pprecation On t he occasion of our TENTH ANNIVERSARY, we. deem if fitting th.t we give. expression of our sincere approciation to our vast clientele andý. host of ftiends, wh by their loyal and confinuous, patronage ýhav playod so groat a'part in the groWth andsccs of our business. During the past several weeks architects, carpentors eloctricians and inferior de-torators have brought aàbout groat transformations in our store.' Amarvelous indirect lighting system, has been istalled, lmntn shad«ows,' which wilI permit the most satisfa ctory soloction of glasses. Addod'faciIit4ios and incroasod space will onable us to botter an 'optical service already recognizec i as ruly fine. Alsoi new1 brilliantly illuminated display windovvs afford botter presentation of new styles and creations in, Hattstrom& Sandors Custom-Bilt Glases.. AN IVIATO Ha:-ttstrom & Sâni are. scientifically d 'if you wish to sos the most beautiful optical store north of Chticago, pay us a visit during our bilrthday celebration week. 'W. will b. glacl to mveet old and new friends in our greatly improved quarters. HATTSTROM & SANDERS idors Custom-Bilt Glassos' Iesign.d, made àndfifted H .Hfsrm ~yeprtotcan ?mayyas1xoi Prosident ence. T'hey can be made to suit-any purs.. Complet. glasses from $4.50 Framres . . . . . from $2.50 Lensés, por pair . fro.m $2.50 Bfocals, per pair, from $9.50 702U MPC H STR EVANSTON JUNE7~ 91,4 - ým (2ýý