Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Jun 1934, p. 50

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*As a finale to the athletic season, the annual spring awarding, cere- monial honoring Rotary Club win- ners, Gold star winners, and letter w inners in spring activities, was held Tuesday evening at the Stolp school gymnasiumý by the Wilmette public scbool physical education department. Daniel M. Davis,* director of rec- reation, was master of- ceremonies -and J. R. Harper,. superintendent, of- schools, and V. L. Rep)logle,. principal of Stolp school, presented the awards.* Parents, of boys and girls receiving awards,, the Rotary clu medal win- niers, Gold star winners, letter win- ners, and boys and girls eligible for posture pin awards were guests at the celemony. Among the athletes honored were the Rotary Club Medal winners who were: Loi- Kunzelman, Frances Akely,i Douýglas Huck, JarvisLingel,, Eric Sain- ueison. Milan May, Dudley Yeoman, Harry Seifert,, Bernard Regan, William Roberts, Robert Lonergan'and Richard Rogers. Goid Star wlnners, other than the Ro- tary Club wlnners, were: Tom Carney, .Robert ]D'eVinfly. KimbalBrown. Doris Paterson, »etty Todd, Muriel Kenney, Frances Habec k, Jane- Penberthy, Pauline Shanlc, Julle Melntosh and May Fariner.. Girls receiving a blue stripe denot- isig the fourth letter earned while a member*o the Wilmette schools were: Helen Clarke, D etty Ann, Brenner, Beth Hindley, May Fariner, Shirley Fat- terson, Edith Menduin. Eleanor Altmnan, Marcia Smiith,, Adelaide Koenen, Dor.m othy MacMillan, Betty Crawford, Pearl Anderson. *Girls receiving a white stripe de- noting the second letter earned dur- *ing tbe timne they have been a student of the siixth, seventh or eighth grade were: Ruth Scheibel, Josephine: Russo, Aliceý Varney, Heleni Hall,. Arlene -Clark, Hen-- 1-etta Haiyson, Fat Pentck,-Afita Blum, rleanor Altmnan, Valerie Adams, Mar- garet Mehîhope, Jean Temple, Beatrice Ederer,' Marian, Sommers, Betty Janec LPrlesoni, Florence Al ýtman, Peggy Pier- son, H-arrlette Jones, Marcla Macomber, Virginia Macomber, Virginia Bittner,, .Marian Hens. :Ellzrbeth Eldredge; Betty iierr liand Laundry Iast Friday night, after making 103 points in their first three gantes played. The score for the Laundry boys was 15 and for Hoffmanns 16. Led by Fred Asch- bacher, the Laundry boys had a five run. lead at the start of the ninth innîing but, allowe d Hoffnianns to come back' with six runs during their haif of the inning. Altogether Hof- manns have made 119 runs in four games played. Recreation staff memibers in charge of the ."Fast"' pitching league feel that its aIll right f.cr the weather man to help :the farmners, but can't seein to> see why he has to pick on Monday for raining. The'first sched- uled game of the season was on Mon- day, May 21, and. a rained and the second ramn this vicinity has had in two moniths came last'Monday even- ing and raîned out three very import- ant gaines in . the schedule, leaving the staff members feeling abused. Four meains are tied for -fi rst place in the "Fast" pitching league, which creates a phenomenon in local rec- reatiôn annaIs since it is the, first time in the nine years of the Board's existence that two-thirds of a league bas been tied. for leading position after five gaines played. The girls' playground hall league is also having difficulties with outside competition in running its gamnes. The first night of play, june 1, was intensely bot and the second night, June 8th,. came on the saine night as graduation at Mallinckrodt, with one entire teain graduating, and, to- night confiicts with graduation at New Trier Towns.hip high scbool with several members of various teains' graduating. However, ' the .gamnes wiII beplayed as scheduled in' order to finish -the. season before, August. Girls'Share in Rotary Club's Annual Awards Awarding of Rotary , medals, thé highest athletic awards available to 7 p. m..--Girls' playground bail. Y. P. C. vs. TNT. Village Green.. 7 p. m. - Girls' playground bail. Brownles vs. Unknowns. Village Green. 7 p. m. - Girls' playground bail. Troubles vs. Gym Class. Village Green. FRIDAY, JUN1 li 7 p. x.-Last1 horseback riding. claÈs for evening group. Riding st-ible at Harins road. 7 p. m.-Playgrounjd bail fMr men. *'Soft" pitching league. Winberg Drugs vs. St. John's, Village Green. 7 p. m.