Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Jun 1934, p. 1

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1934-35 PASSED $331,07l .48 Total Is, $30,000 Above Last Year; $294,000 f or Village Purposes *The major part of Tuesday. nigbt's session of the Village board was givien over to a consideration. of the annuai apprçQpriationsý or budget or- dinance, on whicb the tax levv of the village is based. The tax'-levy ordinance wiil corneup:for con sider- ation in July. At the conclusion of the. reading of the appropriations or-. dinanice, which appears in f ull on pages 50 and 51 of this issue of WILME LirE, it Wvas passed by the board,. and becomes effective ten days after pub- I icat ion. 0The board had issu ed an invitation to ctims t bepreentat' the meet- ngTuesday night and to ask any questions that migbt iead to a bet- ter understanding of the provisions of the ordiniance. Qt.l.-'about a doz- en citizens respo ûuéqi to the invita- tion. and of these only four or five took advantage *of the opportunity to ask. questions. President Dubbs, however, enlarged 'upon some por- tions. of the ordinance, ekplaining the reasons actuating the board in raising or iowering certain of the appropriations. * $306M0 More Thai, Lest Year The total appropriations for the fiscal year ending April 30, 1935, ex-~ ceed by approximately $30,000 those for the fiscalyear ending April 30, 1934. HoWever-; itis.not certainathat ail ofthe. money appropriated. for the different ýpurposes wiil be'expended. Th e Most important. parts of the ordinance are the appropriations for the different divisions. The library, playground and recreation board, and the police and firemnen's pension funds are separate fromi the Village Pay Your Taxes and HeIlp Your Community Editor's Note: The foiIowing haSs been addresd to residents of Wil- mette by the presidents of the vil- lage, ochool and park boards in this commnunity. To al citizens: You are urgently !equested to give heed to a letter on the. cur- rent tax situation which you re- ceived t his week from the New .Trier Township 'committee. Many property owners. and residents who b ave become con fused by changes in the situation have re-. frained f rom paying, their taxes until they could know just«what t'O do. This letter, explains matters in detail ýand can be followerd. If you wish further -information, cali at your village hall., Two-thirds of your tax dollar goes for the, up- keep of your home: comnlunity. Your local officiai s neéd your he!p and prompt coCoperation,. Ascertain your own tax situIation and then go to Sanborn Hale, township col- lector, Winnetka State bank, Win- netka, and pay your taxes so as to save yourself further penalty and help your home community. Respectfully yours, C. P. Dubbs, President, Village of Wilmette. Henry E. Cutier, President, Wilmette Board of Education. Henry Fowler, President, \Vilmette Park Dis- trict. J. R. Gathercoal, President, Bloard of Education, New Trier Town ship . High scbool district.- EnrolImnent of 300 at N.T. Sumumer Session The summer session of New Trier Township High scbool opened Mon- day morning with an approximale enrolîrnent of 300 students. This' is slightly under last year's figure. For the third vear the summer session isi Reduce Government Cost Remove AilBicylie Sirens-Brautigam Superintendent of Police Henry Brautigam announces to -parents of children riding bicycles that the new sieswith wbich, many of the bi- cycles. are equipped will not be per- mitted and requests that parents in- struct the youngsters to. remove them. If the -request is not co mplied witb, the police, he states, will be forced to take the s'irens off. Attention is also directed to theý fact that. bicycles miust be equipped with Iigbts 'for night. niding., .Owing to the danger. to cbildren] from automobiles,, iding bicycles on, the sidewalks is urged by the police, ,as Street riding is too hazardous; In business sections riders are required to dismount. Conformance with tbe regulations will assist to greater traffic. safety, Chief Bautigam states. Get Your Season Ticket; Wihnette Beach Is Open The Wilmette bathing beach was formally opened to the public Satur- day. Percy B. D. Idler, chairnian of the beach committee, announces that;. tickets are now on sale at the beach bouse, and al citizens are urged to secure them at once. As announced previously ini WILMEMT LIPE, thèe are two kinds of family, season. tickets, one at $1, wbich does not include bath bouse privileges, and ohe at $4, which entitles the holder toail privileges. and- services of the beach'. Wil mette 174 Are Sehools C Giveri Di] Pay Tobwnship Coilector 'et Opèe., Avoid Confuision -et Con04OfieOfficiais',PMea stop your. own tax penalties and aet fhe same time reduce the .costs of local government. This is the advice -given to aIl citi- zens of the New Trier villages tIi wekby al of -the, officiaelo tI thirteen local governing boards., Over the week-enà-d there was mailed- to every home and business concern in ,Wilmette, Kenilworth, Winnetka and Glencoe a letter by the New Trier Township commi'ttee for the purpose of enabiing, property owners to un- derstand the present confused' tak situation. Under nine separate points, this letter indicates the exact status of each type of tax-payer who has, or. has flot paid his taxes. 1In order to reenfcrce the advice i this letter, the presidents of the vani- ous governing boards are publishing another letter caliing attention to the information and stressing the desir- ability for ail citizens who have flot paid their current taxes of taking ad- vantage of the opportunity offered to conduct their business before June 27 with Sanboro Hale, townshipcol- lector etW'innetka, instead ofhv in. the crowded county offices in Chi-. cago. iteasons for Prompt Action Local officiais point out several important reasons for prompt action by citizens 1. Few property owners seem to reauz. that p.ualies fier mon-pay. mient of taxes are rapidly pilimg up againat tIi.., and that tie, mua act to tave themselves. furtiier seri- ou& losses. 2. The. gravest iquaities in the. tax situation have Dow beau au-ý ed was $294,912-36. ment.. There is money in the treas- Homo . and Czar"a . . . . 404 In some cases, such as the library, ury awaiting applicants who can IMusic.......... ...... 32 the, budget has been purposely raised qualify on the basis of' security re- to insure that funds actualy needed quired, the secretary states, and the Recrestion............. 46 mway be raised .througb. the sale of association will bc pleased to hear Society Pages >.... 34 36-38 tax anticipation warýrants. from thein. - New tuat.on, thns comminuee lu (Conlnue onpage17

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