Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Jun 1934, p. 59

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"David Harum," "Gambling Lady" and "Queen Christina" Penture Off erings of Current Week j Fox Film's. new release, ."David Harum," starring WilI Rogers, wil make its. appearance on. the séreen of the V4ilmette theater tliis Thurs- day, Friday and Saturday. Becaùse o.fthe nation's friendly interest in the hl à mo r i s t-philoso pher-star, letters pour into lis home regularly, sug- gesting a paLrticular, story or- themfe or character foi his. next. picture.1 More suggestions tirging him to.'play "David Harumn" Were réceived than! al others combihed. It was virtually * ini response to the. command of the theater-going public that Fox Film * produced this story., XiIl Rogers plays the part. 'f .a sinal, town l)anker who does sorne slrevd horse *trading on' the side. l'le àaudience vihave plenty of fun watching these deals.. l'lie large cast in support of Xil Rogers displays an array of imnpres- sive namnes thiat include Louise Dresser, Evelyn Venable, 'Kent TaYlor. Stepin Fetchit, Noah BPeery, Roger fimblof, Frank. Melton, Charles * Middleton. Sarah Paddeti anid iÀllianý Barbara Stanwyck Stars Barbara Stanwyck will be He stellar attraction at the \Vilinette J: theatér Suinday, %Ionday and Tues- day, Julie 10, Il and 12, in her War- lier Bros. picture, "Gambling Lady,," a filin based on the thrilIinglý1 draina- tic story by Doris Malloy. There is a talented cast in' which Joel McCrea and Pat O'Brien shiare. honors as masculine leads and rivais for the, love of the gamibling lady. Claire Dodd 'plays. the1holiewreckin àoeaSociety girl wýhoý stops at nothing to steal, another woman 's huasband. * Archie Mayor directed the pro- duction froni the screen play by Ralph Block and Miss Malloy. in *whicli they have taken.pains to re- in Varsity Films "Six of a Kind," a riotous coniedy, Shows this Thursday at' the Varsity theaten, featuring the following sextet of ace-high mirth stars: Charlie Rtag- gles, Mary Boland, W. C. Fields,, Ali- son-Skipworth, and George Burns.and Gracie. Allen. Friday,. Satur day and. Sunday, June 8, 9 and 10, will brinig "We're Not Pressing," comedy drama in which:Bing Crosby'.proves hiffiseif niot only a -sing- er but also.a regular Admirable Crich- ton in situations that demand jutst the righit kind of action. Crosby is seen as a sailor aboard a palatial yacht, but. late r he proves he's more. than that ..ý Carole Lombard and Lçon Errol also play interesting noies. "dMen 'ini Vhite," a hospital picture starring Clark' Gable, Jean- Hersholt and Myrna Loy, will show at the Var- sity.on Monday,, TuesdàyV, Wednesday and. Thursday, June il to, 14.,: 0Of this picture, Photoplay magazine says: -"It'is a film long to be rememi- bered-fine' and iionest. Ili the scène with the little sick girl, Gable does a remarkable acting job. And lie has your sympathy aIl through. the. episodel witli the nurse who dies as the result of an openation that should flot have been performed. "Hersholt tops aIl previons perform- ances. And what a trouper Elizabeth Allan is'! Otto Kruger, C. HJenry Gor- don.' and , screen successes, cornes to the Winnetka Community theater Friday and Saturday, June 8 and 9, in "Hi, Nellie !" The story by Roy Chanslor, a news- paper man, deals entirely with news- paper work and newspaper characters in their contact with the outside world in gathefing sensational stories. Muni has the role of the managing editor who is sentenced to write the heant throbs colunin (where lie. ac- ciires the nicknamne "Nellie") ýbe- clstnguisfled perfornmance while unrav- eling the mnystery in "One Is Guilty,'I the Valencia thriller Saturday, june 9. Sunday, June 10, Edna May Oliver and Edward Everett Horton pto a grand show in "The Poor Ricb"' when unexpected guests, ýwho. do fl ot know'their hosts have lost their wealth, arrive. ,By popular demand,,the Valencia has' saved Monday and Tuesday, ,Jùne Il and 12, for 'a return engagement of "1* i. Happenied One Night," a gay, well- 1 directed -film starring, Claudette Colbett and Clark Gable who strike, up ac- quaintanice on. bus from, MNiamiý to New' York and haýve an adventurous trip, Wednesday, june .13,, telephone: repair men Pat O'Brien and Allen jenkfins and hello girl :joan BlondeIl keep tihings moving along. in've Got, Your Num- ber." Spencer Tracy heads a brilliant cast in the, amus ing draina, "The Show-Off," Thursday and Friday, juùe 14 and 15. Madge Evans plays lte ,patient wffe, ' while other noIes receive capable at- f tention from Clara Blandick and Loisj Week Gays at 4:46 p.m.-Smow st 7$00 p.M. Box Omee Closes Eve. nings at 9:46 j.m. AduitÎ4 25<--RhIuu, line Always Cool and Comiortable Thurs., Fr1., eSat., June 7,84. WiII Rogersý-Loui's. Dresser. Also "On Approval"-lComiedy Sat. ma.--chapters 2 and 3 ITho Mystery Squadron" Sun, Mn.,Tu«s., ue1-11 *UEL M'rc4RjEgA IlUlODO* PATOMBRIE To&dy (TlsursdaY) List D.j "&SIX OF Riotous conmedy with Clssmwes Rugglee-MaM7 BoIand W. C., Fi.Ids-Mson Skipwortls Also Comedy - Travelogue sud "Hollywood News Roof" Wod.. Thurs., June 13-14 binua. voted many montns ot laborious î- .sean ch ini Swedish museums to colleet. data, ail information available, and hundreds of old plates and engrav- ings to make the picture authentic. .Other stars in this great picture, directed >,y Rouben Mfamoulian, are LeWis Stone, Ian Keîth, Elizabeth Young end C. Aubreyv Smith. PAUL Muni As a newspaper odItor wholioIved .0w. te nickname IN WHITE" MwaL.,-Sott.Krug. i Wonder Bar" ..... AI Jolson I"Crime Dotor" .-Ofto KIruger I"Journal of à Crime"... I"Catherine the Great4'

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