Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Jun 1934, p. 44

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type, %rith cc spe clal music. 'The -Boul'of Japan" will be th torS themfe next Wednesday, in thi Ing meeting,ôf the current book séries. It Js bai3ed.on *"Christand. by Toyoliiko Kagawa, a book ti Christian Amnericans *11l do well t( The mld-week' service on this e, will be followed by an infornial1 ship hour, during whidh liglit r ment will be served. . As alvaN public 9 Is lvlted to.these delilhtfi Intorming gâtherlings, which hwv< somuch appreclated this spring., ne Sun- frin F egiane irst Presbytertavit~ imunion Ninth street at Greenlea.f avenue Invita- James T. Venekiasen, minister. ts gont- hiP wili Our mornlng worshlp wil!!be held at ngrega- 11- oclock.- Our guest preacher wîllIbe T'litors the Rev. S. ranklln Mack, YoUnig Peo-ý ple's secretary ' f the Presbytemlan Board of Foreign Mission s. Mr. Mack he, pas- has been with us before and lias, a vital e clos- message, especlally for the young people.. revlew We cordially Invite you to woship with. Japan"us fit a---eil ýo read. wen.ing .Lfellow- efresh- y,.g the uM and e beeii The closing session of the Young People's union wil1 be held on Sunday at 6:30 p. m. Several outings are likely for the sunimer, In addition to the boat ride on Saturday and. the week's a$Ssem- bly at Lake Geneva, July 7'to 14. Addi- tional delegates for the assembly ýarc desired to enroll pomptly that planq may be made for transportation. Toniglit (Thursday) the niemnbers of the choir will hold their beach party or, the grounds of the home of Village President and Mrs. C. P. D)ubbs at 1:30 o'clock. Sunday will mark: the final par- ticipation of the chorus la the 1iôornlng service until September 9. .During july and August beginning on Sunday, July 1, this congregation wll,, unite ln worshtp with the Fimst Congre- gational church. Pastor Allison lias iri preparation a series of vital nie.qsages. applying the challenges of the Old Testa- ment to the problems we face today. SUNDAY, JUNE 24, Il a. nm. service. The Organ Prélude: "In Paradisum"........Duhoks "Fiat Lux"...........Pub ôis Miss Ruth Tegtmieyeréi The Introit: "Lord for hy Tender. Mlercies' Sake" ... ......... .. Fàrrant The Hymn of Praise:, "When ail 'ny .Mercies, 0 my God". ý....... Ma11oah The' Anthem ,by the Choir: «God"of the, Dew".....................Footé The Ottertory S9lo: -o Rest in Thi. Loird.............M'e'sh MimssFlomence Farrar The sermon subject by the ministeir for Sunday is **God Shepherding Came.' The musiearranged by Miss Rounds, director, for*the mornlng woshlp serv- ice,,Is ais follows: prelude, "Nocturtne,", Grieg; anthem, "*Jerusalem, the Golden," Rubenstein;, solo, "BËy The Waters of Babylon,"1 HoweIll Edward Otis soloist; postlude: -Jubilate Deo," Silver. The Bible school and.adult Bible class nmeet at 9 :30 o'clock. A special feature of. the opening exercises of the Sunday school will be a talk by Mm. Mack. He will also speak before the aduit Bible clase. The' la.Qt meeting of the_ Forum will be held at 6 :30 o'clock at the home of Paul Veneklasen, 721 Ninth street. 'Re- freshrnents will be served, followed by a very Informai nmeetlig. A speclal ln- vitation ls extended to aIl those hom-re fromù college and those planning to join thus group of young people later. Spôke No. il of the Womnan's society will meet Tuesday at the home of Mrs. L. C. Torriey, 1341 Elmwood avenue, for an ail day session. Our church services will be continued through the surtmer. We invite you to worshilp with us and to bing youm guests with you. *Mr. Veneklasen is representing the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions~ at a co»ference at Rockfomd, foir a we-ek beginniuig Thursday, June 21. le ivill etumn to his pulpit July 1. Spoke No. 6 ivilli meet Tuesday, 'Jue 26, at 1i1p. ni. at the hoine o.rg.R.I Bennett, 1033 Ashlland avenuie. First Con gregato-'l John é. Éindley, nîinister "Where is, God?" is the'sutbject >of the sermon which the -1ev,. Fr-ancis W Hlayes will prèach at t.he Il o'clock wor. ship service Sunday mlorning. Mr. Hayes, our director of religious' education, is (puccnpviflg the îulpit in the absence of the 11ev. Mr. Hindley, who la a delegate to 'the National Çouneil meeting at Oberlih. 9:15 a. m.-First service. 9:30 a- m.-Sunday school and and intermediate Bible classes. 10 a. m.-Senior Bible elass. il a. m.-Second service. juinior1 Sunday'ssermon willi be based on the third petition of the Lord's prayer, 'Thm Will Be ýDone." The good and graclous willl of God is"done lndeed without our prayer, but-we pray ln this petition thnt it may be done among us also.. What ls this good and graclous will of God. and liow Is it done among us? You are, cordlally Invited to hear the answems to these questions.