91 . 1AoltpbUffe EN4TRAL 3 35 5 SSaChîwreONS $2 PER YEAR SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS All communications and' contributions intended for publi- ettion muet bear the nane -and addreis of the author, flot necessarily for publication, but for Ourifiliet. Such mnatèriai -muet reach ie, editorby Truesday noon ta bLeintuimi.e for the currçut issue. FUTURE 0F THE.SKOKIE It, is seldom that a. question of. such. far-reaching. importance 'presents itself to the residents of New Trier villages for definlite and -vise. settie- Ment as the one which now confronts il in regard to adjacent forest preserves-wlîat is to lie the future of the Skokie Valley? tJpon the wisdom Of the determination Of that problem, conceivably ïï rests-the pleasure, health and contentment not only of present citizens, but of geýnerations to corne. The question arose with the inauguration by the, government of th e vast proect of drainage no w inl process, which conteniplates tbe transformation of. the marshy district into a beau t~y spot, featured by lagoons, parking and reforesta 'tion. It bas grown in importan&e as the work bas gone for- ward and as officials and citizens alike have lie- come more familiar with the plans o f the engi- neers iii charge. * tbas been emphasized that when the project, is completed it will afford ideal facilities for phy- sical itoprovement through outdoor pastimres. The lagoons are to be used for ,boating in summer, skating and other ice pleasures in winter.--Bridle paths for horseback'riding are contempiated. Hik- ers are. to* find the région especially attractive. * While ail these préparations for public enjoy- ment of 'the Skokie are desirable, fears -have arisen ~thal the région will be so' largely utilized, by picnickers and devotees of sports that it will become impracticable for a larger and better purpose-the preservation ofwild bird and animal, life within its confines. Other sections, of the', north shore oiTer opportunity for indulgence in. ouitdoor sports-only the Skokie provides attrac-. tive surrounidings for. wild things. It is encouraging to note that the North. Shore DititPlanning commission has interested -itself ini securing from the Board of County commis- sioners a dedication of the 'region as a "gaine preserve'. and "wild life sanctuary." The Wilmette bAY Into thedram'a 'O! arly}t1 ouioar bs tory. S I was a knlfe, 'ordered by' George Wasbing- ton'e niother for lier youthfui son. in ber iist to her 'London agent, the item was covered by the words, 'a gôod 'pocket-knife for a boy.' The ar- ticle was of unusua! significance, as Rt wa" ln- teflded to be a token -of affection.'foliowing. a' tenue difference 'of opinion between theni. .'The -boy had, a short time.bef ore the orderiig. of, the -glft, been. offered a commission as mid- shipmfan in the British> Navy and& 'full of theý en3thusiasmn and hope of adventur'e which the ~~iÔYhseof such a, position stirred Rn hlm, had eagerly, accepted, prOvRded' he couid obtain bis mother's consent ",The consent was flot granted; for. was a' seodand more urgent appeai more successful. =eorge thereupon, -ln obedience ta b er decIsion, relinquished whatlie thought wae hie great chance for adventure and preferment. "1118 mother, consclous. of the wounid Rnfiicted, ordered- the modeet peace offering, as a symbol 0of affection and R n appréciation of bis wiiiingness. ta SUbmit, himeif ta.,the dictates of. those of maturer Judgment. In giving Rt ta him, she ex-, pressed ail this, simpiy, Rn the word: 'Awayé obey you supenlars.' '*The iSomewhat- didactic admonition took on More and more va&iue Rn bis eYes as 'foijowing, years conivinèed hlm. of the grave error he would .have made had heý foliawedl hie youthfui imulse. As a continuai r&minhder Of this hé aiways car- ried the knife in.hie pocket. ."He expli md the Incident connected with, it to G~eeml Knox oe a ky duing the ~tragic wintcr With the etarving army at Valley Forge-eýn Incident which Knox reernbercd and later used wlth great effect. ,"I>Urlng this wintcr Cong-rese failcd absoiiîtely toprovide for the. sustenance of the troope.. Washington's oft-repeated alpceals for mnoney to feed