Mres 1bave men othe wlnumh cars in the sguins Ig 8-mle Race FOR 1 .5CONSECUTIVE VEAU. EVIERY winner in the'50-Mile Indianapolis Race-the mstg'ôlin tire .test in the world---dro>ve. to victory on Fîrestone High Speed Tires. Race. drivers know that beat generated: by-friction nsde the cotton rd in the- greatest enemy of' tire life. These men will flot risk their lives on any but urestone Tires, because the know the< high stretch cords in very Firestone Tire are protected by> the Firestone patented process of u ippin. GiUM-uipping souks, the, THE ADHESION Note 1mev the rubher' in a Firestoaê Tire' cling. t. lthe high siretchi Gumm-Dipped eords. This greater adiesion and stregth;s made possible hy lthe Ffr.mtone paiented proces f GmummOippng. Note]1 in an ord away f, that ha soaked vida muh friction à the cord separatiti bigb stretcb cords in liquid rubber and saturates, and coats the millions of Miers in-' aide -the cords, counteracti-ng ,de- stcifcti t Ion and heat. -It T ES proides greater adhesion between. the- plies of tbe tire, and betwee the Gum-Dipped, cord, body and the tread. Firestone chemists. and engi- neers kept puce with new car de- j 'velopments by building stronger,' 1mev the rubber safer tires to meet the exacting rhnary tire puu demands. Driv e in today and,ý om the cords equip your car with new Firestone v. fot been High Speed Tires for 1934, with and nsulied deeper, thicker, flatter, and wider and heat waiddu non-skicl tread, more and tougher e, resuing in rubber. more traction, giving you Mé more than 50%/ longer. non-skid IForYourstif mi letige. ton*eerS Remember, in Firestone High :AFNtwrk Speed Tires there is Greater Strengtb - Greater Safety- and Greater Blowout Protection than iw in any tire made.. restoseAIR BALLOON -FOR:1934 The new Firestone Air Balloon for 1934 enibodies ail the improvements in the new Firestone H-igh Speed Tire. The. T% m N~W suz. FRIC! 4.50-20 . 4.75-19 . 6i.00.17 BD. 6.50.17 B.D. 16040 .17,416 FIRESTOtIE HUON SPEED TIRES -or jfleen couseen tiie yeara have be.aa on th. winning cars in ah. 500-mile Imdianapolig. This Means Bowut Prot.cfi, -frseven conà;ecutive yeara have been on thme winningr cars in the, daring Pikea Peak. climb phere a slip mean#*gleath. This Means Non-Shisi Safety end Traction «Sud" Sniith4, WIflNETKA Ciuustaut and Oak Strýeets. Phone Wama.tka 30201 I WEST WINNETKA lm WmIow Road Phone. Winetk. 2001 HUBBARD WOQD3 1liad.. at Cage Phne Winetka 78 WILMETTE LIFE FOR I~34 Coa.ln enud Ma%* This Toit 41Liste.,.te the Vol ce of Fir..' 'Monday Night .wrN.D.C.-WK THE NE John SIZE