Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Jun 1934, p. 3

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lutejD8IU.IC snoU1a tuthe aniual commencement exercises on Fridav right, June 15. Because of the fact that there is no auditorium in W~il- 'nette large enough ta accommodate the crowd, the . exercises are to 1w bllrlit New Trir High school.' 'l'le program for the exerdises wvas announced this' week -as foI1ovvs: ('hi of I193~4-and adec Tii' .'aLiiol ,Rev. John G Hidh-x- 01idohal ntisonse ....M......o1zart Class of 1934 Ph'sfe to God ... t)ick.xon Class of 1934 An.ut mfd Gavotte ................hl r.i iytilbouji ........... .........R n u Itflt-iimexZO.. ...................... WIlnxette school orchestra Y'r i,. ethé Father . Gîîo Cla.s of 1934 I'r,--Svntation of the Class. ........upt.J. R. H.re i u.stutation. of the D!ilomas, Henry I.Uutltr i' sd~tof the Board of Edueýatj(Iuu 11>- S gng . .Ue>Iil Mae iltie Scibr *11lmtte sediorechezstra 1934 Graduates Pollowýing is a ist of the.1934 grad- uateS:ý Arnuld J. Albramso,Jr., Frances Ake- ly. Peari R. Anderson, Robert >A. Ander-' son, \ariory,,C, Arnold, Ben. S. Barrett, Donald 0. Berblinger, Robert F. Berold, Fzrede-rick H4. Bird, Jr., H-. Virgni«v Bi-ser-, Raymiond P. Bloom, Betty Anmi Brtnnerf. Arthur -M. Brereton, Jr.., Jatte M., Turbott, Mary K. Burlingame. Ros.ýalie A. Carlen, Madeline CI;>t rk, Marian RI. Cla.y, Robert B. Cochrauu1, H.hlen C. Colgrove, Janet R. Colvini, James 'W. Crawford,, Mary May %V7 tord., Jay Crowell, Virginia M. Dàxl- Srqm, Nornian C. Deno, (Gene F. Drake». Bob G.' Eh~mer, Elizabeth. É,Eldredge, NIary. V. Elias, Betty Claire EIIlk, .h'aine Everson, (Tordon P. Fair-mail, %ly . F'arnei Patricia %M. Fisher.! f'IrtE. Fî'ey, Doris Frykmnan, Robert j i :etty (alvin, Betty R. Gebert, Dav'idiî <Xguer arian D.. Goode, Clifford S ;..*<îmn%, Vrg'.inia Goodric,ýh, Charles- fW egory, Robert S. Gruhn, T>l'ul F. (èear . Haas, Frances >L. Habeek. il'nD. Hall, Raynion W. Hallet, O4.se ulver Hand, 11, Joseph Hiknl- 'v,ra \P ,uie E. Hlardin, Doris Jlean Ilar- CÇontinued on page 5) T he Wilmette Optimist club Sor af Wilmette Boy Scout No. 11, is working on plans1 annual :outing of the troop woods of nortberni Wisconsin. Bernie Photo Richa rit .A. Ois, son0, of fr. anld .ir.R. A, Oison of Ke>ilîioth, an, honor studeni at New. Trier High s h las ben ît urded. a J! elles scholarshi;p b thflictolarsiiip roni- Piltt'eeof t11 Uuz£-.ivrsi0o1fRoches- hr.Oison. w.as prommient in miîSic acti wiies Ai .ezoTrier'. lM issi'ng Articles Held i at Local Water Plant W. M. Oison, superintendent of fil- tration at the Wimette water works, annaunces that be is holding severai articles of personal property ieft in the plant by visitors. Owners. can. recover these articles hi' annL tno- Somne of themi wiIl not be able ta go unless they can secure blank- ets of some kind ta ctiri up in at night. Nothing swanky, preferably a single blanket and clark in color. You who bave replaced such thinigs with the new anes in lovely pastel shacles, may bave one of the 01(1 ones lurking in the cedar chest. May some. boy bave kt? Economy Shop w~iI1 be glad ta pass it on. Aiea, Ecohormv Shopneeds. six dozen anc.e quart Mason jars. or any kinid Nvith screw tap.and twa dozen, two quart jars. XVill some anc wbo na longer daes ber'own canning let uüs have tbem? -> -Mrs. A. L. Grinnell, chairmnan Note: Fd'onoiny Shop Is conducted. hy theWoman's Club of Wilmette. 