ý *SUNDAY SERVICES Early service ........... 8 a. ni. Sunn4y school .......... 9 a. mi. Second service.......... Il a. ni. Believing that the tintes Cal' for w-%VI ship and prayer our chut-eh will not cur- tail the.-schedule. of services through the summier season. lit fart, we have an ad- ditional' service every Sunday rniing at 8 o'clock for your convenience. -Both services of worship are the samne andi the pastor will occupy the pulpit every- Sunday. We also Invite the!vi sitors who Aill corne to the World's faim.".Our- church On,, Sunday afternoon we a re invited to Join In celebrating the forty-fifth Today (Thur sday) we are.having oui- anniversary of the Trinlty Lutheran congregational and Sunday school picnie Ladies' aid. of, Glencoe, and our Senior at the forest preserves, H-arms road, Walther leaguers will be the guests. of. fron 2. m.,to sunset. Those having, the leaguers at Libertyýville. no, means of transportation niay meet nt the.-churchi et 2 o'clock. Ail are Invited. The syýnodical con vention of'the North- ern Illinois district will b)e leld in River The Luther league will have a, bewIl Forest from Monday to P'riday,. St.1 party on Wednesday evening, Juné 27. John's will'be representedl by the pas4tor We will meet at the ehurch at 7 :30> and our lay delegate, G*. A. Reinhardt. o'clock. The convention service for youngpeopl4e w111 be onWedneéday at 8 p. ni. Rev. .0. The Womian's 18oeiety %vilI hold its. P. Kretzmann, exrecutive secretaryof the 1 meeting Thursdayý,'Juiie 28, et the home Walther league, will spea.k. of Mrs. Kingswood, 681 WilIow road,, Win.netka, at 2 o'clock. Sunday, juîly 1 HoIY Communion wil be celebra.ted in teGraî e'k t Cone to the friendllv huchwhiei 9:15 a. m. jIthe way Is made-plain. Alvin Bartholomew Gets Degree at YMCA College Alvin Bartholomew, 104 'Ninth street, Wilmiette, was awarded- the degree of Bachelor of Business Ad- ministration at the. anual spring grad- uation exercises of Central Y. 'M. C. A. college on Friday. evening, june 5, inthe First Methodist chuchClark and Washiington streets,. Chicago. The present graduating class of 150 was the largest ini the history of 'Central Y. . C. A. college. Th]$ %%as*. also the first time the collège bas conferred the bachelor's degree., siîice, it.becarne a four-3-ear Éollege in, 1933. Hugo Anderson, of tie Y. 'M. C. A. board of managers, 'fiîaeand Harland H. Alleni, welI-knowvn ec- ôonmist, gave the commencement address. Preceding the convocatioti ceretnonies, thiere wvas a~n alummil- senior supper in the college auditori- LI . at 19 South La Salle street', Ch i, cago. Special. Early Service ý Meetings of Men's S 11Class Are Popular Noted throughout -the north shore as an open forum for the discussioni of sociological and '.comparative re- ligions" miatters, the men's ciass à t ilie \Wil-mette Parishi Methodist p- copal church is iiow holding an in- teresting series of meetings cverv Sunday inorning at 9 :30: Under the direction of L. Phillips Denoyer of ýKenilworth, the variotis crecds of SChristianity' froin the davs of the_ 'ýearmly cliurch", loiwni to tiie lresent tinie arcel)eiing discusscd.ý The meetings of thec cla"s 'art- at- tracting mien 'of al (leilýminations. Tlins fam the class lias cotnsidercdthie Apostfes' andl the Nicene crceds. On' Sunday, june 25, it will take ilp the Atlinasian creed., aniid du 1ring the sunimer iv'ill discuss the creeds of the .Eastern and Greek. churchcs. thie cmeeds of the early Romnan chntrch, the Anigsburg con fession, vhicl. xvas cIravn ip )hy Melanchthon, and re- vised bv Martin Luther, andl the. ialr., i a8,.ca. We were happy to receive itito the TeFnamna rt Bible classN « fellowshlp of Wllmette parlis last Sun- Te udmnaTrtBilcas day morning Anna Jean Pifer of 622 (undenominational) wilI meet next Ilelrose avenue, Kenilworth. Monday evening àt the First Pres- The riteo Christian baptlsru was byterian church, Ninth street, and, r 1 vd at Sunday iorning by: Joyce Greenleaf avenue., The teachrs Evans, Evangelynne Rose., Richard Ie the Rev. Otis Q Sellers., ing her junior year at George Wash- ýington university. Helen Nutter, a sor- ority sister, wilI acconlpany ber and spend the night with ber as she is on her way to attend the Pi Beta Phi convention in Colorado and ýgoes as a delegate from George Washington uni- versity. PARTIES AT SHAWNEE Shawnee Country club will have a dance for junior members this Friday hight. On Saturday afternoon at 2:30 there is to be a children,'s party during, .whi ch tinie there will be given two staIge plays directed by Dorothy Proesch., out for this4 be of an linfo tional singina are welcome; J' I i

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