and elothe the foriorn soldiers met with no reSPOnse. Désertions wcre rife. Officers resighed. At length the Géneral, driven ta despair, in a moment of anger and supreme dieappointrnent, Wrotc Out hie resignation. Asembiing the otUicers of is staff, ho read this document ta them, stat- ingt that lie was convinced th.t lie muet relin- quicli the responsibiiity ho feit hlicocuid no longer bear with the inadequate assistance he wae then. receiving "f was Rn the rnldst of reiterating that lie conld flot be' swerved from his intention 'whlen 'Knox &rose. 10 General,' observed be, 'have you forgotten your poçket-knifc?' -Washington, surpried and taken aback by this strange reference, s0 Irrelevant ta the course of thù proccedinge, turned bis grave glance upon the ýýoffcer. 'What do you mean?' lic.aeked. " 'Did You flot,' continucd Knox, Ireccivc tliat knife with the admonition aiwaye ta nbey 'your .9uperlore? Have you not Rn thé. present Insta-nce been ordcred by Ciongreee ,t0 command thie a:riy? And le it not truc that Congrese lias hlot yet ordered you ta rlinqujeh thie commandv' , Washington, 'for, a.Mment, qtood torh by strong conflictlng cmnotions--betwcèn the desire ta folaw the course that non-coo>peration bad seemingly forced upon hlm, and the appeal or hie niather's worde prophetically eouinding at this. secondt crucil moment of bfis life. At lcngth. without a furthcr word, ho reached for bfis letter of 'reeignation and tore Rt 'pp', flevot ion. to duty and obedience to superiors are the outstanding lessons of the above incidents that 4liould hlot lie forgotten, espeeially by the young. big city to the south Friclay, and did not know a tbing about that strange, 'but interesting, wed- ding at the fair, whicb turned out to be a fake. But the view of nature in ail hier entrancing beautv was.no fake. And we 'missed if. Guess who gets it in. the neck in that, littie mat-. ter of a raise of 25 cents Per 100 pounds tonilk consumers? Sure. The retail price is now, 10 cents per quart. The opening of the new Zoological gardens at Brookfieid Sunday was: an event of interest to al of Cook coulity, and will become increasingly s o to the state and, nation. If condu cted upon the. ideals of. its, founders, ýwbo envisioned a zoo that in siz n point of attractions would surpass any oth.er 'in the country. whule - marking an entirely new de- parture in the mannerof con- N fining animais, to captivity, it will justify the efforts and in- ves-trnent, which it'represents. It is sincerely, to be hoped that its management and con- trol wil not, be. given over to politics- A doukey and an ele- phiant are two animais that the zoo does tiot lieed. NIr, John Dillinger, prominent Americani citizen recentiv reported dead, suddenly -appeared in South Beîid. mnd., Friday, and ins isted that theý report %vas -greatly exaggerate'd. However, in order that the story miight not lie entirely.spoiled, lie supplied a substitute dead mnan- in the person of a policemnan who interfered with the amnia ble bandit in extracting $30),00 fronv a bank. Trhe, Cook county, assessor. states thait the 'real estate assessmenits.'for .the year 1932 average 49 per cen1t. loyver. than, for, 1930. Such neWs. is con- duci'e to; a perf ectienjoyment of a quiet Sabbath. O.for the happv', care-free life of a farmer! Even ýthe mnortgage on the old place does not, need to worry him any mnore. The president bias' an- nounced his approval of the Frazier-Lemke bill, under which, if you happen fo hoid a mortgage on a' fanm, the farner can thumib bis nose 'at- you and tell you to 'go somne place.' Ali has to do is to apply to the courts fo~r a scaiing down of the delit, reduce the 'interest rate on tl h nlanre. ~a attained, and it is not influence and pressure v bear. A united and aî operating with official succe'ss. ivable tnat miucn to ie' brought to citizenship, co- ýhould meet with The spirit of Joan of'Arc is' stili niarching. A parade under ber banner in Paris recently by young Fascists brought on a grand fight. Mn. Hitler bas been giving tbhe people of Ger- nlany an example of just how firm a dictator can lie when bhe gets riglit down to serious dictating. Tax HN0 ROT3 i