ICE C RE AM A Special lt's.,riCher and creamier because it FOURSOME is made accordingi to the private PACKAGE formula and specifcations of Mrs. serves 25.0 Lyman. Serve it:offen thes. warm four .... .&c days. *NEWLY WEDS *OLDER WED'S Whether you are just tsking the plunge into a state of wedded bliss, or can look back upon one. .. ive ...ten .. or m~ore years of connubial happineas this advice ia sound. For many years Your Home Paper has been- bringing .to thrifty shoppers thé' messages of merchants who ask your. patronage. These merchants are constantly strivi ng to give residents values, of outstanding meit'. You'Il find in this issue examples of seasonable mer- *chandise, plensingly priced. Nearly every page contains smre worth-while offering of OUR ADVERTI Mrs. Dudley Taylor, 244 Cuninor road, Kenilworth, is leaving june 15, for ber sumnier home at Powers lake. Her son, Landon, wili go to W. C. (Duke) Child's camp in Canada. Charles HM Altman, 800 Sheridani roôad, returned Saturday froni the Presbyteriani hospital where he un- derwent an. operation for trmoval of bis tonsils. Dorothy jane Orr, daugbte'r of the Carey Orrs of 225 Woodbine avenue, returned Wednesday froni Ogontz to spend the summer vacation with her parents. Thom as, Màintz, 50 Cre scent p lace. returned Thursday of last week froni a business tripto New York an(', Atlantic City. Heavy'du tY attery ' *E reconmend dais botte" as d &ese batery for your Ford, because'it's built by Ford, for o Ford. i'. Iow-prieed, îoo, and -'i= b ;hour guarante. We'I naike youa an ailowýane. ou your old baery. Complete hattea'y service - recharging Yours, loaners. Use ean1y FdNl otrioe 1your Ford. FORD TIRES FORD ACCESSORIES flutl to Ford spfeciliatilons.$SS40 and ul> A compote lha.-horns, miVVOrs, Ford tubes $1.52 and ul radios, tire vE *te. ACE MOTOR SALES, nc. A. C. LYNCH. President SALES-SERVICE-PARTS 435 Main Street, Wihnette Phone WilMette "53.5 zi TAe aiphabetical listing of our advertisers dis fdayed below isc for yosr convenience. Use il to locale tise messages of your favorite mercisquts and serv- ices. Use il to satv your lime.' Use il as your bus#ing guide to bar gains par-excellent. 1 'ulle Auto r.url Communlty Tiietre '. à .1 Co-Op, The.........1 40 Cullison Motor Co.......12 Cutihman's Bakery 6 iE.delweiss Prod acts Co..5 Evànston Aeadeny of Fine %rts 19 Maurshall i eld &. Co.. 21, *22, 39 3Nlathew Francis ...........20 Mestilan Bros.........21 Modlern Garage ... .,.....-41 -%oïIrch feer .......... .......650 Personai ',Finance C.....:.44 Philipsborn, B. F. & Co.....44 Public Service Co ......... 49, Z Pure 011 l.koducts (')..,..... . Renneckar flrug Co ....... ..... il, Renc, Wareiwuse ..... Ridge Avenue Phurmacy...... Il . .. .. . ... Cover IN' Wilnette Confectionery ..........Oe Wlnette Goi1 Club ..1.22 "ilirnette State Banik...Coter il Wilinette Theatre ..............61 Worthen's .................. Zraik, JosePh ......45, LYMAN'S SPECIAL THIS. WEK Fresh Pineaéppi Ice andA Sfrawberry,, quart, brickC