GEN 3 DUT............. $1 5 GENERAL ................... $12 50 GEN .............. ..... $8 & $10 Patiline's Emnpi. Agencv Fourth & Linden OPP. "L" Terminal 1 Blk. Linden Sta. N. S. Lino ___________________71LTN6-ltc WHITE GRL FR < NRA housework, 2ý In famlly. $10 week. Stay on place. Capable--of mnnging horne., 841. Foxdale, Winnetka 3469. ___________ 711LTN6,-1tr GIRLFORGENEAL HSEWK1. AND assist withcare of- child over 3. Refs. Ph. Winnetka 2379, Saturday. ___71LTN6-1tc- WHIITE MAID, PROTESTANTFO_ÉR hougework. No laundry.'6 2ù Forest Avenue, wilmette. 'Ph. Wilmette 4476. ___ 71LTN6:ltc StENOGRAPHER FOR -7EDITORIAL o6ffice work, in Wilmoette. Must be. rapid ýtypist. Write A-91, Box 40. WiI- mette, 111. 71LTN6-ltp GIRL FOR COOKING A4ND IYOWN- istaîrs work. 639 Spruce St.., Win- netka 1728. 71LTýN6-l:tc WHITE GIRL FOR- G E N E R A L housework. Fond.'cf chlldren. Win- netka__ 1541. 71LTN6-ltc NEAT WHITE MAID FOR (IEN-_ oral housework. References reqjulred. Phono_ Wilmette 1344. 7ILTNG-ltc WANTED --WH.ITECGI-RL FOR -GEN- eral housework.' 2 adults. $6 per week. Phono Winnetka- 1668. 7ILTN6-ltc WANTED - EXPERIENCED WHITiE girl for general housework. Phono Wllmotte 3375. 71LTN6-lte GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. No washing., 701 Linden Ave. Wil- mette 4069.. 71LTN6-Ite SEAMSTRESS WANTED FOR PART time work ln alteration ronm. Win- netka 55. 71LT6-Itp ___HELP WRNTED-MALE MAN WANTED 1-FÏOR RAWLEIGH route of 800 familles. Write immedi- ately. Re.wlelg*i Co., Dept. I-138-SA, Freeport. 111. 72LTN6-ltp BOYS WAN>1'Er>OR lNEW-MSPAPËE * routes. Apply Winnetka News Agency, 56f)('enter Street, Winnetka. * __________72rTN6-ltp HELP WANTED-MALE ANQ FEMALE COUPL ES! COUPLES! $100Q. 2 aduits. 1 chili. no lauindry. $Po0..2 aduits, 2 chlldren, haveý nurse, no.lauindry. SI 00-:3 adults, 1 ehihd. no laundry. $80. 2 aduits, no -laundry. .$95. 2 aduits, IL child,. some lauündry. il other positions open, $75 to $90. Reinhart's Emipi. Agency 748 Elm St. Winnetka 3399 73LTNC)-lte LýARGE R OOM, PIVATE BATH, suitable for 2. Also rooni near bath, single or double. Near transp. Gar. available. 545 Provident, Winnetka 3844. 82LTN6-lp RENT SUMMER-LARGZ AIRY.,SEC- Soid floor rooms or suite with bath and screened porch. '1'wo'bloeks transporta- tion, near laite. Winnetka 1241. ATTRACTIVE FURNISHED ROOM l ncludlng fireplace and laý. -Central location. Phone Wilmette 2399 or 24-97. 82LTN6-4tri LA RtG E,* PLEASANT FURNISHED room ýuitabIe for two. Privte en- trance. Garage available. Phone Win- netka 1878. 8L-t LARGE AIRY FRONT RQOM, NICE- ly decorated. Near tranisportation. Reasonable. Phone Wllmette 3918.. __________82LTN6ltp) 2 R001% AND KITCHENETTE APT. furnished; garage. East location, nr. transp. Reasonable. Cal after 6. p. ni. Wilmette.76. 82LTN6-ltp LARGE, PLEASANT FRONT ROOM 1suitable for i or 2. Light hsekpg. If desired. In small aduit family., Phone Wilmette 3206. 82LTN6-ltp LARG WEL FRNIHEDROOM ~sttta1YIé for 1 or 2. Vry ea0ôinable. Phone Wilmnette 3792. 82LTN6-ltp PLEASANT FRONT ROOM, SUIT- able for two. 893 Oak St., Winnetka. PhoneWinnetka 2468. S 2LTN6-ltp jL ARGEË. C ORN E R -,FROÔN T_ ROO-M_. Private home. 4 blocks to "L." Ph. Wiimette 2541. 82LTN6ltp R100M AND BATH. SUITABLE FOR . ne or twn. Garage available. Phono Glencoe 1935. 82LTN6-ltp NICELY FURNISHED ROUAI FOR 1 or 2, prlvute entrance. Phone Win- fletica 2976i. 82L6-lt p NICELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR 1 or 2. Garage availlble. Near transp. Phono Glencoe 976. 82LT64ltl BOARD AND ROOM IN B E A U3 T IFP U L ICENILWORTH, riear goodl beachos. New England type inn. Horne-like rooms, suites with bath. Excellent meals. Moderato prices. Ken- ilwortij 549q1. 