-PIaygrotund bail for imen. "lSoft", pitching league. Elmwood: Ave- nue, Nelghbors vs., Methodlsts. Village Green. 7ý p. rm.-Plàyground bil for.nmen. *'Soft" pitching league. 'GCobblers. vs Unknowns. Village Green. 9 a.m-Ofcl opening ninth an- fluai playground season for Wilmnette children. Vattruan park and Village Green. 7 p. ým.-Men's piayground ýbail league. "Famst"b pitching league. 'North Shore Chevrolet vs.- Village Cleaners. Villago. Green. 7 p.ý m.-Men's playground bail league. "Faast" itohing le ague. Alil Stars vs. C. W. Welter. Village Green. 7 p. nm.-Men's playground baIl league. "Fast" pltchlng league. Braun Brothers Silver Flashes vs. Wilmette Tallors. Vil- lage Green. TITESDAY. JJNE W-' 7 P. . m.-Men's piavground bail leOÈ guet 'Soft" pitching leagîte. Hoffniiann Fior- lats vs. Wlnberg Drugs. Village Green. 7 p. m.-Men's playground bail league. "4Soft" pitchlng league. 'Elmw*oo4 Ave- nue Neighbors vs. C. S. ýVillage re. . 7 P. m.-Men's playgrnfd bail league. "Soft" pltching league. Cobblers vq. St. John's. Village Green. WENESDi#AY, JUNE 20 7 p. m.-Mefl's playground bail league. '*Fast" pitching league. Illage Clean- ers vs. Wllmette Tailors. Village Green. 7 p. m.-Men's playground bail league. "Fast', pltching leaguie.. North Shore Chevrolet vs. C. W. Welter. Villageý Green.' 7 > 1 m.-Men's playground 'bail league. "Fs"pitehing league, Ail. tars vs*. Braun. Brothers Silver Flashes. .Village Green. THURSDAY, JTJNKE 21 7 P. r.-Girls' playgrouud bail league. Y. P. C. vs. Brownies. Village Green. 7 P. m-Girls' playground bal league. TNT vs. Troubles. Village Green. * - F f. w w W wff One new school record and several class records were established by Wilnette public school Youngsters Tuesday, June 5, ini the twenty-first annual track and field meet at the Village Green. Results of the various events of, the meet were recorded, last week but report. of new. records was withh.eld, for ýverification. Jarvis Lingel'of Stolp school îestab- lished the new record ini the running high jump, léaping over the. bar at 4 feet, 9yg. inches, one and one-haif> inch higher thau has been done be- fore' on. Field Day. James Versino held the previous record ýat 4 feet 8 inches. Young Lingel's jump also creates a new> record for Glass E boys, the previous record being 4 feet 8 inches. Estahuieh New Marks The high jumping events saw, most of the new records created, althoughi one 50-yard dash mark and a run- ning broad, jump record feil by, the wayside. Virginia, Todd of Howard schobol made the new 50-yard dash record for. Glass F girls, bettering Frances Akely's record made in 1932 by 4/10 second. Uer time was 7.1 seconds. ThrPdOre Riley of Stolp school jumped 14 feet Il172 inches to estab- lisb >a new distance. record for- Class C boys' running broad ijnmp. The former record was held by Tom' ýCarney of Howard* school whose distance was 14 feet 102 juches. Young Carney was another to create a new record. His was in the running high jump for Glass A boys, better- ing Janmes Versino's 1933 record of 4 feet 8 inches by one-haîf inch. Qne- lalf inch's higher junip also helped 'Dick MIoreau to create a inew record for Glass D boys. His jump of 4 Eeet 472z inChes bettered -the exidsting record. made byý Douglas .Huck in 1933 by just one-haîf inch. Girls, Crash Records Edith Menldum and jean Temple ofý Stolp school established new records n the running high ju mp for their respective classifications. Miss, Men- lum's record wvas for Glass E girls and hier junip was 4 feet 2 inches., w~as four luches better than Irene their f1rst letter. this o o o o jack HarIvey',in ,ohnson, Charles Qol, .Richard 01 -'-j on ,rg, Gene Drake, Jay Crowell, Ed Ives, Char- ter les Gregory, Rodman Joyce, Bud. Hal- on, Ilwell, James Wolff, Fred Bird, .Arthur ýn, Brereton, John Miller, Robert Scheibel, àrd Ray Hallett , Jack Jennings, William rie, Jennlngs Barker Lingel. MEN'S PLAYG1tOIJID BALL "FA ST» i-Paterson, Head Finish Judge, G.eorge Won Lost pct. E. Leal, judges of the Finish, Lester North Shore Chevroiet 2 1, .666 F. BaIl, L. Raymus Murphy, Judges Braun Brus. Silv. Flashes.2 i * .666 of jumps, Lowell F. Todd, Vernon Village Cleaners * 2_ :i ,.666 L1 Williette Tailors 2 66 eplogle, William Thomas Mackie, C. W. Welter 1 2 .33 Jr., Charles Boyle, Iver Burhans,, AIl Stars * 0O 13 .ooo0Jerome Cicchini.

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