~1~~ FOR:MIEN AND YOUNC MIN PALM B.EACH SUITS and. T.IROPI.CALWORSTEDS The Most extensive. selection long the North Shore, andI com- pI.teIy -represetntetive of the. vast stock in aur Downt.ow, stfo r e PALM BEACH -Amrica% Mostf famous Summer comforf clofhng-.in wkif., fan.. grayL. Sport tyle. foo.. TROPICALS - look like yotir regular suifs, but wbight mucüh leU. mant variationis of grays and fans. COOIL ACCESSORIES HIENRYCe LYTTO'N' & SONS! Orrington and Churçh-BVANSTON-Opeoç Tuesday, Tlsursday and Saturday Ev*.tingsj JýUNE 7, '1934 AT THE, HUB. IN EVANSTON