Goodyears! SP-E CIAL S- for 'Over the Fourth' Tops Dressed 5ý9 Joh,,nson s I f Your Tru bes "Pinch" and Puncture-use Goodyear Tu- Tone Heavy*,Duty Tubes! Thlcker, tougher rubber aganstri.m These neit two: months you'll drive- farther,, faster, than at any other season. Roads will be hotter, too- more dangerou8 for thin weak tires. To go places safely, to avoid troubl1e and loss of time, eqüip now with husky new sure - gripping Goodyears - every' ply blowout- protected with patented Suipertwist Cord. Get todayi's low prices and the greater value we off er because Goodyear Dealers seil the most tires-by millions! See us rigjit away! Al'types-ail prices-in guarainteed Goodyears. NEW "G m3II" SPUWA PHIMDIER GOODYEARý SPEDWY PlerHFIDERA LI-WE ATHER 4.50-21 $5.40 4.50-21 $6.50 Get our IDonald P. ,Nel.u f /eôcn tl/q'OUlcd t th e United S tates .a1a Acadcuny at Annap'olis. He passýed.1the Mhvsical- exarainat ion àii lune .15 and is n11W, a After 'graduatiîig froin New -T ri er iHigh school '.\r. X-leIs6on attended Northwesterîi univerbitv for two 1ers He "s a member of Sigm Alpha Epsilon firaterniity,. Mr,. elsoni is the, son of, Mr. and MNrs. Clarence G. Nelson of 445 Green BaY road. The faraniiv inoved to (;,Ieilco-e on Mav'l of this v*ear fromi Kenlwothavenlue. \ilmette. ENTERTAINS PIANO PUPILS Edith Ray Yomng entertained at a beachi party and picnje WTdnesdav. june 20, at Washington park. for ber piano pupils who had appeared. iuna recital M.\ondaiý, June 19, at H-oward school. Twety-thiree of her pupil-. 1.atteiided the picnic., Miss Dorothy 'Camnpbell,. 12Ô9. IGreenwood aven ue, Ieft. Iast Wednles-u day for TomaýhaWk, Wis.. wheresh-e wiiI visit Miss.Virginia Beit.of Kenit-. worth at her summner home .for two- weeks. 740 Twelffh Stree. 1 $lu 4tH ST., WIL. 636 iLYNAM sERVICE GARAGE 415 WIDOR AVEr.. WIm. 5426 Phon es WiImeft 691-5454 -SHI-MONEK SERVICE 803 MAIN 3T., WIL. 5347 COMMUNITY AUTO SERVICE I8SUWILMIITýTE AVE., WIL. 5348 ONKDUNDEE ROAD 1% KilosWes* t rWaau&gau IEoa il