Deadtne e will be ac- ýWILMETTE LIPE 'or ail three PPr'Wde y9*p. M. 'for WINNETXA TAL!C and Thursday5à P., M. for GLENCOg N EW. TelePhones Wilmette 43». ,Winnetka 2000 (Wlnnetka. 500 ater 6 P. M) Greenlea.f 4300 or Sheidralce.581. LOS? IANO FOUND LOST - WHITE KNÏTTEL)$I. blouse,, in viclflity of Central Ave. and 111h St., Sat. >Finder please return te) .Jaý-nitor, Boulevard Bldg., Wiimette. 3LrN5-1l SMALL BLACK SILK POCKETBOO0K contalnlng British and American- inoney iost May 27. Reward. 105 Lin-. den Ave. Glencoe 1464. 3LTN5-lifi LýOST-FIEMALE WIRE HA1RED FOX terrier wearlng coilar with Gilencoe li- cense. Reward for return to 820 Green- leaf Ave., Giencoe., 3LT5-ltp LOST-MÀY 29TH, RIED IRISH SET- ter, female. Answers to "Lady." Lib- eral reward. Ph. Gienvlew 297, or Su- perior 1181. '2LlN-t DUILDI(40 AND CONTRACTINO MODERNIZE YOUR HOME! LET US MODERNIZE YOUR HOME! Basement recreation roorns* additions, attie modernisation, home repalring In ail branches. No job too small. Season- able low prices. We have built more than 100 home. on the north shore and kcnow Our business! F.'H. GATHERCOAL. 1611 RUliland Ave. Wilmette. 11.1. Phone Wilmette 225 15L¶'N21-tfpj THOMAS MEYErýR MASON, STONE and CEMENT WORK WII.METTE 1718 15LTN48-13tp JOHNFERR ('PEN!ENT WORK-BLACK Dtit'i' _________________ 6LTN.7-1 tl ýRats, Roaches, Etc. f P. J. UICDELHOFEN, EXTERMINAT- j ing engineer. Ph. Wilmette 3s67. RESSMKIN Designing. and ùuttin g a.t your ýhomeî~ or mine, Ph. iliimette 21 5. 221LT'N;--4ti GQARDENINO COME TO HIBBARDROAD GARDENSý. -Hibbard Road and.Winnietka Avenue- for your perenniais, rock plants, annuals. . Also landscaping. RkEASO NABLE PRICES 297LTN4-2tv~ PLANTS AND *ULBS lc ANNUJAL, PLANTS. 30VARIETIES BeddIng, window boxes, and perennials A. D. Fitts. Landscape gardener, 727 Oakton St., Evanston. 28LTN3.-4tp INSTRUCTION CLASSES IN PAINTING, DRAWING. I -and sculpture for younig people ami I hiidren. Mon., Tues. and Wed. morn- ings 9-12. Instruction under Mrs. Edw. IBrion and Nanicy C. Hahn. -Studio 181 Beach Rd., Glencoe. Start June lSth. For further information phone Mrs. Brion, Gleneoe 242. 3OLTN5-ltcý N O R M A L COLLEGE GRADUATE wlshes tutoring 0f chiidren ln cie- inefltary grades. AI!sbjcl speclaliz- ing ln primary reading and arlthmetic. Phone Wlmette 2011. 30 LT N5-1t1) EXPERIENCED TE.A&lER WILL Df- rect speclail utorlng classe.,;te) bring chlldren Up te grade. Reasonahie rates. Phone Willmette l066. 301LTN5-î ti> PAINTIN0 AND DECORATING Paint, Paper 5 Rms., $34.50 CEILINGs CALC., $1 UP SANITAS AND CANVASING WORK. SRm. walipaper cieaned, $1; bathroom. enameled, $5 up; kitchen painted, $6 up. 5 nu. fins. washed, varrlshed, $8. Stucco finish, outslde paiuting, porches $15. Windows, 50c. Refs. Fre estlinates. Materlals fu1rnished. SKOLNIK Wilrnette 341.3 SIP" COVE RS D3raperies and curtains mnade to order. ,Expert workmanshlp, Ph. Glencoe 1419. 58LTN4-4tp WEARING' APPAREL BfOY's WHITÉ FLANNEL PANTS and blue coat, size 34. Also btoy's is eelianentvs ciothing. :Phone Wilrmette 130. .5LlN-t * . -LOANS First Mortgage J4oans, 13 'TO 15 -YEARS r -5'/2 TO 6% INTEREST We .