Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 May 1934, p. 1

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Not Necessary to File Com. plaint or, Coupon to Obtain- Reduction, Says Nixo*n Numerous letters of inqtîiry relative to the status of the 15 Per cent reduc- tion prompted George F. Nixon. member of the Board of Appeals of Cook county, to address tbe follo.wing, letter to townsbip collectors and ass.essoi 1with a request, for' their co-operationi in passing the info'rma- tion on to the taxpaversý in Ilieii' respective town 'sbips. The 15 per cent reduc ,tion. as poîinted out in tbe heginning of tbe. letter re- ceived by Collector Sanborn Hale, is, M, on the improveinent onlv. and flot oni the ]and. Nfr. Nixon, continuing, says: Not N.eesary to Fil. '*The .Board of Appeal >s' original plaýn, gi 'ving, the 15 per cent reductio~n to ail taxpayers wbose propertv, falîs within Classes 1 to 16, which, includes homes and two and three flat build- ings, bas naw been agreed uipon, and it is not necessary t6 file comnplaints, or coupons to get this reduction. Thé work*of making this reduction will be done automaticaliy by tbe issuance of certificates of correction by the Boardl of Appéals with the Co-operatian of the assessor; The g.ranting of this ct will also reduce tax bills for the yearý; 1933 and 1934. "In order that ail owners of homes. and two and three flat buildings, in. Cook county *ill benefit alike in tbhe 15. per cent. reduction for the entire' quadrennial period, (.1931, 1932, 1933 and 1934), a new iaw bas been passed (House bill No. 166) which provides that.taxpayers wbo did not file'objec- tions for 1931, or wbo paid their 1931 or 1932 tax bis in full shahl receive credit for the amount î of the overpay- ment, the credit to apply on future tabuis. C. M. Osborn, 812 Oakwood avenue. Wilmnette, wbo recently was ousted as' Wihnette's Village manager-, this wVeek was .appointed, pub- lic works state1 en-. gineer foc Illinois .:by Secretary of tbe Interior, Harold L. Ickes. Mr. Osborn will replace* J1os hu a DEspos it o, 521 Lake avEnue, Wil- m elte, wko o bas been appointed resident. project en- gineer nof'public works on the-$42,-- .saniitary district PWA constructionjob, -the.biggest sewer construction and treatnient job niow uinder Constirnction~ in the' world., Before coming to Wilmette four> years ago as the village's first manager, Mr. Osborn hlad served in similar capacity in Kenosba, Wis., and later in Sborewvood, Wis., a -fasbionable Mil-, waukee suburb. Prior to tbat time hie bad been engaged in engineering pur- suits in northern Obio. He is recog- nized as one of the outstancling au- thorities ini the country on municipal management and engineering problems peculiar to municipalities. M >r. D'Esposito was selected for his new position, it was stated by Secretary Ickes, because of the desire of PWA to secure a man qualified bath technic- ally and by his knowledge of local con- ditions ta supervise. the sanitary dis- trict's vast project. Tbis project affects flot only the imniediate community, it it pointed out, but is. of import ta the entire. Great Lakes and, Mississippi val- ley area, as. is evidenced by litigation çtill pending in the -Suprerne court. Royal D. _L & - -A A - - A W - - --Ne w "Home Owners" Demand il' A morts Park'BoardJ Not Advised of Plea fo Beach. Fee Slash, The following letter.,from F. J.: Scbeidenhelm, treasurer of the Wil- mette ,Park, board te the president~ of Wilmette Home Owners' associa-I tion, is. self-explanatorY* May 29, 1934. Mr. Robert -E., Ricksen, President Wilmnette Home« Owners Association, Wihtnette. Illinois. Dear, Sir: 1 bave your letter of May 23 and also a postal tard invitation to attend a meeting thjs evening, and, 1 beg _to advise that I am unable to attend. I observe that YOD state. on the card that your association "bas been endeavoring for some time to secure, a reduction in the Bathing Beach' fee to $2 per family for a season ticket, without success." I beg leave to say that upon inquiry from every member of the board 1 find that none of them bas any knowledge of such attempt to discuss the matter with them and that the newspaper reports were tbe firet infornation given that such a move was under consideration. If 1 had lçnown of the matter' I would have been glad, as always, te tnake available ail the figures of in- come and expenses of the beach, as it is in my judgment purely a finan- cial matter. As you are no doubt am-are, there. was a meeting held on. last Saturday between Messrs. Haack, Fowler, and Seng for 'the Park board and Me ssrs. Dubbs, Tideman and tLee, for tbe Village: board at which matters pertaining -to thissubject were quite f ulIy discussed and Mr. Haack sug- gested the Wilmette Playground and> Recréation board as the logical body to operate the beach under a proper arrang2emenlt between the Park dis- 1 « M eeting Beach Cal led toR equest Fee- Cut Develops Tira de Against Board Appr oximatcely 200 citizens,. seekin*g a reduction ta '$2 of the annual family fççe for the Wilmette' bea ch, met in Stolp school auditorium Tuesday night at the caîl of the Wilmette Home Own- ers' as sociation, ,and .voiced* their de- mand upon'the Wilmette Park board, only onc member of whicb, Franik J. Seng, was present. Oening with the demand for the $2, fce, in which. a verbal barrage was, loosed in the direction of the Park, board, the demand.s grew as the speak-ý, mng progressed to include the'elimination ,of the Park board aaogther, ada. transi erence of its functions to the Village board. Robert E. Riclcsen, president of the Home. Owners' asso- ciation, who presided, addcd a sug- gestion. that a committee of that or- ganization be appointed to cô-0oper- ate with the Park board in the man- agement of the beach. Definite ac- tion took the form of a motion that the chairman appoint a-committee of five to make a thorough investiga- tion as to ways and means for re- lieving the Park board of its lii e and delegating its functions to the Vil- lage board. Suggest Play Board Contr>1 Another suggestion that the opera- tion. of the 'beach be transferred from the Park board to the *Playground and Recreation board.was made, but apparently'was nat received with en- thusiasm >Speakers who presented the case, for the taxpayers included' Axel Lonnquist, Robert E. Ricksen, C.Roi- lin Smith, R. C. Fyfe, William J. Weldon, J. A. Ronan, President C.. P. Dubbs, and others, Is wv ayers ress exposition. fifty children f take part ini the4 of a series bèin fair by -schôol Ch and its suburbs. Two hundre f rom Wilmett concert, which ng presented ýildren from C av~MSC . . . . .I. ;. . .. New Trier New& ....... 26 Reai Estat. Sectioni ... 43-44 Recreation ..............48 Society Page.....s3 was reported to the departrnent in the wec 26. Theré were also of mumps, two of m( of Germen measles. period.. --ri IE u~Ipou I aàI WE'* ,R CASE Henry J. Brandt, Park boat i Wilmette torney, explained soméi of the ai Health culties of beach management nding Mav rmies, and ,stated that the boari new cases always willing ta listen 'to comr ýs anrd two and to make alterations in the sare wben consistent with service (Continued on Page 8) satis-,

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