teprograin made at the league's recent 'national convention ini ad- dition to a re-alignment of the pro-- grain. Proposed changes ini the by- laws will be considered at this time. Ail state and local chairnien of de- partinents areexpected to attend. GUIDE-LEcTrURE TOURS Prehistoric Life" at, 3 o'clock Monday, lune 4, is the subject of thc first, of next week's guide-lecture tours for the general public to bv given at Field Museum of Natsirai History On other days at thile saie hour subj ects «Will' l)e:. Tuesday and Thursday, general' tours 'of anthrop- ological , bohta.nical,> geological and zoological exhibits; on Wednesday. "North -Arerican Indians," and Frn- day, "Geology." 156 SUO r M »Av..-Unil. 3444 WIDE RANGE IVesaur ElueIrleSound Sysmmi COOLED SY REFRIGERATION TWO (Thurs. end Fr;.) 7hreg emlbers of the Wiinnitka Dramia club have beew selected ta1>/aay leadinq roles in the great religon drmti petcl,"JdsIscariot,"e which the Chicago Church Fed ration îvill Present in the Goodm an theatre. Chicago, during the opening dai*sof tht World's Pair Helen Aldrich (cepîter), 394 Chestniut street;- Helen lion î- hshr (le/t), 375- Hazutharela lne, and William Weed Lloyd (rit,. 20Ahstet r tttreindizidfals chose,, from Winntetka Io Participate in this Production . The play ivill have a cast of 250 dratun from ,Comeiliiiit3' and church dramatic orgaiiaîiosis throuighouîtte. Chicago area, ansd tise pr-oducrtion is. spo nsored by i roet> ch;ces of Cok ccülity as a sigttifica t contribution of religionis draina t0a 4C<'îs1ury of Progress. SIN~CS 1I KN X CHOIR I JdýIcro" ilb rsne.Chitsbtae.Anme f3mn Stne T .11it A*-,ý1 ý"uasIcrot ilbepeete istsbtae.Annbro OI oirplieni . nenuLII, sUon ofmr. an'd Mrs. G, T. Herlniutb, 1700 Forest avenue, Wilmettè, is a member of the Knox college choir which, on Sunday, May 27, broadcast a program 'of religious music over station WMBD of Peoria. The Knox choir is coin- posed of 24 students selected by Dr. William F. Bently, director of the Knoxc Conservatory of Muàic. Once a week durnng th e lisene. .,a..th;- ,Mrs. S. M. Singleton, 1104 Forts t avenue,- returned Sunday, May -20, fnom a three months' visit in Hawafi and Honolulu. She.visited her daugh- ter ,and son-in-law, M4r. and Mn. Edward G.' Wingate c f Mt. Kilauea, who have a- daughter, ,Beéverly Rau- dolph, born March 27. niglîtly in the Goodman theatre at ý 8:30, from june 4 te june 9, with a! Saturday matinee on june 9. Tickets for ail performances are now avail- able at the office of the Chicago Cbutcb rederation, 77 West Wash- ington street, or at the box office of the Goodman theatre. This wiIl he the American premiere of Temple *Thurston's pla.y, which critics have men ai conn11t utwee .ithe warring 1 forces of love, destiny, conscience and duty. Helen English will portray the role of, Huldah, Gentile sweetheart of judas. Helen Aldrich has the noie .of Lois, sister cf Judas. Miss AI- drich is a graduate cf the Royal Acaderny cf Dramatic Art. ini London. ,William Weed Lloyd bas the part cf Simon Iscariot, the father cfJ people froni northl shore churclies have minor parts in tue -large, cast. of 250 which participates in thsreligi- ous production. SECONQMY SHOP NEEDS If you are so fortunate. this spring as to be installing a new jv Isome one whe wiII be as glad te Iget it as yeu are te have the neW.. one. Why .net let' Economy Shiop hand it on,? A teleplionecal to the Shop, Wilinette 1544, %ilI bring a truck te your door. Besides the need- for refrigera- tors, lEconomy Shop lias constant calîs for men' s shoes. Have yen a pair for u s?-Mrs. A. L. Grinnelî, chairman. Locati'on 413 indn Avnu.Phone, Wflm.tf. 4120 4 ig 413 Linden Avenue