The arnnual list of boys :and girls frout the Wilmette public schools wbo are eligible and bave ordered awards for passing successfully the posture tests given by the physical education departinent cf the schools has been made ready for publication by Daniel M. Davis, directorcf -the departiment and director cf recrea- tion. Two hundred and fi fty childreni have ordered the pins, one hundred forty-four of themf silver, and one. bundred 'six bronze. The: silver pin signifies the ' ighest houer a student cati achieve, in hic, posture work and means that he b as> passed five- suc- cessive tests, executing.ail-tbe formai commiands. perfectly,. standing, walk- ing, and sitting.for a giv en time. cor- rèctly and, maintaining good. posture in the school-room and other places outside cf the gymnasium. T..ta Givn muntbly The bronze pin denotes tbat the' student bas passed two successive tests.. The tests are given each month during the school year begin- ing with November and ending May 15. The cbildren wbo are en- titled to pins are then .notified of the fact and are then qualified te place their order, which is forwarded with the proper authorization front the physical education staff, te the National League for the Maintenance cf Erect. Posture and the pins are sent from there. They will be awarded at a speciai ceremony dur- ing the last week cf school. Teachers who have given the pos-' ture tes ts under the supervision cf Mr. Davis are Mrs. Olga S. Bll and Glen W. GathercQal at Stolp school, and Mrs. Gertrude Fanckboner and Dudley -C. Stone at the Howard school. ,Lst-of Award Winneirs Children wýho receive tht pins are: Schulte Peggy Davidson. Betty Haill.Gail Trenibiett,,JaËcqueline Katz, BettY Miller, Jean 'Putnian, Marceline, siorf, Jean Burpee, Roseîuary Reynolds, Muriel *Craig, Marcia Berndt, Barbara BILss. Kathleen Ting, Sara jane curley, Gwef-n Lnes cf tht Eilen Dally, Betty li Fellows, Anita Bluini, E leanor Hoosli, Margaret Mehi- hope, Bettyjean Arcusi, Barbara Coliyer, Virginia Beh alel, Lois Helistroin, Arlene Clark. Helen Clarke, Mary ,Virgînla Penicit, Rosamond MeMillan, Lois White- head; Shirley Hauseman, Barbara, Rip- ley, Patty Crawford. Shirley. Eiftmafl, Beth Myren, jane Rushinore, Betty Steele, 'Marcia Gôuzglez, Betty Huck, Evelyn. Jacobson. Jean Lindstrom, Mar- tha Leach. ýBtty Marsh,,Jean Moreau, Ruth Zibble, Nadine 'Brown, Marcia Macombeir, Helen Lind, Marilyn PrUse- ing anet Smith. Qerda Streicher, Har- niette Jones. Harriette ArMfsti'ong. Maui- rne May,- Betty Stinson, Betty Craw- ford, June Gonzalez, Jane Drucker, Mary Woodbury, Adelaide Koenen, Doris TregO, Dorothy MacMillan, Betty Bleser, Pen ri Anderson, Rosalie Carlen, Pat Hellmuth, Muriel Kenney , Doria Pater- son, Betty, Todd,, Elizabeth 7 Eldredge,, Mary May Crawford, Jane Penberthy, Loutut Menning, Lois Kunzelman. Jay Crowell, Èd ives, Culver Hand, Jarvis Linge!. Harry Shabino. Peter Stewart. 1'Zorman Collins, Carl l'etterson, Halàd Moter, Walter Hildebrand, Franki Badger. Tom Cutier. William Lane, John Lang. Jamtes Mahie, Ben Moon, Louis Quinlan,. T&mes Ro-sen<'w Willinm Chri.q- tensen, Tom Blake. William Ellis, Wil- liam MeDonough. Arthur Arms. Ted Buckç, Robent Canningr, George Miller, Robert Shank. Maurice Reibnld, Robert Bnady, RobArt Conrad, Robent Dodds, George R viding, Bill Drueken, John ,Allen. Frank Sutherland, Relden Skog. Charles Berger. Robert Cederberg, Robent Hoffmeyer, William Dodds. War- ren Peterson. Jack Sweeney, Merili H<efen. Donald Maxwell. Bud Perrill, Clîfford Johnson, Carter lThdley, Lawr- ence Boling. Bd Benson. William. Cloud, Kimball Brown, Costa Lullaq, Dick Mo-. raTom Mafflori'an, Franklin Kulo.. John Brandt,' John Sargent. Howard Trienens, Frank Welter, James Abele. Rie-hard Anderson, Ray Smai!., Harry Seifert. Wila Wattsu, Frederick. Leading Golfers to Play in State Meet A representative iist of the.leading golf professionals cf the state is assured for the fourth annual Illinois Open tournament to be held at the Six merchants of the community have furnished the jerseys and entry fées for the teams which wiIl play under their banners during the season. There have been other teains spcn- sored .by merchants; Lie., the HBof-' Mann Florists teams, who have won the year-round