irs fora Only Buick Gives Alil This At ts New, Low. Prico See the finest engineered car at or anywhere near A Str aight ight - 93 Horsepower- ! and through, priced on the value in- -herent in it, and the leading value in today's market, regardless of price. Size, - weight and safe balance give the solid, substantial Buick feeling to its un.- matched performance.> Beauty -out- side and inside, with upholstery de- signed exclusively. for this newest Buick. Available for delivery now, mn ail of its five beautifzlmode1s. vveanesday uy m iornmvnso Fourth of July corporation, which for the thirteenth successive year invites ail north shore neighbors to join in. observance of the nation's birthday. A. day of athletic evenits will be crowned by the evening features in Dyche stadium, the doors of which wvill be opened ýat* 6:30. The dfay- Iight programû will begin at- 7 o'clock, offering two full hours of unusual entertainiment before the fireworks. begin,. This program wil1 open w~ith airpiane -maiieuvers anda band con- cert by. St. 'MIary's Training school baud, followed by an exhibition ýdrili bv the drumi and bugle corps of the Evanston Anerîcan. Legion post. The crack. drill platoon from, Con- pany . H, Second Infantry, at Fort Sheridan, will presenta formai guard nioutit. The sounding of retreat. and lowering of colors -in comnniemiora- tion of> soldiers of ail wars %vilI be a part of this spectacle.- Pageant Begins at 8: 20 The pageant, "When Evanston, Was Young," will begin at 8:20, bringing into participation alniost- 500 children and adults, The story of Evanston will be infolded in. the presentation of historic events, Cap- tain John W. Gorby :serving as nr rator. Highlights will:be the 'comning. of Marquette and Joliet; of Steven Scott,* the first white settler on "Grosse Point,." now Evanston, and of Antoine Ouilmette and hus Pot- tawatomie wife. Stage coaches, cov- ered wagons and. tallyhos .will con- tribute to the early-day .atmosphiere of the sceiies. A farewell party to thirty "Forty-niiners" ât the tavern of Postmaster Ozro Crain, who had brought nïcws of the gold discovery, will be depicted. The establishment of Northwestern university will be a feature, as will also the visit of Ab- raham Lincoln ini 1860, and the de- parture oQf Evanston soldiers for thé Civil. war. Whée. te' Get Tiékots Tickets for the ýevening even.ts arc niow on sale at the following stores: Blann's Pharmacy, 400. Green' Bay road. Kenilworth; Snidei-Cazel Drug mct yolE e over > inOur NO MAN'S L ANDIg WILMETTE 5030