Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 May 1934, p. 3

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The North Shore District Planning commission at a meeting at the Village hall in Winnetka 'Mond-iy evnn voted -to makçe the hirst narned on each of the several coin- mitteeç appointed at the meeting 1 May 1.1 as ternporary, chairmeti of ,utch committees. XVitb Arthur -Lee of. Minete, commission cbairrnan, presiding, the (Irganization ,perfected otber plans for carrying on. the work w4icb -it bias unde.rtaken. The several 'corn- mittee will now perfect their own organization, wbicb steps were taken )y -the- comrnmittee on boundaries and annexation, -fol 'lowing adjournînent et the ge.neral session Monday, evenîn1g. A number pf additional' appoint- inents to certain committees -%1 erc mnade Iby Cbairrnan Lee, includingo the namning of, Village President William B. Moulton, Winnetka, tc the judiciary cornnittee,: E. 'A. Rummier, Xinnetka, to thle -coin- mîittee on transportation; Frankîni W'ainer, Renilworth, and Donaldcl Dixon, Winnetka, to the 'zoning coin- mittee; and Ralph M. Snyder, WVin-, netka,.toýthe publicity cornmittee. MN'et1iods of financing the uîulcr- takiig. were discussed, this inatter being finally left in the bands of the committee on finance, composcd of the presidents of tlle .several villages in the organization. Onie of the first projects to le taken up bythe commission, it vvas aniiounced, .is the procuring of a set of base maps, showing the boundarîes of various districts, sucli as sçhools, parks, Forest Preserve, etc. The various committees of t1e commission appointed at the niet- ing oi May Il and the first nanîed on eacbi of wbicb bas now been made cdiairnian, follows: List, Committecs Antxa.tion' and boundaries-E. H. Waterhouse, Glenvie*w; MJ.Philips,' Wilniiette; Donald Dixc'n, Winnietka;. worth. Judiciary-W. j. Weldon, Wiliiette. A.1,. Marshall, Glenco)e; A. W. Carl- *siGlehvlew., Trans;portation-C. B. Cochrane, IVil1- nettv, F. H. Stowell, (Uencoe; E. J. Zoning-B. H. Platt. WVilinett; wTal- lei- Milis, Glenoe ; il. C. wyu. en g4irls wil e rcuaei.iistnv William D. O'Brien, pastor of St. John's éhurcb, Eighteenth and S. Clairk streets, Chicago, and auxiliàry bishop of Chicago, will resent thé diplomias. Honors for high scholarship and per- fest attendance will be announced, at the commencement exerclisés. get your recluction xrornmec- ond installinent. Don't wait for corrected bis, for this will cost you mrnfey. 2. Penalties are running against al upaid 1931 taxes.. In the cases. where borne owners did.flot file legal objections and did - flot pay their bis their, properties have benfor feited to the. state and penalties are continuing to accrue. Take action at once to recovei your prôperty and clear its ýtitie. Word bascorne to tb is cornmitý- tee that many homne-owners who had lawyers. ortax associations,,file objections against their. 1928, 19ný or 1930 tax buils have assurned their taxes were du'y adjusted. when as a rnatter of fact they are, definitely. delinquent. If von re- ceived a cornmunication f rorn this commrittee on' the. subject. and still tbink your taxes paid, the chances are nine.out of'ten tbat yoti don't i<now the facts about, your own tax record on the cotinty tax' books. Wé have encountered cases where sucb bonie-owners, wbo. thougbit tbeir taxes ivere adjusted end paid, bave as nucb as 35 per cent penalties against their prop- erty. You rnust act to avoid further waste of your own rnoney. -New Trier .Township cornrittee School to Hld "Patrons' Days" During Next Week One change bas been rnade in the dates for patrons' days at the various public schools.in Vilrnette, it was an- noQunced this W'eelc. At the Central scbool patrons'p day, bad beep set for Friday, June 8. Instead, it is -to: be h.eld on Monday, 1June 11. .Today (Tbursday) isîpatrons' day at the Logan scbool, and tornorrow the Howard scbool wilI open its doors to parents and other