Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Jul 1934, p. 1

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LEVY ý BY R. H. Kerer Is Ap ointe lr Pro Tem at Tuesday Session of Village 'Board The Village board met in regular. session at the Village hall Tuesday evening, the passing of the tax levy ordinance being the nxost 'important order of business. At the opening of the 'meeting President C. P. Dubbs announced that the Village clerk, Nicholas P. M iller, is too iii to attend to bis duties, being now absent, from the village in. search of bealth in north- ern 'Michigan. He therefore sug- gested that E. H-. Kerr, Village col- lector. be appointed Village:' clerk pro tem, witb full powver to sign legal- papets, checks, tax anticipation war- rants. etc. The board se ordered. $196,03815 LA-vy The tâx -levy -ordinance was taken u p for consideration, being presented by Trustee Kinne, 'chairman of the, judiciar) coinmittee.- The ordinance. which was adopted, calîs for a levy of -$196,038.85, the total appropria- tion. for ail purposes being $331,071A8. The difference is secured by othe-. mneans, license fees, fines, etc. James A. Hamilton, appeared be- to hý secoi nloor ot Elmwood avenue, so it could, be rented as an apartment. It had becu soý used at one time, but the nieters were removed' some two years ago. The, request ,was taken, under --on-, sideration. Mn.' Hamiilton. stated that he bad signed, a contract to purchase, the property. The corporate. payroll for the montb of June was presented and ordered paid. The figure for the first haif of the month was $48211.12, atnd for the second half $4854.24. A ut ho rities Say' Taxing' bodies of New Trier town- sbip are giving expression to renewed confidence in, the. future because. of the 'decided improvemnent in tax collections which bave: been in, evi- dence recently. Not only is this im- provement noticeable' in relation to tbe. back, taxes now1 under collection, but as pertaining to'ail taxes up to tbe last half of 1932. From a source that bas always proved reliable, it is learned. that many property owners of the. town-, ship'who have withheldl payment for one reason or another, mostly bie- cause of dissatisfacti.on with the as- sessmients, areflot only making pay- rmnts on tbeir old bills, but are. seek- ing information as4,o the total due on, their properties uP tô and i nclud- ing 1932. This is unquestionably due to the 15 per cent reduction and the iower ,.aluations -now in effect. But what- ever the cause may be, the effect upon the. taxing bodies is. beneficial, for it sbows, that the "jam" wbich has beld back revenues bas at last been broken, and gives hope that f unds will now flow into the local treasuries.in an uninterrupted stream. Relief of tbe financial strain wbich, has been -so long felt by the school boards aMt other governmental units will have 'its effect upon the entire will be at- hand. Something like normialcy will soon be attained if ail property owners will1 fail in line .and pay their taxes up to the hast instalmtent of 11932.. Suffers Leg Fracture in Freak Garage Crash The train dispatcher at the "L" terminal notified the police Friday to Defend Constitution p .1 Robbed at Theatter; House Burglarized Witinii a week after lie had been held up in the lobbiy of a théïater1 in Chicago, Val Smith, '1309 Cbestniut avenue, Wilniette, found. that« bis home had been burgbarizecl. The house' burglary occurred early Suh- day morning, June ,24, about' 12:-30 o'clock, *hile Mr. and Mrs. -Smnitbh were1 away. Whfen tbey arrived borne in their car, tbey noticed another macbine slowly pull away fromn in fotof their garage. Kenilworth Beach' Attendance 5,131 Total attendance for the season at the Kenilworth beach had reached 5,131 by Monday of this week. The beach, whichis located at the foot 'of Kenilworth avenue adjacent to thle, Kenilwortb ;municipal water plant, opened on Saturday, June 16. It is operated hy the Village of Kenil-> wortb. The large.st single day's atteind- ance thus far this season, 654, wasÉ recorded last Thursday.. T e ach is open froni 9 o'clolk'in the morning until the same houn at nigbt. Two if e guards are on duty. Muskie Is Evidence of ýFishing Excursion, mette avenue, bas given evidence that he is accumulating more than a coat of tan while engaged on a fisbiffg ex- Fred H. Schmidt Makes, Stiru, ring Appeal 'eOre lWilm eftt League; Plon Campaigi An urgent cail to the y outb of Wilmette, boys and girls of the age of 15 years and- older, te rally to the defense of -American' principles and constitutional, representative goveru-' ment, was issned Monday night by the .Wilmette League for Defense cf Constitutional Gévernmnent, at a meeting held. in the Village hall. Believing that present trends. in the nation al governmnent are, sub- versive of the ideas and ideals of- the signers of- the declaration cf inde- pendence and the. framers of the constitution, and that those trends offer an - imminent anfd dangero threat to the liberties which have been banded down to the present generaton, Fred H. Schmidt, 827 Elmwood avenue, declared that the younger elements of the citzenship must be educated in the value of those iberties and wbat their sur- render means to tbemselves and to future generations. SesResmrambility "We are the ones,", said Mr. standard of Ii~fig that is sure to corne froni government control and operation of all industry and agri- culture. Therefore, it is up to us to> inforni ourselves as to the intentand portent of the legislative and ad- fhinistrative departments of Our gov- erment which have caused. such wide spread alanm concerning thé safety of ourý free institutions! A cornmittee consisting of Mr. Schimidt and Charles L. Drake, 1521 Lake avenue, was appointed to per- be able to do any ordinai cluding police service.î had aready been orderct dent Dubbs. si- TootWl coacb , was ýce. Note: Economy shop lis conducted bY tbe Woman's Clu4b of Wilmette, avenu e.

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