Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Jun 1934, p. 40

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Women Voters to Meet on June ý2< The hoard of directors ot the Wilinèette League, of Won'ein Voters will mieet at 10 o'.clocl Wedriesday nîiorning . June 20, at the home of the pre silefltý Mrs. J. C Baker, toconllet, itsý plans. for the folwing year 's work. The board. for 1934-35 cônsists o the followng: Mrs. Baker; Mrs. Fred E. Parry, flrst vice-president;. Mrs. -Sbelby -M. Singleton, second: vice-president and mrnbership chairman, Mrs. Donald Maxwell, co-chairman; Mrs. Murdtc Ross,. third vice-president and finance chairman; . Mrs. Ira Reynolds, re- cording secretary; -Mr. R. Ad- kins, corre5ponding secretary;,,M rb. C. Warren Cozzens, treasurer; Mrs. Hlerman Reiling, program chairman.; ILrs Iif. 1B. Burnside, publicity chair- man; Mrs. L. A. Bower, chairman of government and its operation, Mrs. H. E. Ringholm, village, Mrs. C. P. Evans, county; Mrs. H. B. Jobnstoiî. g9vernment and education ; Mrs. J. D. Kiner gover nment and child wecl- fare; Mrs. Fred Rye, government and economnic welfare; Mrs. F. W.. Merrifleld, government and,d inter-ý national cooperation, Mrs. Eanl E. Graham, co-chairman; Mrs. G. T. Hellrnuth, publications; Mrs. S. E. Wells- social chairman. The study griyup on governmnent and international cooperation wil meet at the borne of Mrs. F. W. Mernifleld, 1014 Elmwood avenue, Monday, june'l1, at 2 o'clock. Mrs. *Lawrence Cole wilI speak on tbic peace* movement and report* on the. recent National Peace- convention held inMilwaukee. Anyone' inter- ested in the study of international cooperation is invited to joifi fthis group,- and is asked to caîl Mrs. Mer- rifield, iho lives at 1014 EljmwoI(d avenue.* Mrs. J. C. Blaker, Nir-s. :Murdo,- Ross and Mrs. Harry Burnside will attend the Annual Finance Field daý, Photo by toloif Mrs.Wif'dSa o!Wlet, with the other- members of thte board of the AMary Cra.nce ligîiue, wiII bu' host ess Saturday alternoon, whienîthe feu que hass ttIIa*idý L)utch <maY at. Ceaitury of Prog- resfrom -. un til 6, bene.fittiny by ail food sales i the, Hoiland Dutch village on Arr/w nY Island. Sunse,Ridg, to Have Junlior Dance Jun. 9 The first junior danc e of the summner season, at Suniset Ridge Coutitry club. will he hl Saturday, June 9, with Miss Jessie Pocock as instructor anmI hosteçss of the party. Judgifig f romn the early reservations, the club expects a large attendance at ýthis opening affair. The wvomen of Suilset Ridge opeted. their golf season 'ruesday and will have their first regular riHdge (lay Friday. Mns. Richard Payne. of Winnetkçalias~ charge of the bridge atnd Mrs. C. M. Suinset 'Ridge Golf club -w as t1;d scenie of a lovely luncheon and bridge party Monday, june 4, Nvheii fiwo-thirds or thereabouts. of the meml)ership of the active Wilmnettv center of the Infant :Velfare Societv of Chicago met for this social ocyca- sion..ý A delicionas' luncheon .%a-; served to the guests seated. ai sinal tables on the, porch which g a a delightful>view of thé. course. Gtiesi> ivere place(l in the order. of the reservation which served as a"re acquainte(l rnethod. Teix were fortunate at the. bridge- and. were agreeably 'surprised arnd most pleased with the lovely. priz.s, the conmittee had provided. The nxany present will long re - Aneniber this affaîr so effectivel v arranged by the social cliairnxan, «Mrs. Knight Blanchard and Mrs Conrad Frykman.,,presidenit of InfanW Welfare. (Contributed) Hostesfo Ex-Regents Mrs. Vinton Sisson of Winnietka en.- tertained the Ex-Regents' club.of the fourth division, Illinois D. AÀ. R., at ber -honme on Friday, Juie I., New members to be initiated were this vear' s regents of chapters of the divisio n. Former 'regents of the Highland Park., Skokie Valley, Glencoe. and Fort Dear. born chapters assistèd the hostess. Mrs. Melville C. Chiatten of Winnetkà is president of the ex-regents' club. Ho~t.ss i I i Parties to Precede Dance for Gads Hill With, plans 'in. readiness .and '%,itli an .àctive 'Evansto.nand Winnetka- ticket conimittee at work along the- north shore to make the, third annual carnival the -social su ccess .of previous recor<I, it.rernains this wee.k for us to atnounce dinner and cock- tail p)arties to precede it. Anxong the hosts:and hostesses who are entertaining friends to help mrake the evening rnerry, aýre thèse giving dinners, Mr. and Mrs. J. Endi- cott Bradstreet, the Rev. and Mrs. E. As hley Gerbard, Mr. arndX1r s. Harold, 0. Barnes, Mn.; and' Mrs. William. J. 'Hough, Mn.- and M rs. Samuel C. Smant, Mr, and Mrs. Ar- thur J. Mitchell, and Rolbert Gordoil, of Winnetka and Indian Hilt. and Mn. and Mns. Frank B. Hubachek of Glencoe. Added to, these -is-another group having cocktail- parties before thé ,(lance hegins: Mr; and Mrs. Walier, F. Straub, Mr. and Mms Erwin W. Mfeyens, and Nfr. and Mrs. Vernon Welsh, w.ho are entertaining 'jointly- Nir. arnd Nf rs. Edwand IL Hickst Mn. and Mrs. Mortinmer Price, MNr. a "d Mrs. Allen Hendry, ail of Winnetka. and Mr. and Mrs. Bundette P. Mast of Glencoe. In Evanston Mn. and Mrs. Jolin F. Pnice are giving a buffet supper for sixteen guests ini hoinor of, their daughter, Jill, later proceeding to the dance at Skokie. Marty.E>vanston- ialns are to be guýests.,awt"theë. partic% În these villages, -'rie Winnetka',and Evanýston aux- iliaries of Gads Hill settlement are collaborating in. sponsoring the dantce whicih benefits Chicago's Oldest 'set- l1ement. It isý given Sat.urday,; June:9., atSki Counitry c.lub., -'y)Anita Hill road, entert Mrs. Charles' R. Bull, 612 Warwick. of the Junior boi avenue, Kenilworth, will be hostess auxiliany of the to the Kenilworth Garden club at tea cietY at luncheo Friday. week. lare so- of last file IkiflJW U n <n re .Society of Chi caqo, w(as acting host ess at th-C. membership luncheon and- bridge ut Sunset Ridgqe club Monday ofi tis week. Mrs. Blanchard lios ai 101,5 Cocktails Before Dance Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Burch, 163 Abingdon avenue, Kenilwortb, were host and hostess at a cocktail party, Saturday preceding the dinnen dance at Exmoor * Country club.,

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