championship trophy for tbree' consecutive 7years, and other teamfs spongored by other merhansbut this is the first tiîne in t helocal recreation board's 'history that an entire league -is playing under solte;local firm's banner. Merchants who are seb'nsoring teamns include the. North Shore Chev- rolet Sales Company, The Cleaners, the, Wiimette Tailors, C. W.Welter cmay Braun Brothers Ou ompany, and another team which has tlie choice of two sponsors, An added feature to the !leagueý is that competition betwee,î the téanis bas been equalfred this year by the distribution of the "fast"ý pitchers whb have hitherto been segregated in one or twc'teamns. This distribution was accomplished by thue voluntary cooperation of the pitcher s themnseives and by the team mnait- agers who extended this courtesy t qj the league in order that a mort, equalized comipetition wotild resuit.- SPORT CALENDAR_ 1I THtUR»AT, MAYsil 4 p. m.-Horseback rlding for aduits. Evanston Riding Academy. 7 p. m.--Openlng of season for girlsi' basebail league. Village Green. FRnDAY, JUNE 1 7 p. m.-Horseback riding for aêuIto. EIvanston Riding Acèderny. 7 p. m.-Men'is Playground bail league. "Easy" pit hlng. Cobblers v;s. C. Si. Village Green. 7 P. m.-Men'g Playground ba Il leaque. "Easy" pitching. Elmwood Ave. Nelgh- bora vs. Hoffmann FPlrists. Village Green~. 7 p. m.-Men's Playground bal Jeague. "Basy" pitchlng. Y. P. C. vs. Winberg Drugs. Village Green. The twenty-first annual F~ield 1)ay for Wilmette Grammar school chil' dren ihas been set for Tuesday mcl-ii- ing, jupe 5, beginning at 10 o'clock. The event bias been heid each year on the. first Tuesday in june si;îce 1910, with the exception of the tc years when.the United States. wa . ; engage([, in the war. The occasion this year will be ouniy a -half-day .affair following the pre- cedent set last year -and will. cosisist of a* mammoth field and track meet at the.Wiimette Village Green.' Rep-, resentatives fý rom .al the schooi roomsj from second to eighth grade., inclusive, ,W'ill participate in the meet .and compete for a:pennanit to beý Presente d: to the room of eacli grade winning the highest number of points. MedMisfor, Winuers In addition to the pennant awaui!. medals: for first, second, and thir4 place winners. wiil be -presented for' each e vent. Thle program of evt»its ivili include. 40-yard dash, second, third, fousrtix and fifth grade boys and girls. 60-yard dash for sixth, seventh and eighth grade boys and girls, running ini classes A, B. C. DiB,, F. Standing broad JunxP for third, fourth and flfth grade boys and girls. .Runnlng bioad jump.foir sixth, seventb and. eighth grade 'boys and girls, coin- petlnig in classi4sfications. of age, heigbt- and weiglit ts fo)l1ovs: A,.B, C, D, E, F.ý Running high lumhp for sixth, seventb and eighth grade boys and girls, coin- peting in cla.ssificatloils as above. Shuttie .reiay for sixth, seventb and elgh th grade,.,, competing by gradep. lloward school v.x. Stolp schooi. Events for Boysanad Girls lu ecd of the events, witli the exception of the relays, separate races will be held for boys and girls but ini the reiays both boys and-' girls are included on a team. An previous years,, the. Field Day celebration bias been *an, ail day affair but,.owing te 'the fact tlîat indoor physical- training demnonstra- tions were held during March and April, it was, thought best to dis- continue the outdoor ont which lias occupied the morning of the annual field da), exercise; hence thet half-da.I holiday this .year.. William Penlck, Stepben Finney, ,iohnn rmstronge of! Mehihope, William Read, William Stew- 'Champion, will dg art, Ed WeigeI. a dozen cf the1 0Othon Eligible Chicago have eni There are other cbildren who Were cf, other cities ieligible -kr the pins who did lkpace players. dand a nus send their I V&U.- H aro.'1 h all leagtje. 'Pies.. .......... v O vs. Cobblers. Winherg Dmugs . ..... .0 1 .000 ElMwood I4eghbors. 0 2 .000 bail league. '*Fast" pitching league. North Shore W. Welter Chevrolet vs. Wilhjette Taillra. Villag6- Flash. Vll- Green. hal legue 1THURSDAY, JUNE 7 bai baue. 4 p. m-Horneback ridlng dlass. Ev- ffe Cleauers anston ltldlng Àcademy. ,. 7 p.m-rls'payground bail league. bail Magne. Village Green.