Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Jun 1934, p. 10

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FR01105Met Dept. ICmilwoth Suriabine Macaoon Dips. Deli- dous cocoanut. iced, 9 cake .. ps .29 Suai.Entgia Assort.d Bis- cuit*. 1-lb. pkg. contailng 5 assorted3 c lokes .... a Real Buy, No. 2Y2 can Friday and Saturday Onlg 59C Butter....Zl.rl Frosb Parm. i Egi. Extra large, *3~9 ail white. 3 br C. & H. Pure Sugfar... 53 C&Wf. Valencia, 3doz69c Prime Rita Reat of Beef. 6th and 7th cut ....l. b.22e Prime RiL Ro*et of Beef. Standing ...lb.3:t weber Sprmng2 c Daacks 2Z.lb Cold Meats.39 Finest Selection lb. Pork Roa@t. iO Bacon. -Armour Star, Wilson Certifled, or '3'8 . Miller & Hart i b. 7 Richelieu_ Fancy Red Salua n..A Ml. fat39 TIos. J. Webb Cofe..... Z9c Root Studio Miss Sylvia Keil, 1618 Spencer aveue, Wilmettc, w/to mai ntaine d la , straight, honor stantding during ber four yeatrs of'attenidance, was atong the ,students . who recetied high awards at the. Malliinckrodt fltgh stool geadu<*fon exercie's last 7'hur.sday evening. She was also the recipient of an honorary schol- ars hi>. The Most Rev. William D. O'Brien, auxiliary bisbop of Chicago, presented forty-tbree Mallinckrodt graduates with their diplornas. -MOVE TG EiVANSTflM lare board, wili contïnue temporarily ber interest in that organization. Her residence telephone number is Niles Center 183, she announces. CE NTR A HAT. CLEANERS rws clean&4, blockd...soc maras çleap.d, blocked 75c e lected to fil the unexpired term of resigned. Mr. Gillson's resignation had been in the hands of the board since last December, but not accepte ,d until Monday of this week.£ Mr.ý Geringer is entering upon bis .first public office. The, family came to Wilmette five years ago,'entering into the social and civic activities of. the.-village., Mr. and Mrs. Geringer bave two cbildren, Miles B3., Jr., grad- pating ibis year frornNew Trier High scbool, and Jane, a, junior at Nortb-.______ western university. Mr. Geringer is a newspaper man, being vice-president and business manager oftbe Daily Svornost, the oldest Bobemian newspaperin Amer-ý ica, f ounded by bis fatber,, August Geringer, and left to bis family, and employees. It has a wide. influence among the Bohemian population ofi A member of tbe 1. O. O. ,F. and tbe Sbawnee Country- club, Mr' Ger- inger has become well known ini joca.1 social and fraternal circles. He is also a member of tbe Bobemian club5 in Chicago, and tbe .family is. af- 'flliated witb the Unitarian cburcb. ,Mrs. Geringer is active in- local- musical circles, being -cbairman of the music committee of Sbawnee Country club, in charge of the Sun- day musical programs. Speaking of -his election to the Park board, Mr.. Geringer expressed tbe conviction tbat, everyone becom- ing- a citizen of a comniunity is ob- ligated to rendèr public service to the extent of bis ability. "I, shaîl," he said, "devote to, the work of the Park board al the time necessary to an efficient conduct of its affairs. ,I realize that, the demands upon me will not be small, but I arn preparedi to carry on the dutiés to. tbe, best of muy ability." Eugene Earl Mancinelli, 1010 Sheri- dan ro;ad, is Ieaving o *n Monday'.with tbe Navy unit from Nortbwestern University for a tour of Washington, D. C. and Ut. Vernon, and tben a tbree weeks' cruise on the U.S.S, Fairfax. Tbe group will sail from ~New York forPanama. '1 BRAUN 2532 West Railrond Ave., Evaaaston Phne University 5470 Co* and Works of Mary Baker Eddy, and ail other autliorzd Science Liter ature may bc remd, borrôwed or purchascd et igRoom. THE PUBLIC 15 OUB»IALLY INVrIIW'TO ATTEND THE CH URGH SERVIC1S AND, V158T THE READINO ROOM Btrikwberries, Wat*Tuelong, Csataleupe, Red Eailieii1e, Swet Cherries and AilgatrPfkare FIVE DELIVERIES DAILY' Va.,atiou ~~Hqve Your CAR ~~Cheeked Over at Braun Bros',.> MOD.ERN GARAG E

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