interested citi- zens. Thursday,.Jlune 7, will be pa- of any kind are- acceptable, with dark coats. "Please do not per- mit such garinents to remain in your closets unusued when the need for thern is so urgent,"the board pleads. Wbile the local organization bas no connection with "The Crusaders," it is, said, intense interest. is.being ex-. bibited in the appearance he re of Mr. Wheeler, who -will explain in, detail the working ýof the nation-wiîde or- ganization of which be is an officiaI, whicli bas: been remobilized for theý express >purpose of .combatting aial trends in the national government. and for the. preservation of tbe liberties guaranteed- to, aIl citizensby the fed- eral constitution., Fred M. Clarke, 931 Oakwood ave- nue, 'presi dent of, the recently formed WVilmette organization, said: "This meet ing is open to everybody, and 'a.,rnost cordial. invitation is ex- tended to our neighbors in Evanston. Kenilwortb, \Vinnetka. Glencoe and other ntorth shbore commnunities. to. be present. "I'here lias been mutitalk about the socialistic character of sorne of the legislation passed by the present administration," he added, "but the time bias now corne to do sometbing.. If we are to prevent the theorists and dreamers from making a complete wreck of our. republic, opposition miust be crystallized and made effect- ive. We want everybody who is op- posed to regimentation and socializa- tion to corne to this meeting. If liberty was wortb flghting for once it is worth fighting for again." Dr. Perey B. D. IdIer Park ]Board Member Or. Percy B. D. Idler, 932 Ashland avenue, bas been appointed a mem- ber; of the Wilmette Park board to 611l the unexpired term of Charles* S. McCoy, wbo recently left the village tO take up residence in Winnetka. Dr. Idler was recently elected pres- dent of the Illinois State. Dental so- ciety. (1 n e r s , carpenrers ~aII' painters. Let this Want- Ad service.help you today in xnaking a satisfa.ctory select ion. Thursday of this week marks the opening of the 26th annual convention of the Baha'is of the United States and Canada in. Foundation hall. Ba- ha'i House of Woriship on Lîinden avenue.and Sheridan road, Wilmette. Sessions will be held féomn May 31 to junie 3, inclusive.' Mrs. Corinne TIrUe of 418 Forest avenue, Wilmette,' will be -the local repesentativeat'thecon-, vention. On the afternoon of june 3, there will be a public service 'at the ùsual hour, 3:30, at wbicb outstanding speakers f rom various sections of the cortntry will be.heard. "oTempleof igt" The recently completed dome 'of. this Universal House. of Worship will be. of, great interest to the visitin g ýBaha'is as well as visitors to A Cen-r tury of Progress. This "Temple of- Ligbt" îs being buiît solely f rom voluntary contri- butions of members of the Bâba'l 'fath from ail countries of the world and symbolizes the universal teach- ings of the non-sectarian, non-poli- tical movement known as the Baha'i FZaîtb which were first brought to this country forty-one years ago, at the Chicago World's Fair i 1893, and later broadly proclaimed in 1912 and 1913 by Abdu'l-Baha himself wben he visited the United States. He laid special stress upon the follow'ng principles.; the independent search for truth; the ôneness of mankind; the abolition of racial, patriotic, political and religious prejiadices; univers.I peace ; an international ,court of justice; the harmony of science and religion; economic righteousness and justice; the equality of men and women, and the need of an auxiliary languagè. ]Poster ume.Famiy" Shoghi Effendi, the living guardian of the Baha'i Faith states-"2The point round which aIl the teachings of Baha'u'Ilah revolve-is no mere outburst of. ignorant ernotionalismn or an expression of vague and pionùs Jhours, call WiimetE desired hbelp will bc ln fact, it is urged stretched to provide that will hielp needy suppP!rt. and the Iysent. init be rywork - t'O self-,

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