Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Jun 1934, p. 52

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.e Ba.nk B ilDeadline for Insertions -ceptedup toTuenday 9 M.fo IlWILMETTE LIFE, or - 11 -tiiree papers; 1Wednesday 9 P. M. for IlWINNETKA. TALJK. and Thurtuday - P. ML for, GLENCOE NLIWI. flTlpoes:- Wllmette 4300. Wlnnotka 2000 (Wlnoetka 500 efter 6 P. IL), Greeneaf 4306 or Sheldrakeç 1216-121t., ILOST AND FOUND LOST SUNDAY. JUNE -17, ON LINDEN St.,, Winnetka-male Boston terrier, waii-eyed. Reward. Phone Winnetka 1842. .3L-Itp) LOST - BILL FOLU COTAI[N tickets and miemoranidums. ReWard. Affleck,'800 Humboldt, Wlnnetka. Phone Wi nnetka 811. 348-1tn LOS -DOG, LliGHT TAN, LONG hair, Sheep Colie type. Orphans o! ,he Stormi colar. Phone Wilniette 1915. LOST-VER Y LARGE OLP 9'AWN Y, airedale. Answers to naine of Tibbie. Reward. Phone Winnetka 2030. LOST- SMALL WHITýE AND TlAN dog. Reëèntly sheared. Naine 'll. Phone G-lencoe 817. 3LTN-ltv ANTIQUES CLOSING OUT SALE GENUINE AN- tiqUes, 75 to 2,000 years old. Prints;, mosalca;. Swlss carvings, Ivory and wood; hand colored prints; Swords;, platols. Maynard, 1048 Gage St. Ph. Wlnnetka 236.7L-t BUILDING AND CONTRACTING_ CEMENT CONTRACTOR' Ail kinds of cernent and brick work Leaky basements repaired JOSEPH KNEIP 1714 Washington Ave. Wi)me-tte 2618 15LTN6-4tlî THOMAS I\EYER MASON, STONE anid CEMENT WORK WILMETTE 1778 15LTN48-13tp 1USIESSSERVICE CARPENTER WORK ESTIMÂTES FURNISHEDi WINNTI<A3681. 16LTN8-ltp Rats, Roaches,' Etc. P. J. UEDELHOFEN, EXNTERMI1NAT- ing engineer. Ph. Wiiniettc 3867. 16LTN17-tfc- INSTrRUCTsON BEACH PLAY CLASS 5 iiorliiig.4 a week from 9 to 12. Tra ii41por'tatio i pruvded. $2 al week. ýWINNET,"KA 669.. SOLTN8-îtî REMÉDIAL TUTORtINGBY EXPERI- enced teacher. !Eiementary and' HIgh Behoolpupla brought. Upto grade, and taught how to studyÎ. ,Phone Wlnnetka 3303. 30LTN6-4tp LAUNDRY Rou'gh Dry and Wet Wash, SPECIAL PICE ON FAlILY FIN- i.,'h. Pýhonie Wiiniette 3687.' WA1'TI~tl- LtN4 T T TAK-E1 houle. Will cati f,>I and delivet'. (ood N. S. refs. P'hone Wilinette 1739. WANTEI) - WASHING AND IlION- in.Take home or out.. Willical! and deliver~ . Phone Willmette 4808. 34LTN8-Itp MASSAGE ÏEECTRIC CABINET BATH, COM%- plete scientific massage, ultra violet and infra red iamp. Speciai sumrner offer, 4 treatments for $5. 627 Grove S t. Phone Greenleaf 1642. 38LTN7-tfp MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS BALDWIN GIRAND PIANO 3. years old, Mahiogtny case, must si Original cost $1,400. 4826 Sheridan Rd., Chicago. Phone Longbeich '767:1. - 40LTNS-ti) PAINTING AND DECORATING CEILINGS CALC., $1 UP Outside wind. ptd. 50c. Any other dec- opratîng or painting. very reas. XVIII pay ' yon to do it now. Best refs. Lake- side Dtcorators, Wili.1ette 5034 or Wifl- nta2511. *42LTN8-ltp PAINTING - -- PA PERHUANGING DECORATING Work guaranteed. Winnetka 3328 ____* *42LTNS-lltgc WE TAKE PLEASURE IN ANN.-OUNC- ing the opeing of a bran,éh office lo- cated at 109 E. OakSt., Chicago . Phone Superior-6608. Specializing in the pice- menit of -reliable doînei4tic hellp. M11S. R. M. I:ARRý, of,'itir dfvwnti(wni*.otfie. a id MRS. LOTTIE YOCOM, frel of Yoconi's Emp. Ser-vice, Miaili Beach, Mloi,,ida, .wilI be happy to serve their iaiNy ftriendsat their new 'lotioni 'S-H-N-Y EMPE. AGENCY 14- W. WaAhington St.. Central 9800 6$LTN-lte COM PETENT1HELP No NOCARGE PTo EMPLOYER Efficient Service for North Shore Home WE INVESTIGATE. REFERENCES WE ARE THE ORIGINAL Pauline' s Enip.. Agency W MTE2.171 ' -fourth ind Linden Opposite "L Ter-. 