Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Jun 1934, p. 39

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luncheon and a program in the privàte dining room of Shawnee Country club. I The club, a youngster ini the faniily; of federated womnen's clubs, bias just ended its fourtb year of activity. i Though sniall, it is energetic, devoting.! its time to 'social "play," some to, its interest ini things Cultural, to pro- grams, to civic study, and té the. corn-i mnunity life of the village in..which it: At a U shaped table meMbers andi1 guests were seated-with bowls of, white 1 and of pink peoies augment ing. the summer hues of hats and f rocks. Just preceding luncheon Mrs. Wil-. liam Edmonds read an invocation aù:d just. after it Mrs. Van Deursen read > the Club: litany with guests >an(1 i îcmn- bers respondi,îg. Honor gliests were present. ail oi Wvhom were cleverly iîntrt)du1ced bIv th, presidetit, and three anîong wioîn broughit messages froni the chlb groups thvrepresent. M rs 1;rl\litkr rctiringpresident (f thé [enth d(istrict (ii the IllioisFedcration. %poikV ofý the Northridge club a ioe recognized i the <district as. highlyivid<ividualized. lu lier brief greeting she conimented uponl the "joib of.being a %%-'miali", and spoke a li ttie ,ahout the generai federa- tion.' Mrs. A. E.. Kinuder. president (À the omn Club of Wiiimette, Nirs. -George 14I. Beaudin. retiriîîg pre.si- (lent of' the W.\orails Catholic Clui) ot \Vilmette. wtith* graclisnie.ss SPoke * a few words of greeting. Because the annual mieetiligt was Ini conjuniction with the luncheon anid pro- gram, reports of officers and chaîrnien %vere read: Mrs, H. B. Ingersoll. secretary Mrs1 William Hughies, treasurer; Mrs. David E.. Johunson,I social; Mrs. Arthur j:' Menning givîng the, report <of Nrs. Bruce Renoldsj .bridge club chiairman., Mrs. lidwa'd i Devîju, comrnunity interest, , Mrs.'f Harrv D.Temporgl, imetthéership. Mrs. Axel Ahlstrand, phiianthropv; including the.report of the wOrk forý Park Ridge School. for Girls; M3%rs. Mf.1 A. Borreson.' literature: MNrs. R. C. Quifflevan. gardei: . J. D. Kin- ýc0-cha1rmnuî; Nrs. EUdward Devilin. ;prograin 1 On beliaif of the club,, Mrs. Kinnear presented. the presidént with an 'attràc-. tive rurse as its -giftý of appreciation. MuItsîc ,andi a .reading; selectionis fitting for a summner da%. were given by.M r., Gevilla Neukranz, pianu- ist', h)v Iiss leihby Townsend, who bas studied. at Northwestern . university school of speech land, who bias had prommnent, roles ini Waa Mu shows.. and hv àMiss Ruth Bersch, student vio- linist. ýAil are residents of the village. Mrs. Neukranz made the' most of the instrument, upon which it was 'neces- sary for lier to play, one inadequate for solo and program work. In spite1 of that handicap, she at once made it evident that shé is an acconiplished Thaftq 1why ( Robert Browning flnfolds. Thle young artist shows 'talent. Ruth Bersch plays lier violin with an unusually strong and weii defined tone for one so young as she. Her pro- gram was flot an easy one. "Air enfd V ariation" ,by Defleriot, and the 'Over-, toss Mazurka" by Wieniawski. Mrs. J.ohn D. Kinnear introduced the artists. Bridai Dinner- Bishop and Mrs. Erne 1st Lynn Waldorf -of Wiimette entertained at, a bridai dilnner WedneÈday at Shaw-, nee Country clubi honor of theirl daughter;, Miss Ethel Mrae a~ dorf, who will become the. bride to- niglit of Albert Benjamhin, Wagner. cute ones f romu our .Lower Price Rooeu for Y"ll I i are 707 ASK BETTY IELLEF@hDs ll elOu O.*llffes u f gsCu 180 Northbiimu Ave-. Sixth Floor Lake-Michlgau Bld. h Street, Evanston - ~ I I The New Tbing S Are Here ForignNovelies. galore, Bo- heman Glassware, OId Eng- lish Sheffield and the. sm arfest English .China aiéseec'e pe:rsonally by Mr. Tafman in Europe this year.

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