Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Jun 1934, p. 23

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VYIAfwin are asiçeVj uy every R~o- t ary club such as "Who Should Be *Rotarians? Why?" "Should Rotary, be reorganized?" "What is Rotary 1 .or, anyway ?"-etc. There are niany questions of immediate interest ait- s wered. Some of the subjects discussed by the comniittee are. the origin and 'rowth of Chicago Rotary, its p er- soi ieI' and. 'the, appeal of, Rotary, the purposes of. Rotary, 'the prob- inn o embership, business leader-, ship, civic Ieadership and world-, citi7ens.hip. There are numerous maps and[ graphs and other illustrations. Trhe Survey committ 1ee recommends that the Rotary club of Chicago take a inuch more active interest i po- litical and governmental questions * than it has doule ini the past, and also that it.: seck out nlew opportunities or service in the social field. The conirnittee .is .of the opinion that, the programs' of the Chicago Rotary hâve beeny excellent. The strengtil * of Rotary lies Iii its senvice, a;id whleiî that becomies subordinate one of the greatest puirposes of Rotarv .is IPst, the, comniittee believes. Members of Committee 1hie'. Survev ,cotimittee wvas coin- posed of Louis . BrownIow, Frank Býanc. Cýarl F. Huth, Frederick L Schumnan, Charleq E. Merriam, Don- -aýld Siesinger, and Charles- S. Asclier. G.eorge L. Treadwiell, of W\'innetka, cecretarv of the Rotarv club of Chi- cago, writes the following about * kotarv?" 1 uo-r -riii is ite irt. sairvey, o ttr 4.%er naiiei b>: ait outsl.ie agency (at ail uxpense of $3,000.) It :s the product of ;t work by a Cdommllittee of dis- rtinguished, practical .oilsinit f.roin the Public Administration Clear- ing house îind the University of Chi- (-;go. This commiiiiittee wvas e>mnu.ssimiirl by our club tn *Undertake this .research vithout aiiy strings, tied to its niethods or. findings. -The signifkoance of this locail studv lie:; in the fî -t thât the founde a.n inenihers of the Ilotary Club of Chi- (ago laid i iitny of the foundation stone- of the l)reqelnt wolid Rotary mioverèntt,: iii iiian> as.pects,' therefore, its historv * is the history. of. the entir'e nvw,. The reerhof th.e university commîit- - ý qq 'M, W IMM - - W - -- W-m-lm are being sacrificed, regardless of at our. great.est cost Sem-Anual 1CiearanceSale! Prices have, been' slashed radically becauseti ecandise, must be disposedof at once! Wionderful values at great savings! APPAREL, ON ýSALE ON BOTH nd: Floor and Lower Price Room HOSI ERtY GLOVES 3- and 4 - thread chilffon.. Blaec ani brown satin. Broken sizes and colors.. 1.95 values ............ 79c. CORSETS BAGS Silk and leathar. 1.95- vals. Now 1.19 Now 68àBack, b ro w n and> navy leather bags and pursés. Ail new spring styles. Val- qes to 5.00........ Ail our nationally known Suede fabrie. 4.and 6-but- Now 4 manufacturers. Redced ton length. Not 1ail sizes 2 . for clearance. Sorne as and styles. Values to 1.25 'DI<RCIiIEFS low as* Ladies' and meri's all linen. 1095,Now 68 - White only. BLOUSES 8.c Organdies and 'piques. In pa st el s h ad es;dainty stripes andchecks. Brokçn sizes. Now 79C White mesha'nc suede f ab rio.Bok Values to 1.50... NECKWEAR Broken assortment of neékwear ina net, organdy .... and erepç. Whito -and pas- 79c SILKS RADICALLY REOUCEO, A sur-prise birthday party -was-teii- lered Arthur Lee of 925 Manor drive bvy his sister, a niece, a sister-in-law, and eleven of their women friends ai hls home, Saturdey.. EAN S TO

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