Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Jun 1934, p. 23

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tion. 'l'hi eight courts, which are mad e Of stonle dust, are reported to l>e lillhe (condition. The assistant to XIr. latinigani this season Wvi1l be Jack Broad of Xýorthiwesterl1iviier- A.nnounece New Reduced. Parking Rate at Pair The, Gianit Parki.ng Area right il, front of thie* 8th and 23rd' Street entrances te A Century of Progress annlotnlce, a one price ýrcduced rate for ail (la%- arkiug. lu addition to this new lw*rate, t bev have Provi(led liew Coli veimences. Ati clevator lias been îniistalleil at the, 23rd street entrance, whicli brinigs, visitors rigit -iu front. of the 23rd Street gate of the fair. .Anlother nleinniovation is the free bus service. Thlese buses are tised thrËottghot the Parking Area to bring visitons to the entrances a fter, they lîav-t parkcd tier cars. Mrs. Roy Osgood and son, Alfred,: 423 Essex road, Kenilwýorth, are leav- Ang todIay to niotor to Princeton toi see Cliftoin gradiuate froni Princetoni uiversity. M.r. Osgood goes later. Mrs. Osgoo d and lier souis ilI visi.t relatives ini Boston before going to tlleir -,tntimer home at liclvle \faille, to stav umail fali.. rakes, formerly of ue, Wilmette. have [C street. Winnetka. o oeI and coutageson lake shore. i Ail sportais. Soial ho.Lteus and e xpert *bridgé teacher. SUperviaed Play for *children. ,Own 7-piece orchiestra. Fine I els Prfre y2gneai fds crhninating vacationers. Send for book- * laYi Ba.dcr. n'dical stitdent at. .V r! n~'sIc n îîiversil v. î'Ïl1he fi)?- fCil r iii iuiuq!, duriplyhie Mti li lirF classes coîîdurted on theu ISeni duoi-th bet ch, bY .1isç .1 farjori .lljtchel! ýof .Glcncoe. ATTEND GRADUATION Beatrice Driver, 423 Abbotsford road, Keiiilorthi, who attends. Wel- lesley, wijlI go to commeniicenent, at Dartmouth and retuiru with à1r. Herbert A: Lundai,,Jane.. and lier- l)ert, k DISGIJISEr T AS YOl> WILLe wtj RCTMORITAIN ILMITED E N. a ére r V.Fm nla $nue. St. Ste- tom (oi Chicago& 1000b) *SM a. mm. dally. EligIc. wood Union Station (63rd Se.) 10&41 a n 0 improve a room. Wben yon @endl as your rage Yom may b. sure they an la fnIable bauds. We bave for ov'er 26 years erysi a dlscnluluating eueutele and gua*aatee a Sthoub gand suamatoy job as modrato est. Mestjian Bros Oriental Ruga and Carpt 1;- >LORADO iPRINGSÀ RO(KI5L4ND u u wulug W pringt-eo grect adventage in time muid <Suve.- I.nce t. CpIorod@ tourists. Go one way- return the other ROUND TRIPPAMES -NE VER LOWER. iSNCHICAO Ev«eg Satur"a yuISauday-16-day lnit Since 1885 Under Management 806 Dempster Street of Victor Ortlund, President v Evanston, 111. ibon.e-Wllmette, I<enllwort.li, Wlnnletka-CalI Winntka 160 8 ~ .------------------------ ---- ------------- - IROCK USILAND' THE ROAD 0F UNUSUAL SERVICE 1 l 1 0 c 7-3 Island

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