SIim Summerville and ZaSu Pitts Score Comedy Success as They Viet for Ranch on Désert *Love Birds," onme of the Most hilarious of thé Suimmerville-pitts comedies, wilI showa h.Wilmette theater Friday andl Saturday, june .1 and 2 Slini Sunmerville and ZaSu Pitt.s play the star roles ini this roistering film, and the action finds theni both, itter enernies, buying the same Cali- fornia ranch through' a swinidling .,Ohio:real, estate agent, and beginning, to squabble over ;ownership as soon as they arrive at the property. But the ranch building turns. out to be a tumbledown structure six miles -froi nowhere in a trackless dessert, unoccupied for -years and totally without water. A strange oc- currence brings several hundred per- sons flocking' to the propçrty and a gold rush starts witbin a few minutes after their' arrivai. Then Slimi and ZaSu Pitts hit the bigh spots. - An added attraction will be "'Cougar," featuring, Jay Bruce and> bis. dogs. Then- at the Sattzrday matin'ee onfy, two seriais will thrill- the last chapterof, "The Wolf'Dog," and.the first chapter -of "The Mystery Squadrori." Jilt. 'His Trame Love Colleen Moore is the victÎi 'of a merciless jilting by. Douglas Fair-ý banks, Jr., in favor of' Genevieve Tobin in "Success At Any Price,", . Wonder Bar," a gay, sophisticated musical witb AI 'Jolson, Dolores 'del Rio and Ricardo Cortez, wil provide varied and fascinating entertainiinent. at.the Varsity theater .Thursdav, Fni- day, Sàturday and Sunday. AI Jolson ijs seen a s the proprietor of the Wonder Bar cafe in Pari. Dolores- del Rio portrays a dancer. while Ricardo Cortez plays .her gigolo partner. The carefully woven threads of thie.plot also involve Kay Franc-*s, Dick Powell, Ruth Donnelly, Hal Le- R.y, Guy Kibhee, Hugb Herhertamd mâanv others. Varsity patron s, will enjoy "WVon- der Bar?'" for its dance extravaganzas, spontaneity, and Jolson touches.' A full balf, hour of, extra screen thr ills is promised for the Saturday matinee, witlî the sbowing >of the Iastý chapter of '"Pirate Treasure" and the first chapter of the new serial,,"The. Vanishing Shadow." Plenty of a ction, intrigue, and grand photography showing colorful settiings of a bull-ring are a few rea- sonis why "The Trumpet fllows" will please *Varsity patrons Monday and Tuesday, june 4 and 5. George 'Raft; as the sleek young matador; per- forms exciting scenes before an énthusiastic crowd. Adolphe Menjodf and Frances Drake also deserve glory for the success of this thriller. .Wednesday and Thursday, june 6 and 7, will be tense with "The Mys- tery of Mr. X." Considened one of the best thrillers yet, this film fea- Li><e of S>y Revealed at Community Tizeater The life of a spy, with its attenfdant danger, dishonor and almnost certain deatb, cornes, to the Winnetka Com-. muünity theater Friday and Saturday, june i and 2, under the titie,, "IWas a Spy." The story of "Il Was a, Spy" is not tbe product of, a fiction-writer. but the real, faithfully reproduced. memoirs of Martba McKenna, wAar nurse and spy of the allied forces. Madeleine Carroll, Herbert Mar- s hall and Conrad Veidt have the fea- tured roles in the pficture. Open D&aila1:30 Show Contimmous te 12 Mlslmglat Thurs,, FnSat., 8mw. May 31. June 1-2-3 Lest limes Today-.Thuns.' a 1 Richard Drthelmess...A0 ^n vorak Ai . rassiioppe, end the. An#$ SIIIny mphony Car*o Fn., Sat., Juneý 1-2 ZasuPitt-SIlienSummervilleé Extra I "Cougar' with Jay Stucé, and pioga dat t. only. Lest chapter of "Ti oif Dog0 ' iao first chapter 7fhTë.Mt4ery, Squadron" Sun., Mon'.. June 3-4 Tues., w James Co -News June 5-4 j ohn Howa rdl La wsoôn's story pictures Mliss Moore as' the fiancee of Fairbanks, who forg.t s. her love i the pursuit of a career. after she bas 'launched him tôward success. In, SaraW~s place Joe . 'substitutes Agnes Carter, heartless: votany'of, luxury. Eve'ntually, they marry, and to niaintini an even pace *with ber desire for riches, Joe becomes crimin- allY involved. Agnes betrays' himn, andi when he turns to Sarabh for solace a tremnendous situation de- Velops. Here's That Peppy.Gent Valencia Presents Gay New Pictures. That new wide range sound systemà athe Valencia theater. is certainl' doing itself.proud this Thursday and, Friday, conveying the voice moclul- ations of the principals,' Clark Gable and' Claudette Colbert, i the gay, well directed film, "It Happened One M- Il Satmrd~yMail... r i a g Ye ,&FURPullallHoqm f~ Extra, Bore0..,Thrills , The ,LAST <'MAPtED inousands of people nnroughout the country have asked Will' Rogers to make, cones to the' Wilmettè tixeater Thursday,, Friday and Saturday, june 7, 8 and 9. It is "David Har- .Um,", and bas the fanious star in ,what is-the most fiting rol)e of bis entire. career. -e-.lcu...ICiqor h "Plok". * .*"Jimmy ":WId Cargo ....... Fi "Wonder ÉBar' ........0 "Catfherine the.6v HunME? NASNML ONRAR VEiI là Mt hie iniài. eakbsenilii au~ Americ4u JIob", ibres