vanston Township High School association; Mrs. Gerald G. Grant, president of the Glenece P. T. A.; Mrs. R. B. DeVinny and Mrs. George A. Quinlan, president of Wilmette P. T. A. groups; Mrs. Clif- ford Hawes and Mrs. Hfarold W. Nor- man ocf Bannockburn. A meeting of the programn commit- tee is set for 4 o'clock on Thùrsday at the coillege, when further details will be decideci. IN -.1y" CAMP J. Walter Nelson,, .Jr., morc familiarly known as "Petey," who lives with 'his parents at 347 Park favenue., Glencoei has gone to Camp Echo, the Y. M. C. 'A. camp at Mus- kegon, Mich.. and Mrs. R<oss E. >Ct Park, Pa., are of Mr. Cullings' A. McI<eighan, cuIlings of guests this sister, Mrs. 1025 .Green- pri val e OIL WELL Bol> 'n' Mac MainSt. t Liden ve.Phone WiImtte 3334. ] ID Main St. at Linden Ave.

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