86LTN6-lte ___CAR£ 0F CONVALESCENTS BRTINO Y)OUR AGED OR HELPLESS 1to Marie's Diet and Rest Home in WiMrlniette, 'where the best of maie and female nurses' care is given day, and night. Doctors' references. Phone WIl- mette 2548. 87LTN6-ltp WANTED-BOARD AND UOM RPONSIBLE 'iýIIDDLE~-À<GEl I) M,% T hree Room Apartmcnt for July and .August Phono Winnetka 2588 93L-ltp MOÔDERN" 4 .ROOAI FURNISHED OR unfurn. apýartment, newly decorated. Central' location. Reasonable., Phone Wllmette 2399 or 2427. O3LTN6.4tp 2-RM. FURN. APT. GOOD EAST BIDE location. Near transp.; Rent reason- able. Phono Wilmette 3082. 93LTN6-ltp CURRENT ATTRACTIVE RE NTAJ4S ighland, Park.- Little gem on large, lot, 2 bdrms., 1 ba., ser. prch. Elec. ref ..... ....................... $75 Winnetkta. Eng. l3rk., nr. transp., 3 bdrms., 2 bas., large scr. pç....i$12 5 14r. Highland Park. New white brick. 8 bdrns., 5 baths, -on one acre.-.$125 Winnetka. Stone bne: large lot. 4 bdrms., 2 baths, ,2-car garage.. $13.5 THE BILLS REALTY,,nc. 930 Spanish Court Wllmette 2740 ______________ 7LTN6-ltc 7 rms., 2 býas., H. W. H. <ohl), slpg.- pc . ..........................$125 8 rms., 2 bas., H1. W. H., 2 c. g., sun pch. .............. ..........$8 9 rnis., 2 ba.,eat: H W. H., 2 ....................6 6 rnis., 1 ha.,, H*:7. W .'H. (cil), i . g..................$5 7 rms., 1 ba., H. A . .gslpg. pc . .........................5 4 rmq., bungalow, H. W. H., 1 C. g.-.$45 7 rms., frarne, H. A. H., nr. transp. $35 Other good values, ail sizes, furn. or uniurn. 26B. H.BARNETT 56Center St. Winnetka 965 9 7LTN6-ltp) SUMMER RENTALS North ShoreSelé,cted ?ropertles, Anywhere.ý Evanston to Lake, Forest. Caîl, phone or vrMte R. B. WUITAKER CO. 841 Elm St. Wlnnctka 3250' WINNE'rKA Open w'eek days'from 9'to 9 Originators oif "T'he Whitaker Plan" 97LTNG-lto A PRIVATE BEACH, FOR RENr-ýFURNISHED OUIS FOR iiENT -,RNRI9ED6 ROO)i home In dosirable section of East WiI-w mette.-Lrecendprh 2 car ga- rage, fine fiower garden. electrie refrlg- eration, oil heat. Available July 1. Aul unusually fine opportunlty at . $75 -month. Phono Wilnette 5037. 1 198LTN44fp FOR SUMMER - 4 BEDROOMB, 2, bathe, sleeping porchi lbrary and conservatory. 3 acres, beautiful garden and- woods. Near depot. $175 month. FRANK A. RMID 954 Linden,li*ubbard Woods Wlinn. 1300 98L0TN6-ltp FOR RENT FOR SUMMER OR LONG- or, 6-rm. furn. house. Good east aide location, electrlc refrlg., fniee',Yard, garage. $75 per moi Phono Wllmette 5037.98TBt GLNCOE. SIHARE OR'RENT, SuuM- mer or. longer. Spanlsh bungalow, studio liv. rm. Refrig. Strlctly modern. Near lake and transp. $75.(Hine 1768. 98LTNC-ltp wANTeDiTO RzNT-HouUs« WE HAVE CLIENTS FOR 78-ROOM bouse with. 2 bath. ln good location. Muet bo under $100. Shore Towns Realty Corp. 1621 Sherman Ave. Greenleaf 2700 99LTN6-Ite WANTED MODERN 6 OR 7-ROOM house ln Wllmette to Wlnnetka witb 2 bath.. Rentai under $125. (.UINLAN & TYSQN, 1nc. i571 Sherman Ave. Uni. 2600 9àLTNF6-ltc WANTED TO RE NT-FURN. HOUBS IN WILMETTE, NEAR BEACH AND *"L." 4 bdrnis., sci'd poroh; adulte. Excellent refs. June 25th to Sept. 9th. Cail Austin 1326 before 9 :30 a.. in. 1O1LTNG-ltp FOR mENT-GARAGES GARAGE. FOn RENT. $5 MONTE.ý 418 Rldge Rd., Wilmette. 102L46-ltp _FOR SALE-HOUSIES Seldom have *e ottered FOR apt., wlshes" to lady emple tiransp. Phono 'Nr. roonia, excýusJ N-tp Iance. $45 wil ýN -tplAe.,Wilmette. 3LE APARTI f ront, and heat. 1008 5 ROOýÏ1!OUaE AND en- transportation. Roasom ood Elmwood Avenue, Phoni -tfc T*1 %HE BILLSIR 718 Veenon Avenue t4TY, Imc. Glenoe -,77 11ILTNt-itc