68LTN47-tfC EX PERIENCED HELP WE SPECIALIZE IN HIGH GRADE domestic heip, ail nationalities. No charge to employers. References Investi- gated. Under State supervision. Reinhart's Empi. Agency 748 Elm St. Winnetka 3399 _________________ ___68LTN25-tfc WHIITE WýM A N WISI 1ES DA Y W0RK of atiy kinid. Experienced onii hirts. $3 per da.. Also catering 50,(-ai) hour. l1Zefs. furn. Ph. W'ilntte '1-3 68 LTN >- 1tf EXPEIZIENCED COLORED M A 1I1D wishes genierai housewoi'k. Ilesi of Wiinetka ref. Cail at 2211 Foster* St.;, Evanston, or phonie Davis 8340. WOBK Wnid, $2.75 A DýAV. * -fighiest references furniished. * Wininetka 2185. BOHEM'AIAN GEjRMAN MAID WISHI- es genieral housework. Thoroughly expeien~'d .9S ref. $15 iveek. Phone- Wilniette 2995. 6LN-t HIOR1 SCJ-OOL GIRL WANTPS WORK taking caýtre -of ehidren or generai liouseéwo-k., Phone Keniiwoérth 2246. ___________68LTN8.-1tI> EX>ýPERLIENCED OFFICE WOUKERl and bookkeelier wishes part or ful tillie. Phone Wilmette 3661. A. Il dornestie positions NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYERS 70LTNI -tf(c CAPABLE HELP Experlenced and iniexpeurienced indersniEmil Agencý 851 Oak Street Winnetka 42'ý 701LTN-1 lté HIEL.PWANTrED-FÉMALE PAUJ4INEZS I (IOOD POSITIONS AVAILAB.E IN NORTH SHORE. HOMES. REGISTER NW WAGEÉS$8 TO $1-1. COUPLES $75 TO $125. Foi -th k- Linden opp>~. IL" Ter' 1 Il k. îIn(len. Sta. N, S.Li. 20 Gi k1 S POUR ATr $ 12. EI(.-T 'AT.$ 10.: TEIS$"7 TO' $10. 2 ('OOKS, $18 TO $-)0. 2 SECONDS, $1_, H1AROLI) Eý. ALSUI>1, Mgr. OserXVttgree's ilighiand 1Park 2'5'ffi SA 14EiS l' ADI)ES 1 X '7ISIVE TE 11I11UT4 ý1 IlY v. e E1t n1iaknlt. Interview grantel 1 to 12 A, 1. R40 Oenter S.W"ntk 71 Ul'r WE CAN ['SI'A LL <)F TIIF M S tic le (dpwe ean get. 4Good Sa Iaie'4. i-l--, 4w.w "Washington si. <'e- tral 9800 or 109 E. Oatk St, Su;îerior 660>e: NURSE RY-GOVERN ESS, YOUNG, RE- * fined, for 2 children of school age. En- tire charge. Permanent work. Chris- tian Scientist preferred. Write A-97 Box 40, Wiimlette, 111. '*71I8-tp) COMPETENT WHITE HELP WANTED with good referenes. Appiy iln person. ALL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE .963 Vernon Ave. Gieticoe 251. 71LTN13-tfo WHITE GIRL ,FOR, GEN E R A L housework, 2 ln famiiy. $10, Week. Stay on. place. Capable of nianaging homne. 841. Foxdaie, Winnetka 3469. 71L8-ti), WANTEL) - LDERLY WO0MAN 'l'O do houiseéork ini good home. Plione Wîlinette 38j133after ( 6 1..M. 24LI;N6-4tp CHAUFFEUR, .Hg IORC1NTYPE WUITrRS gardener. Steady wo INSRUCIONFOR SALE - PORTABLE CORONA N. S. refs. Phono 'W T U T O R I N G B Y EXPERIENCED rebulît typewriter. New mechanisin teacher specilizing ln gradee one to and aIl worn parts replaced. Price EXPERIENCED CHAI sixt. Reasonabi'e rates. Phono Wiimette $19.50,.orjginaiiy $60. Ph. Wilrnette 782.1 ener and housemnan. 318.30LT8-îtp 57LTN8-ltp 'Phono WilMette 4797, AND EXP. ANS day. Go -lp Lindgi 7cs 99 Me ist. ItaflhlUl . Aigency years WInn. 1047 73LTN1-tfe ý 1

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