Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 May 1934, p. 39

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Pho(ýto 1)3'Ru~tise .ifiss Riuh Joyce of' Keiiili(oih is a ,'mieiber of jiuio, coizînittec, assçistilig the liosis.and hostèsses foi- the 'gala ail-paris/z Party' for ImenI-ý bers 01 St. Francis Xaîier paris/a .Satiday eveiinq of t/lis wika .Visatc'aaei' Coun try club. At. Two Ceremnonies Miss Marion Ortseifen 'of Kenif- worth .recently participated at the: christening and tea for jerry Rkernieh of Chicago, acting as godmnother for the infant son of NIr. and Mrs. Henry Remien of Chicago. Mfiss Ortseifen, an Alpha Gammna Delta sister of Mrs. Remnien, was her maid of honor when she wvas niar- ried four years ago. jerry's godfather was Brendlon O'B~rien of Chicago, wvho was aiso a member of the Remien wedding party. Miss .Ortseifen also was bridesmiai"d Tuesday of last week at the ivedding of Miss Betty Bowman, and George Reilley, both of Indianapolis, whichý was- a morning ceremnony in ýSt. Thomas of Canterbury church.. The wedding. breakfast was serveci at the Union'League club. 'Mr. ReiIIy and hi s bride will ive in Chicago. 5.occurs tlit wn4U11 heginisat 8 o'ciock, 15 SPOfl- sored b%, the Ladies' Aid society of the churchi. Alli emnbers of the society have tickets to seli for the affair. They plan 10 serve cake and coffee at the enid of the evenzing. 'Paintings donc by hierself and ber (laitgliers, .ain4 costumes acquired ii various co untries, - round the world" w~ill iltustrýatè Mrs. Burnham's lecture. Breakfast Party .Mrs.. Rudolph Ostermnatin, 234 War- vvick road, Keililworth, will be host- ess at a b)reakfast at 8 :30 o'clock Friday, )une 8 . Her guests will be, thefaculty and senior class of Royce-' more *school. Her -daughter, Ruth, iin the senior class and wiIl attendý Wellesley iln1 the- fail. Tea. and Show,, for Brie -Mrs. Miles Seeley, 705 Roger ave- nue, enté ftained Wednesday of last week at a green kitchen shower and tea in honor of ber sister, -Elizabeth H4elen Pardee of Evanston, who is to bc narried, to- FPiederick Hilgart, june 12. Benefit for Circle Mrs. Lyman M. Drake, 933 Lake avenue, wvas hostess io the Neighbor- hood circle of the Wilrnette Congre- gational church at a benefit dessert bridge luncheon Saturda.y. Twenty tables were sold. W elfeee Meets The last businessmetn of the Kienilworth ceuter of thejIniant Wel- fare society of Chicago was held Monday at the home of Miss Nona Jane Hanldwork ini Evanstoný Frank venue,1 for hunc Thursday, Friday and Saturd; A slimply dehemious concocti.. ... ... e PrIESi IlONCUSTARD 2 FRUle ~ 'C cups ASSORTED BUTTNER COOKIES A vraried sud d.ightful s.I.tion, Lb.... ALM>IND CREScENT COFFEE CAKe Fer brekfmst, I uncheoen, ea or damner. ... FRESH SPINACH TIMBALES ,.xétilently prePmred and scimoued...i....... 23e BMAKED MACARONI-1 Prepured mu 'gratin, Lb....... Bake Shop- Street Floor WIEB*LDToS-EVANSTON On Davis Sfrnf Wilmett, 1100 ÇIriaI £Potoqrap/i You may have as few ai for only 917 A CAI%[P FOILRJIYTH:b1S AND>DAN(: Heres a unique sumnier camp. that combines ail the hEahihfui benefit open with scntific w*ork in fthythm-the developmnent of mientai andr of cotuplete relaxation and co-ordinatio.n. Young Boys-Girls of any age-Adults Theo3Mabel Katherinte Pearse (Camup-WashingtonI h (In Its Twelfth Scao. For rates and furth& Miss Mabel Katheririe Pearse Dr Dorchester 4029 5649 Biackstone Ave., Chicago, Ill., ts of a sumnnr ini the physical poise by means iqland, Wlsconula er information r. Olga: C. Thoren I120 Central Avenue AfteJune 1lifin our i..i new endilarger studio et f~ i .1152 Centrul Avenu. ül

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