The Girl Scout Day camp. under the auspices of the Wiimette council. Girl Scouts of America, opens Fri- day, July .6. Ail Wilmette Girl Scouts are eligible regardless of age or Girl Scout rank,. it is explained.ý The camp-site will be, ini the Gleniview Forest Preserve. The camp sessions, will be Tuesdays a n d Fridays tbrougbout the month of Juiy. Campers wili leave, the Methodist church -at 9:-30 'o'clock an.fd will re- turn around 4 >,o'clock.. Cars will leave promptly each morning and late-comerg will. ncot be permitted to attend the camp for that day., Mrs. E., B. Cunnaingham, Wilmette 4215., is -in. charge of transportation' ar- rangements.. Muai Get' Permission. Girl Scouts who bave plot received daily permhission slips to be signed bv the parents each day are: asked to caîl for them: ,at the Girl Scout: office. These must be signed each dayý a girl attends the camp. A competent staff, including a di- rector, nature counselors, instructors in handicraft, songs, wood-craft, dra- matics, etc. will make possible a well- rounded program. Campers wiII make their owIi choice program. Only girls' physically fit will be permitted to attend these camp ses- sions. This is very important, it is, pointed out, and parents are urgently reqiaested t0 strictly adhere to this ruIe~! A person qualified to admin- ister F 1irst Aid will be on the camp- site each day. Outdoor cooking will be an im- portant part "of .the program this. year. Campers will bring their own "nosebag" lunches on Fridays, and on Tuesdays the entire camp will took out. Her own lunch and handi-1 craft materialswill bethe only ex-ý pense f0 each camper. The camp staff will inchîlde, Miss Lillie Mae Humphries, director, Mrs. E. 0. Anderson, Miss Agnes Bi&bl. Mathe* Franchi Photo W. C. Huggins, 100 Thirteciiith strret, zwill -bc indrict4rdas presi- dent of tht 14ilpictte Rotar club, at', t/ar lupiuaeommeeting of tise club !Weditresdar, Ju. l-, ,the Slaaiwe Cort-ilry chg(b. Mr. Hueg- gins succceds the Rev. Johns G. Hindley, tuho ha.s been president' of the club diiring the fiscal year whick closed Jate 30. Other off j- cers of the club to be installed ôn Jaly il are R. L. F. Bieserneier, qicr-presidejit; W. D. Leary, treas- tirer; Danaiel M. Davis, secretary, aid Harold Hamrnonid, sergeant- at-canPs. At the present time he is negotiat- ing with the International Table Tennis l7ederation, for an American barnstorming tour next season of the world's champion table tennis play- ers. Plans caîl for a series of matches in ,the principal cities, between al- star tearns repres enting Europe and the U. S. The invaders, -composed of world's chamipions, wili be pitted against -a colorful group of. Amer- iica's ouptstanding exponen ts of 'the gamne. Mr. Clark wii have charge of ,the tour. The following residents of Chica- go's north shore suburbs were honor- ed. in being1 elected f0 positions of honor ini 'the: Illinois Table tennis association:. Robert E. 'Clark, of Highland Park, vice-president of the' U. S. T. T. Ai, representing Illinois; Dougaîl Kittermaster. of Highland Park, vice-president of the ITTA; Carlton Prouty of Winnetka a direc- tor of the ITTA, Rueben Northquist of Wilmette was also elected a direc- tor of' the 111 , T.T* A., Reginaid ýG. Hanimond of Highland Park was appoited chairman of the national ranking committee. Ping-Pong and table tennis groups have agreed that two associations each sponsoring the same gaine is detrimental to the best interests of the game and have, joined hands in one nationwide association known as the U. S. Table Tennis Association. Delay in placing in operation thse automnatic electric gates at thse WiI- mette and Central avenue crossings of the Chicago, North Shore and~ Milwau-kee railroad was evplained by company officiaIs this, week, who. stated that the gates would be in operation about July, 25. Acontract was signed by the al road company with the.Public Serv- ice Company. of Illinois Satulrday for thse provision of a. dual source of Power for. the gates which, wilIl in sure uninterrupted operation in the event' one source is accidentally cut, off, it was explained. To instaîIl the dual systemi addition- ai material will be necessary and de- livéry of this material is expected by july 15. To complet e the, installation will then require about ten days, - it ttas Pointed out. The gates will give triple protec- tion for both motorists and pedestri- ans. The latest thing in modern grade crossing devices, thse new gates pro- vide maximum protection' 24 hours a day under ail weather conditions. They are gravity-operated on 'con- pletion of a track circuit by an ap. proachingý train, and the time length of the circuit may be adjusted to' meet the traffic needs of any par-. ticular crossing. U»s wing.. Aoc' ator Homer Bone of Washington and avienue, Chicago, sultereci cuts andi pos- Ilasbang tron tie moment a train. Mrs. Bone. Tbey visited the Century sible internai injuries wben 'a new carý enters the circuit. The barrier arus of Progreis, the out-of-town guests wbich be was driving was demolished are constructed so that, if struck by especialiy being greatly impressed by by a southbund North Shore train 1 an automobile when lowered, theje the color and lighting as viewed' from at Ricbmond road near Melroseavenue. wili swing f0 one side 'with the imu the coast guard cutter provided for Kenilworth, Tuesday. evening. at 6 :30 pact and then retlurn to their proper themu and .their bost. and bostess by o'clock. Gross was takent to the Evanb- position across the road. Anthony Czarneclci, former collector ton bospif aI by KeniIworth police offi-' With the compîction of, thse WUI of the port of Chicago. Senator Bone,, cers. mette installation, automatic electrie Who bas been appointed to serve on gates will be in operation at 49 grade the president's committee to investigate ' rossings on the North Shore lisse, Mrs. Kay Mill avenue, and Mi Wagner and fa ton avenue, left a.month's outini mer cottage at. not lei your ad- lwlp .you. Jusf ceau ay morning for vïauage. i Te wIIrs ou i u fr. Miller's sum- on which these weeds are tska, ,Mich. I[are urged to destroy them.: WiIm.ffe 4300I Imade several attempts ati IKenilworth and Wilmette, bas not been apprehended. y. j'A mn has ery in $0 far