Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 May 1934, p. 38

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St. Francis-Xavier Party on Saturclay Thie'final arrangemnets ha hée l)e made-, -numerous .lovel: *prizes, procurred,; the orchestr2 engaged, and aIl is in readines,,, for St. é'ran cis Xavier ali-parisi party to be' held on Saturday evening, June 2. at 8 o'clock. ai the Shawnee, Country club. The boys end girls of the. parisli wll benefit from the proceeds of the party as they aret o be»used to-pro.1 mote Catholic youth activities in, the community. The Rev. John C. Keenen is gen- eral chairman of the party, and those chairman working witb him, are: Mrs. Robert Markham, Mrs.,Louis Peterhans, Mrs. Frank C6llyer, Mrs. John Tracey, Mrs. T. F. Mlyneaux, Mrs. Harry Barker, Mrs. Joseph Joyce, and Mrs. Marshall V. Kear- ney. Those who wilI serve as hasts and hostesses are, Warren Clohisy, chair- man of the former, Mrs. Joseph Joyce, chairman of the latter; Mrs Robert Markham, Mrs. James Tarie- ton, Mrs. Frank Thale, Mrs. George. Beaudin, Mrs. W. ClohisY, Mrs. Harry Klein, Mrs. Howard Hickev, Mrs. Harry Barker, Mrs. m. V. Kearney, Mrs. John Boylston, Mrs. H. Merg4ner, Mrs. John Janette, and Mrs. William Dillon; Robert Little, George Hahn, William Ober- rneier, John Cook. Banford Langi. lEdward Kelley, William Leary, Wil- liamn Dillon, James Tarleton,. James Byrnes, James H-an ev, and Gay c îhi. The junior comnittees assisting -the ho sts an.d hostesses'are the en-rh air- m en,:1 Francis Oeleric.h and EdWard Schager; ,jack Folev,'Jack, Sheridan. lames Sheridan, Bernard Dempsey,ý Joseph Lynch, Clifton Walker, Georize Beaudin, Frank Stover. Fran- cis Bichi, Junior Corn%. Earl Pet- Tzvo of tlhe I'ilwette girls 'strvilifi o it h Junior ho.ýfrss cosnm: t<'<' for Fl É rancis .Xavier alI-/'arisls ' arýt v Sat urdaY J<um,'is , lse tl <~,< cotrv t--,Club a;,,<u thle l' iss J)orothy 2larshaili(, o -cisalif, il n,; and Viss Eidalia Rarker. Tihis ptirty; tihe firsi of ils kissdf fori-silsllcbr of vyars, is heid ïpi the inier<'st of <'aihls sic >'olthactivitik.. Patrons, Pafronesses for Gads Hill Dance Am~ong the patrons and patronesses for the third annual summer dance for the benefit of Gads Hill settle- ment at Skokie Country club on the evening of June 9, are Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Osgood of Kenilworth, Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Babson, Dr. and Mrs. D. P. Abbott, Mr. and Mrs. Walter T. Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- loughby Walling, Mr. and Mrs. Spen-ý rer S. leman. and Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur E. Bryson, (Mr. Bryson is presi- dent of the Gads Hill settlement. board),> of Winnetka, and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Johnstone and Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Dpering. -Earle Voyle's orchestra W'ill play is be t.ale Mrs.. Rufus Stolp, 336 Leicester rod Knlworth, entertamed ber luncheosbridgecluib -laat Tuesday. Miss Dorothy Wiedlin of 120 Park avenue recently attended the Mono- gramp dance given by the Monogramn, club of Notre Dame university. Tankside Luncheon for Shawnee 'Swens'I' The women' >s swimming group at Shawnee Country club (the Shawniee Swans) wilI have its annual *tank-. sidelunéheon on Tuesday, June 5. In the morning at 10:30 c'clock th,-re wJlI be class workout for mernbe-rsý and guests ; at 11 :30 there is to be a swinniing exhibition in the pool by the Red Cross; lunchecon will be served around the pool at 12:30, dur- ing wbich timie Coacli Fckcrt willý present the trophies and mniedals to those who have flnished the *'chan-. nel swjm." At 2 o'cýlock there wili -le pivot bridge in the loutige. Mrs. Rollo Gullickson of WVilmiette is chairman of the Sliawae ,Swvans. Bon Voyage Tea Mrs. I. K. Stover, 1044 Ashland avenue, entertained at tea Tuesday in honor of Mrs. Burt Crowe of Ken- ilworth, who is leaving sho'rtly on a European tour. Discuss Plans for Club Lunclieon at Committee Meeting Mr§. Elnier.,E. Yôunig,,chiair- nman of the:.flrsf of the sumner events- sponsored by the ways and means, committee of the WVonîans Club: of Wilnîiette, a progressive luncheoin 01wed- lnesdav, June 13, called a nieet- in g of her committee last i- d .ay at lier home at 218 Dupe<c ,place. Ani enthusiastic:responisc was given. as plans were (lisciUs- sed by -the nineteen coininite members meeting: with -NIrs. Youn g. During9't hat sessiop n rs. ilaul Rensch was' appointed clhairman of the transportation- committee. Any'- one desi.ring to attend the affair, the, flrst of its kind the clhi> bas spont- sored (for some titne at least), and who bas no car otr is gkoing aloie, i asked to cali Mrýs. Rensch, who lives at 1 631 Highland avenue, and wlios. phone is Wilnxette 3634, and she %\ill arrange transportation for hier. *Memiber;s of the cornniittee for the p arty have volunteered to provide cars if they are needed. The first course will. be serveýd at 12:30 o'chck, at the home of Mrs. Eý- J. Mcilraitb. who moved sorne months ago to 1127 Chestnut avenue. Mrs. Carbôn P~. Dubhs will be liost- ess at the second course at ber resi- dence, 1004 Michigan avenue,1 and Mrs. Henry W. Vrucker wiil have theý dessert,,coturse at. 1125 Mobawk road.. At ,Golf Clubs. WesfmoreI.nd chairman for the women's golf estmoreland Country club is avid T. Adams of the Georgian .Her committee is composed of urday'evening,. June 2. North Shore Mrs. Fred Workman of Kenilworth is chairnian of women's golf- at the North Shore club and Mrs. D. Scott Campbell also of Kenilworth is in charge of bridgé,

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