Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 May 1934, p. 34

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Place on June Miss Catherine Frances Lear] of Wilmette will be w%%ed.t( Robert, S. Kelling ont Saturdaj .,.morning, jutie 9, at 10:30, ai St. Francis Xavier church witf the Rev. Bernard Brady offici- ating. Attending, 4Miss. Leary as inàid al honer will be ber sister, Miss Hileeni Leary,. and as bridesinaids,. Miss Maxine Kelling, sister cf the, bride- groom, and Miss" Marian'Condy of Wilmette. Walter Somerville cf Cbi' cage will be best man -for Mr. Keil- ing, and the. usbers are te be Charles F. Lauer cf Wilmeteé and 1-Herbert J,. Prussing, Jr., cf Kenilwortlî. A wedding breakfast just for tiié families will be held at noon at Shaw- nee Country club. The. bride'. parents, Mr. anîd IMrs. William D. Leary will give the brid-. al dinner on June 7, at their iomùe. 430 Tenth street. Miss Maxine Kelling and Miss, Marguerite Somerville wili be ce- hostesses ai a tea and closet sbower ibis coming Saturda.y at the Kelling, borne in bonor cf the bride-to-be. On Sundav Mr. and Mrs. Walter Somerville will have a tea for the bridaI pariy. Last Tuesda), Miss Elsie Seng cf Wilmette was hostess ai a luncheon and bosiery shower. and oil May 24, Mrs. Clark F. Nortoni of Chicago entertained ai a lunclfeon and kii<ben sbower for Miss I.eary. Miss Marian Condy gave a, luticheoni and miscellaneous sbower ont Thurs- day. May 17. .The bride and bridegrooi wil inake ibeir. home in Rogers Park. Mr. Kelliing'is the son of Mr. and Mrs. M. j. Kellinig cf 1630 Forest. avenue. Wilmette. *The Kaskaskia chapter of the .laughters of the American Revolu- tion is baving its hast board meeting of the seasoni with a luncheon follow- igat the borne of the new regent. M'rs. Horace Binghain of. 2144 -Gray avenue2 Evanston, on june .5. Qîbier chapter officers for'the 1934- 35sea.son are: Mrs. Frank Wright of. Chicago, vicem-regent; Miss Anne- Lockett of Chicago, r ecording secretary;, Mrs. George L. Cragg 'of Cbicago. corres- ponding sereay Mrs. Marie Lo:ise Bosse cf.Chcao, treasurer; Mrs. Raymnond J. Kôch cf Winnetka, regis- trar-; Mrs. Warren Moore of Chicago. historian and librarian; M.rs., Melville C. Chatîten of Winnetka, chaphain. Directors are: Mrs. W. Stanley Barhain, chairman of preservation cof bistoric spots and approved scbools; Mirs. Allan'Clem- ent, pblicity ; Mrs. ,John C, Coulter membershlip; Miss Rossie R. Cox, magazine; Mrs. John F. Dille, audi- tor; Mrs. C. Winslow Henkie, social; Mrs. Frank O. Potter, national de- fense; Miss Dartbea Pflager, student boan; Mrs. James Vicior Sili, Am"- ericanisin; Mrs. Albert Wetten, flag'.'( To Open Bridge Series The summer bridge parties ai- Skokie Country club. will comnmence Tuesday, June 5, and continue each, Tuesday throughout the season. Lun- cheon is served at 1 o'clock,, *ihb bridge at 2:30. A prize is awarded #t each table. The conunittee in Cý charge, beaded by Mrs. Louis loiff-tl man cf Glen-oeitJý_U Mrs. J. C. Cor- mack as assistant chairinan, urges c ail Skokie woinen ýto. attend tbese parties and to tk terfriends. a, ki oi Chairman of Dulch Day h Table Sot1ing Confesf Mrs. James C. Murray, 433 Cumnor road, Kenilworth, 'lefi Tuesday for her summer home in Lincoinville, Maine. Carlos Photo fSa.koiliel C. Smart of WVin- Awetka, assistant ticket cilGirman for the aPI)IIal g1ala dance with carpii- vaýl features sPonsored for tire beune- fit of Gads Hill settlemen t. zéïllZ be one< of the' hostesses entertaieiing oliii)icr quests before the parti wlîich uwill be a hýIghligiht on.tht' Pord, h Sorie social cal<'ndar. If takes place' Saturýidaî' 'veniu g. lune <. aiSkokii, Co witry clubv. Chooses JuIy Wedding MAiss Elizabeth- Michelet, daugluter cf Mr. and Mrs. Charles jules Miche- let cf Wilmnette, bas chosen Saturday, Juïly 7, as the date cf lher marriage to Dean Lake Traxier cf Evanstotu. Tbe ceremony will be perforined ini the afiernoon at 4:30 o'clock in the ivinnsoawuni c nus ancéee wll re- ceive ber degree june 18. She at- tended North Sbore Country Day school and the West Hampton school, in Virginia. No plans for the weddin bave been announced.g Dernie Photo Mrs. Ccrnger Reyiloldç Of Kenil- zcorth i.s chairmnilOf thse Man, Cran e league Holland Dutçh day ai the World's fair on Saturday al ter- ltoot lune 9, front 2 un-til 6. June Have Dinner Danc. Guesis Mr. and Mrs. John W. Darley, e18 Brier street, Kenilwortb, entertained guests ai the dinner dance Saiurday at Wesimoreland Couintry club.- Wedding Dress of White Lace May 26, MisMary, Farmner of Wil- metéte wore -a white lace p rin.. cesdress, a .white tulle bat n-ith a shoulderý length tulle veil, and carried white roses and, liles. of the valley 'vhen she be- came the .bride of Gardner' A. J ainýes of Oak Park. last, Satur- day afternooti, The ceremony was perforrned- at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. ,and Xirs. Fred R. Fariner, 915. Elin- wood avenue, at 3:30 o'clock' by the Rev. Gregory M. Cloos. of the HoIy, Naine Catliedral. A reception in the lounge of Shawn Country club followed. Miss Martha Fariner, who attend- ed her sister as maid of honor, wore ýa peacb cokwred crepe gown, a 'bro«-n cartwheel hat, brown gloves and sandals, and carried a bouquet of tea roses and blue 'larkspur. Miss Adele James, sister of the bridegroom, as the bridesmhaid, wore turquoise blue crepe, a' broWn bat, and brown ac- cessories. She carried tbe saine kinde ,f flowers. Wilson Vaile of De- troit, a Theta Chi fraternity brother,. served Mr. James as best man. ,The ceremony was performed by candlelight before the fireplace in the living rocin. Patins and ferns formed the. background for the al- ar and spring flowers were placed hroughout the bouse as well as the lunge at the club. The bride's cousin, Miss Morel Fariner, played the wedding niaréh. The out-of- town gue sis included fr. Adele Gardner of Los Angeles,, -a.,the grooWis graincJiýother.; Mr. nd Mrs. Charles Bridges ofMia- ee, Mr.: andý Mrs. William. Weyker )f Port Washington, Wis., cousins )f the bride; M4r9. C. J. Knight and ier daughter, Mary, of Waupaca, Vis., Mrs. Owen Garfield of Bloozu- éld, N. J., and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. eord of Grand. Rapids, the groom's ticle and aunt. Mr. James and bis bride ivill be at ?lme after June 15 at 1704 Albion venue, Rogers Park. 4 I

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