Chicago Oi)ces - to16-ioi8 WILLOUGHBY TÔwER to the twvo foris tof goverument Mr. 1Fish CENTRAL 3355 plainiy stated in his opening remarks that he SuBscRIPT<roNs zpEP YFAR SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS would flot toucb upon political questions, and - adbered to that determination tbroughout bis AUl communications and contributions intended for publi- address. It is at the suggestion of a proniinent cation must bear the name and address of the author,, not Lginarthteaté ttoelantedf necessaruly for puiblicationi,but for Our fies. Such mnateriai fjerence in the two terms. miuet rcacb the editor by Tuesëday:noon: to, be 'in time for adsnetelt a ehadmc the current iue. ýrxm ________________________ of "democracy," and it is neot to be wondered at that> many uninformned 'people tbink that the. American forni of- government is a, democracy. NYHAT 0FNEW TRIERP The fact is, however, that. the Constitution of As. this editorial is appeaeing, bundreds of young folks in, tbeir best bib and ýtucker are graduating f rom the elemnentary schools of our niorth sbore. villages and froni New Trier High scbool. Those froni the grade scbools are look- ing forward eagel otebgaventure at bigh scbool. Those wbo for four years bave enjoyed the unexcelled facilities of the,.bigb school are looking to.the still greater advan tages at coliege or university for wbicb tbey bave been so ade- quately prepared, or are gallantly sallying forth to do battie with the .world. And you, their par- ents, kinfolk, and friends, in spirit go with theni. The bigh school which for more than thirty years has been the outstanding factor in the townsbip's community and educational life is now gravely threatened. As a resuit of drastic re- ductions this spring ini the assessed valuations of north shore real estate, tbe presumptive income of $690,000 for the next school year will resuit in cash of possibly less than $300,000. At the sanie tume property owners are in default to tbe higb- school atone more than $1,000,000 of taxes acttxally billed tô thein months and years ago. Anyone who can read figures cati draw for hiniself the well-nigh fatal conclusion. Do you, the members of families of children now registered to enter high school, wisb their opportunities cut short whether by reduced school-term, by inferior 'teacbing, or by muti-. lated courses of study? Has not the widely, beraldedeexperience in the Chicago schoois been sufficient lesson? Or must sometbing 'simlar happen here at New Trier ere we al awaken to the situation? What of you whose children now are in New Trier? And do you, the members of familles of graduates of New Trier, think your duty to that institution any the less than when muIC itea atesrtLCa adLU iluWue, anadIIUiia democracy. That Constitution, adopted in -1787, rescued, the country froin a -situation far more chaotic than exists today, and carried it, during, the first. one hundred years, to a, place of, pre- einence among the nations. of the world. It was only wben departures were taken from its, Provisions that the elements of democracy crept The 'lat-e Ha-rry Atwood, recognized 'as an autbority on the Constitution and the Amnerican republican -forni of government, givesth-is ýsimùple and easiiy understandable explanation: "A de- mocracy is like a basebail game without an umh- pire, whIere the grandstand and thie bleachers give the décisions on the plays. A republîican formi of .government is like the sanie game with an officiai umpire, whose decisions are final." In other words, a republicani government is. a rep- resentative government, conducted by officiails -lected for the purpose. If we do flot like the officials, we can elect others. When the Constitution was framed and the Republic of 'the United States establis.bed, the Convention members had before theni the his- tories of ail governments that had gone before, and none of theni were, acceptable. Neither an autocracy nor a democracy fitted in with their désires for the new goverrnment, and s0 a repub- lic, the first in the world, was formed. Article 4, Section 4, of the Constitution pro-m vides that "The United States. shall guarantee to every State in this Union a republican (represen- tetive) forni of government." On Septem.ber, 18, 1803, Alexander Hamilton wrote: "The plan of a constitution which I drew up while 'the convention was sittinig, and which I communicated to Mr. Madison. . . was predi- cated upon this basis: That the political prin- ciples of the people of this country wouid endure died. vr, a Mid- mrs. Lt an ironyi this effort 1 Vile niovies must go!1 O, yeah? "A&dultsonly." Tickets fouýr, weeks in advance.. gid to the drought strict west, thiat capable old hou turned on the faucets u down. !as of the central !r, Mother Nature, and.the aid came, and gentlemen, by his own admission,,Mr. Tugwell, lovingly known as "Tuggy," is America's suiper- patriot, than whorn there is-than wbomn there is- than whomn there is no whomer. Like Kelly is. Tau PHANTOM REIOMa And n ow they are threateniîng to bonib the home of Doris Duke, wbo becamé the world's. rlchest womaný through our vile habit !of 'smoking. Wehl, giving the money to ber saves us froni worrying. Wben Park board and Village officiais and the representative of an. organization wvhicb, we have been educated to believe, knows how to. adjust al. the difficulties of* the universe, sat down in conference on -i recent quiet Sabbath morning and decided t h a t, Wilmette sbould. bave two beacbes, witb a more or less ornamental fe nce between, we had misgivings and could flot quite force ourself to approvai. Not that it woùld make anv difference to us per- sonally. Our thougbt was foi the cute littie niermaids and the big,. strong mermen, and thc smooth course of the beach flirtation. For beach flirtations-, while not, as a general tbing of long duration, are, exceedingiy bot while they last. We visioned ont. of those statuesque goddesses on the sands of Class A beach, taiking the eye-language to ýan Adonis 1iii trunks on Ciass B beach, and we had 'our artist draw a picture portra-ying their pitiful plight with that devii-inspired fence as an effective obstacle to the personal1 contact so necessary in affairs of that kind. We thought it rnight soften the hearts of the officiais in whoni romance seems to have died. And idid. As soon as they saw the, picture tbey relented -or at ieast recçogn.ized that youth would flot be denied. We reproduce the picture j ust. to- show youx that affairs of state must. yieid to the affairs of merrnaids .and'niermen.; There will ot be twci beaches in Wilmette thiis season. A N'ew York man, darning bis socks, f eu upory bis needie and was kiiled. Reports do not state where his wife was at the time; The chief of police of Evergreen Park has been arrested for stealing automobiles. Thàt's the ex- trenie height of sometbing or other.