00UMIPTINON $2 PMt YEAR SINLE COPIES 5 Czts AUl commaunications and contributions intended for publi- "~on amue ear the narne and address of the author, flot il esarily for publication, but for oui îles. Such material inuit reach the editor be Tuesday noon to be ini ime for -thé current issue., ECLECTIC 'rhere are .oninous signs iii, the events of the week that the end of "ýHonieymnoon Traitl" is being ridly approacbed, and that the going for the New Deal.will become rougher and' rougher as the, days go by. The people.are beginning to realize that, their liberties are being curtailed, and they do flot like it. Slowly. it is being impressed upon their minids that a change, is taking. place in their goi'- erfnment for whicb they did flot. ask and do' not want; that nieasuires which cannot possibly be construed as in the interes't of recovery ,are being enated; that a "new, social order" and flot economic recovery, is the nîotivating purpose of forces tbebfnd. the administration. Some of the events indicating an awatkening to the dangers which con front tbe -republic muay be of ifterest: Théb bakers of New York, state, ini convention assembled, voted to return their blue eagles and run their own business. The large steel companies served notice that tbeyV have, no intention of tur ning thieir buqiness over to labor unions. 1The code for electric light and power companies is being rewritten, due to strenuous opposition by -the privately owned plants. The. te1egraph,- telephone and radio companies have definitely refused to sign any code giving the government power of censor or régulation over theïr business beyond working hours and wages. Francis R. Stark, general couinsel .of the. Western Union, warned Gn ubS Johnson that "any atternpt to interfere with' their rate: structures or types of. wire service would precipitate a legal' battie aimed at the-basic legality of NRA." Johnson yielded. The Darrow comnittee report literally blew the lid off, with its accusations of f avoritismn to large i business and consequent damage to small opes. The 1 A science forum, called by Alfred P. Sloan, preuident of General Motors corporation, consisting of mien v ho have won distinction in business, sci- ence and education, rcfu'ted the New Dealer clai n that I'our industrial structure is built; we have onl these means to the fult, the verdict of history upon us %vill be that we wvere a people strangled by our, own success.", Bainibridge Colby, outstanding democrat, Secretary of State ini the Wilson cabinet, said recently: "'It ha dwnd pon the country tht recovery wyas only partially tbe aim of the administration. A great part of its interest bas been in radical' instîtutional. overtu rn and the new. modeling of the state ..At a single session, of, co ngress, there have been passed laws wbich in effect transfers, to thé. federal gov- ernnient, the entire police power of the states ..A vast. buréaucracv bas- been- called into 'being and fastened. upon us, without our realizing it, mucb less autborizing it." Theri along cornes Speaker Henry T. Rainey and tells tbe Pennsylvainia Insurance feder ation that -we are approaching 'another era of big business i wbicb the o(rdinary man, will participate,, and, we are beaded there %vitbout the counsel of the Mellons, and, other representatives of great wealth," adding that more. money *will be spent for, recovery the comùing year than was everý spent, by ony nation in. the .history of the world. Which leads to the logical conclusion that the country is waking up none too soon. IS WATER MERCHANDISE?' The ruling of tbe Illinois State Finance de- partme.nt that municipal utilities must pay into the state treasury 2 percent of their revenues as an occupational sales tax, is a matter of much concern to many towns and cities throughout the state. It will affect Wilmette, Kenilwortb, Win- netka and G1encoe, .each of which is preparing, through kg. Village attorney, to vigorously op- pose the ruling. Eacb supplies its citizens with water, and in addition Winnetka supplies elec- ,.ric current. At présent the Village attorneys, Alexander H. Marshall of Glencoe, Frederîck Dickinson of ,Winnetka,'Vernon R. Loucks.of Kenilworth. and Willis D. Nance of Wilmette, are endeavoring to effect an agreement with the State Finance department whereby collection,&f the tax will be withheld until suifs. enfered by several large pub- canno.t DC made to pay a sales tax because they have bought nothing. Around such contentions the cases of the Vil- lages will likely be builf, and the outcome will be awaited with more than ordinary inferest by' those having aflair for things. legal 1Somewliere, sonmehow, we gÔt the idea that a- fair was opened in Chicago Saturday. MaxIe we saw an item ini the paper about it. Anyway. if it's true there shiould. be a publicity departinent or sonething, to let people know about it.. CongressninCannoni-, a Wisconsin democrat. Proposes that the mienbership in the bouse. of representatives- be reduced to 96., "Whyi" lie asks, ",do we need 435 congressmenwhen ten or fifteen of them lead the others around- by tlîeir noses? " ell,. the tenl or fifteen have to have somnelody.to lead around, do, tbey not? Defying the lightninig or bearding a ferocious. lion in bis den requires littie physical, mental or moral courage coinpared to what that Texas demiocrat will need wben lie cornes out for a seat in con- gress on a platform opposed to the NRA, the AAA: and "ail other iinitialed' bureau- cratic interferences with per- sonal liberty," and a promise 40o work -to witbdraw ail dic- tatorial powers given the president by a "rubber stamp congress" ini "cynical viola- tion of the federal constitu- tion," Tbink of' it'! A demo- crat! And ini Texas I Texas, wheère they drown republi- cans at birth to keep tbe pests from increasing. Hisnamie is Frank Putnarn, and he hails f rom Houston, but hopes, to make Washington bis address after the. faIt election. Talk about your optimists! Wiley Post, for flying around the world al by himsclf in a little -over 7 days, was awarded th .e gold' rntdal of the International Aeronautic fed- eration. Condolences to Gen. Italo Balho. Monday being Poppy. day w,.e started ouf ý with the idea of buying one of the symbols. of grati- tude from the first -saleslady who accosted.,us., Pretending to be uninterested brougbt coaxing words, and winsomne smiles. So we bought. Then put >the poppy in our pocket- and repeated tbe performance, .niot on ce, but man'y times. You'd be surprised how forcefully those ladies can ar- gue in a good cause. And then, of course, tbe smiles were worth sometbing. Cost? Oh1, you set your. own price on the poppies, you know. That streamlined railroad train that. made the run from Denver to Chicago in 13 hours shoulci be rechristened. Patent ly if is no Zephyr. More Admfral Byrd, in his littie shack at the bottom of the world, may be bearing a heavy burden of loneliness, but bis position has some advaiitaËes. He. does not have to endure, the tortures of hausecleaning. THE i.PHfANTom EpôiTyitR. I.. I