Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Jul 1934, p. 24

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Wedding on June 30 The charm of simplicity quite in keeping, wih a night in early summ1er stole into.St. Augus- tine's Episcopal, church last Sat- urday' evening, for the ýcandie- ligbî, wedding of Miss Florence Bransan and William Jarvie Wrorcester of Montclair, N. J. Dr. Hubert Carleton read the service at 8:30 o'clock. The altar vases held white peanies and twa siender wraught iron stand- ards were filled withtbern. Palms. and ferns gave contrast. Many can-, dies gleamned, along -the aisle- and at the altar, and two eight-brancb cand-. elabra bearig their càndies: high abave the near-by ,palms .farined a broken arch of light. under which the wedding Party entered the chancel. Lace from her mather's wedding dress was fitted closely aver the bride's haîr ta farm a cap to wbicb we re attached the shart tulle veil warn over ber face and a long veil, ai the same material whicb extended the length af the train. A chin- strap of tulle held it in place. Her dress wvas af white waffle crepe of delicate weave, fashioned simply, a amali monk callar softenîng its neck- line. Tight fitting sleeves ended ini Gardenias were madee mta a sneat bouquet with its in-set spray af deli- cate orcbids whicb she wore later with her gaing.,awaày ensemble ai brown. With' ber dress, ai ýturquoise blue lace with its'becoming coîrar stiffened ta make a ruiff at* the back., Miss *Dorcas Branson, ber, sister's only at- tendant, carried a sheaf bouquet af, talisman and pale yellow rases, and ware a band ai them in ber hair. Mrs. Branson was in pale archid chif- ian witb a sash of deep archid, and orchids' ecged the front of ber square- neËk wawn. The executive committee for thi Woman's College board at A Cen- tury of Progress announces the fol- lowing hostesses ta serve this week end and next week: July 6, Wells day, Miss Julia Mar- tin and Mise Alice Barler. July 7, Western day, Miss. Mary Goldecke, Mrs. F. K. Newton of Glencae, Mrs. W. C. Perry, and Mes 0. B. Farr. july 8, Barnard and Connecticut, Miss Sue Osmotherly, Mrs. John H Caver, Miss Catherine Brennan, an Miss Darothy Johnson, July 9,* Bryn Mawr. day. July 10, Elmira, Mrs. George Haucher, Miss- Fannje Merritt, Mrs. %V. Burr Henion, and, Mrs. Schuyler C. Brandt. July il,, Gaucher, Miss Miriam Flexner, Mrs. Douglas Maples, Mrs. S1tephen V. Balderston,. and, Miss Helen Little. July 12, Lake'Erie and Millîs, Miss Rufth Steele and Mes. William Ba- cbek. July 13, Milwaukee-Downer, Miss Elizabeth O'Cannor, Miss Clarmarie White, Miss Mary Burnbam. and Miss Irma Hug. Stantcrn Wilhite photo A IaflsOwad statelY' bride' zt'qsi Miss Florence Bra,,soa,, dai.g- ter oif thé, Poster Bransons of [Fil- mette, i/'oi the occasion of her mawrriage to an casterner. William Jarvie iorcester, Sattirda.%- 'veil- ins. lunne 30. Bride and Groom Enferfain Mr. and Mrs. Carl Freshwater, (Margaret Fitch) of New York, who are visiting, Mrs, Freshwater's par- ents, Mir. and Mrs. W. B. Fitch,ý 416 Cumnor road, Kenilworth, entertain- ed at a buffet supper at the Fitch home Wednesday. A splash party followed at the home of Mr.,and Mrs. Thomas MicKearnan ini Winnetka. Lunche'on Bridge for Woman's Club Mrs. James C. Crossley and lier committee are completing plans for the luncheoti bridge to be held at tlie Waman's club an Wednesd4y, July IL. The club will be attractively dec- arated andI dainty prizes are waiting. ta be won by the lucky players- at the bridge tables. Tickets may be secured froni Mrs. Rodney N. Perrill, and it. is advis- able ta reserve tables in advance through Mrs. John Camelon, and Mrs. F. E. Parry. ý A delightful luncheon will be served under the direction af Mrs. Carl J. Nylund. These summer parties are span- sored by the ways and meanis com- mittee and members and friends. are cotr4ially invited ta -came and bring their guests.-L. M, C. e v f SaiI for Bermuda on Wedding Trip M.and Mrs., Pierre Bous- .-aren (Chloe Watson) saile d this week 1o sjend their honeymoon in 'Bermiuda, after whicb they wJill be at homle for the suimmer at the, CQrnelius B.,WTat son house, 700 Ardslevy road. Wb*n- iietka. Their wcdding took. place -late Sat- urday afternaon in the Watsans' gardens, before a scre.en ai. arbor vitae and hucklebetry. which was 5.flanked on eéither side witb . a, tali rwhite vase af white lilies and white peonies. The bridegroomn's uncle., the nRev. Timothy Boauscar en, a member 5of the facultyv at Mundelein.college. s r ead the service.,, S M rs. Watson's ivory satin wedding gown, mnade with a lae-panelled court train, was worn by ber daugh- Ster, wit.h a tulle veil falling fram a coranet of lace. Lilies af the valley,; and gardenias were the -bride's flow- t'rs. Her miaid afi hanar, Miss Evelvin Bauscaren. a sister of the bride- groom, ware a frack af peacb or- ganza, with pleating around tbe hem and shaulders. She and tbe eight hridesmaids carried white bauquet, of larkst»ur, rases, and sweet peas. The bridesmaids were in, green dot- ted swiss. They were Miss Harriet l 'ilden and Miss Margaret HamilI of Winnetka; Miss Grace F'îtzmorris of Chicago, Miss Anita Tompkins. ai MÇew York, Miss Katherine Winer af Germantown, Pa., Miss Virginia. De- Xilbiss aif Toledo, Miss Dorathy -Gaepel ai Greenwich, and Miss Eliza- bhb Bus.hnell .aifNew' Haven. Henri Bouscaren, ont ai the sans ai the. L H. G. Bouscarens oai 646 Prospect avenue, was bis brother's best man. The eight ushers were Cornelius' Watson, J.r., MacMillan Robinson, Hughes Dallas and Rod- eric< Blackhurst ai New Yark. Theadore and John Bersbach, joseph Uiblein af Milwaukee, and Dr. Hu- bert Heublein af Chicago. ýy after the service. Summer ers lent soit color ta the bouse the porch, where the.punch bawl placed. Antique silver candle- ks witli their tapers, flawers $med ina law bawland,.the,.bride's af West k'alm 1:eâ Burbank and ber Palo Alto, Cal.3 Mrs. Neeper, oai« Mrs. Ross Baird, Galesburg, I111. angnart, Hostest a+ Mount Vernon Q. C~ain s, Jesse Mrs. David R. DeCamp ai Kenil- ancy, ot worth, member ai the Sicokie Valley mother, chapter af the D. A. R., served as fEo., and hastess at Maunt Vernan ini the Col- us near onial village at A Century ai ýPro- gress Wednesday ai last week. Bfr+hday Party SalIy'Brown, daughter ai the Har- ald L. l3rowns, 1229 Lake avenue, celebrated ber sixth birthday. last Manday aiternoon at a party. for. eight smailî, iiends.

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