ance. Another of the series, of dranatic recitals was given at The Mallinc- krodt last Sunday evýening-that of Miss. Maryhelen Flanagan of Wil- mette. Miss Flanag an. bas already givren evidence of ber dramnatic abil- ity, wben she appeared in- the leading vole of Mary of Magdala in tbe senior play, "Tbe White Ha-nd." Tbe pro.- grain, last Sunday was introduced ýwitb the dramatic selection "Madame Butterfly.". The setting for this read- ing> and Miss Flanagan's presentatkmn and interprétation vividly recalled to thle minds of theaudience tbat well- known tragic story,.of Japanese lue. Other sélections were tbe following: -Seventb Heaven," ."The. Dress Re- bearsal," "Sailing.Time,' and "Asbes of Roses.", Miss Flanagan was as- sisted:by ber fatber. Arlifigton Club Beokons to Golfers of the Shore A Country club that 19 accessible ta nortb shore towns at.-very moderate duesis tbe Arlingtont club wbicb is. locatèed two miles west of Wbeéling on the Dundee road. This club bas a very sporty IS-hole course laid out on nicely rolling coun- try, while a very complute and pic- turesque club hQuse with lounges, Sun porches, dining room, locker rooms, etc. gives the added comforts which lend so much enjoyment to tbe game. The cost of golf at this club is onljy $2.50 per week based on a thirty ýweeks' playing season. Mr. John McElhatton, wbo bas long been associated witb a number o0 the outstancling golf clubs in the Chicago district, is in charge of the club. Winnetka Group Oflers Play at Community House "The play's.the tbing" in the mind., of the Yonir e PnviD'o clubK of the the idead summer laun dry servi ace.o 2 sheets 2 Pillow Slips 4 Napkins 1 alelt 3 Towels (Bath) 2 Towels 2 T'-wela (Tes) kerchiefs .4 Mten'sShirts .2 Se. Shirts andiShorts 4 Pair sSocks sc Ten pounds. Consisting of 6 POUNDS FLAT WORK and 4 POUNDS WEARING APPAREL. Entire bundie beautifully Iaundered and irotieçi. Al ready to use. No extra charge is made for fiuffing bath towels. ,MEN'S SHIRTS hand finished, Se addi. tional in. this.service. No extra charge for starching, niending or sewing on buttons. Collara ironçd With smooth edges and points that lie flat. versity in Chicago, was, among the forty-one students of the university who received atbletic awards Friday morning, May 25, at a special honors day prograin at the St. Ignatius auditorium. He was one of nine to receive a freshmnnnumeralin track. French Laua4vry 806 Dempoter Street,BEvanst on .Phoe. University 2776, QuIIty Laummdry NeIu<a Dwos. Laun*y 1709 Darow Avenue, Evansto, 1014 Devis Street, Evanst,, %Phoe University 4620 Phone University 0112