'Fédéral Savingýs., Loan Bodly Faces a Bright Future lu a letter to sharebalders dated May 28, C, E..Cliftan, Jr., secretary of the First Federal Savings and Loan As- SQciation of Wilmette advises that ai- most twa manths of operatian finds the organization firmly establisbed upon a sound foundation, %wtithi a bright future assured. Among other things be points out p.. . .Juni(lays. elTect oai mis is w more jui.aîy placet the association in position ta negotiate PÂRTYPOSTONEDloaai ans. It is empbasized that there PARTYPOSTONEDis no chance for the government or any The card party which was to have individuals gaining contrai, as na share-, ieen held today- by the junior nieni- holder cari vote more, than fifty shares. bers (if the Catholic Daugliters of America bas beeui postponledî until . Seeking Souad Lýo&nà Tbrusday 'evening, June 21. The par- The letter contains. the good neurs ty wviii be given'at'St. Josephi's schoal that the association is seeking saund ît 8 o'clock. boans nat above 50 per cent af the value ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ of the pr operty. A bill *reent1xr intrctduced ini congress upon 1.iasibiii Ut - ciation, will give a briet talk an( uns to guide mne hi Dolores Schwall, a pupil of Noriný ;I perfeçt vacation $Pot. Greeni, wiil do a tap dance. Refresh. nris lias been the~ ex- ments and a social hour will follo-v perience. of ni a nx y .tbe prograni. This meeting will bt North Shore readers the last one until the opening ci .Summier :fter çsmmer. :school uext faîl. in thei Two important accompliihniet,. were scored for ail New Trier tax- payera this weelc by Sanborn Hale, tax collector for New Trier township. 1. Dy agreement with the. eouuty colleter, Mr. Hale is authorl.ed te receive &Il tax payments at one%, and thus obviat. tii. neeessity of taxpmy- ers:going te the. Couty buildiasglu Chicago Mmd: millig maud with the. crowids te setti. tii.ir t&ax prohkl&s L. A specifie formula, for. maIldug paymnts cm 193Z tmxes .aely wae. given out te guide befýuddl.d pRop.rt owuers. Heretof are punctual. t.axpayers in the early part of the tax year have been able to avoid tbe terrible con- gestion in the countytreasurer's of- fice -by making 'their. payments at .Mr. Hale's office in the, Wintnetka State.. bank. However7, since the inauguration, of the system of 'pay- mients> in two instaliments, there b as been confusion due to. tbe fact:that the tax books have not been return- ed to Mr. Hale for the second1 instal- ment. The second instailment on 1932 s:eâîty taxes are now due. The new agreement makes it possible for the township collector ta receive and. re-, ceipt for ail second installîment pay- ments. While Mr. Hale cannot adjust pen- alties for* delinquent personal prop- erty taxes nor for penalties for deinquencies on 1931 nor 'first in- stallment .1932 real estate taxes, nevertheless he bas voiunteered to entries on the county records. Pay 90 Per Cent, Request Perhaps even more important than this agreement is tbe statement by the county coilector that ail real estate owners should pay 90 per cent of their second instalîments of 1932. taxes, Tbe 'county officiai eèstimates. that in tbe great niajority of cases this payment will so neariy ap- praximate the exact taxes due that the taxpayer need not worrv. If hv cosn LIIIVA4 lji £ÇDi tit ina . paraIi the village, it is stated. The parade was intended for boys and girls lip ta -12 years of age.ý

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