-tsre ini poý.Iion, to reJ)rosent yt)tl M oItaining insurtazîcýe coripany 1 asat very 10w rates. S\IR XIE~ ENC LOAN 1)EPT. 1564 Shernman Av., U'ni. 028:, og. Plk. 0271 LOANS ON AUTOMOBILES Confidential seirvice, legirates MOTOR LOAN'CO. State Bank Bldg., Evanston Gre. 320Ô 65LTNftgýtfc, SITUATION WANTED-FEMALE COMPETENT HELP NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYER Efficient Service for North Shore H-ome'. WE INVESTIGATE REV ERENCES 'WE ARE THE ORIGINAL Pauline's Emp. Agencv WILMETTE 2171 Fourth and Linden Opposite *IL" Ter-. 68LTN47-t f( EXPERIENCED HELP WE SEILZ~ IN 1110-1 1.ORAI)E d inesti e ll1, altit o'ti e. Ni> charge to eamployers. Ilvferences inv(ýsti- gîited, Under state superv'ision. Reinhartfs .Agecyc 748 Elin St. Wnîta39 CAPAýBLE,. WHITE 11-1,, (1 00_1) cook and fond 0f children. NO hlaundry.-1 $15 per w-eek. N. S. *tes.Write ts Emmia Luke, 408 W. North Ave., _Chiieagl .. IF--7ï681TNiS-Ilî> EXPR. RIE GRLWISHES DAY work. Do wa.shing, îronling, lnig $3.0 dy. ail between .6 tnd 6:30 p. iai., Winnetka 3218, ask for NelIie.e 2 _ U7 -- --_ 681,TN-lti SWEDSH. 9. WNTS GENERIAL.2. *EXPEî'RIENCED MIAN WANTS GAR- den and housework. Windoiv wash- lng. North Shore references. Phone Wilnette__3073. 6!bl'rN5-Ilp I[ANDY MAN DESIRES POSITION,. m.owing lawn, painting :t*nd, any so-rt of odd jobs. Phone Bùcktiiigh;ýin 6906 CHAUFFEUR. HOUSEMAN & GAR- dener, good reliable mnan,0 best refèr- ences fiurnis.hed. 'Phone WVilinetté 4791.' :S1T. WTD.--MALE AND FEMAI.E Carlson's Empi. Agenc 804 EL1Uj STREET . WINNETKA 3328. RELIABI4E HELP Al domestie positions NO C-HA.RGE'TO, EMPLOYERS 70LTN!-tfe ENGLISI- COUPLE. 32 AND 34, WANT I<5tfl3y rs. Iast »iave. * R inar's iîpl ;gencv 748 Elm S$t. Witinetka 3391, ________70LTN.7-lt(- CéAPABLE HELP > Experienced and inexperienced Anderson Emýi-pi. Agencv 851 Oak Street Winnetka 428 70LTN2-4tp IIELP WANTED--FEMALE PAULINE'S IN Apply iiin rson11. NO>rgs.~ I>Il. Patulin&es Eîupl. JAgenw Fourth & . inde~n .opp. "I."1einii 1 Bik. Linden Sta.' N. S îu I>0M1~SIIHELP WANTI) C.ener.i, work, sotie cookig, sul familes. City or subuîrbs *2-i C(MJI>I<tS $75-S,125 ,Nany otber positions, gwod stais S-H1-A-Y. A gy 14 W. Washjngton Chicago Centrai 98l0 COMETET WHITEÏHELPýWANTED with good references. Apply ,in pers9on. ALL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE, 663 Vernon, Ave.',Giencoe 251 71LTÉNi3-tfc WAINTED. WFITE GIL OR WOMANý' for general housework. Must likt- chiidrtin. Nice cool roon. Itef. requlred. Phone Wnnetka, 3279. 711LTN5-ltP COLLETTE SOEURS DESIGNERS & MAKERS Gowa - Wraps - Suite - Coats Origina - Copied - lleatyled - Altersà tu lei t. Winneta 14-- 1011-4t iary )argan $.02 each, ç oadway, Evanston. O)pp. ý Railway stearù Sta. at 'C One Greeniee.f 0412 SiLTi, 2~'go homre nights. Phori Rt-iELIABLE WHITE ex- work by hour or day. dlo Phone Wlmette 4288. rtli- fELIAIBLE EXP. W4 trai laundry ý Work by day. -Itc 1867 after 5:30 P. IL, FOR G if able t< M- 'T7 LOne vi , 8M . Refereuces5 2573, one~ VVIIiUlLS