that is for Quality Clr , hot<) Josý .-Alvarez aand Mira Soriaité * .fr..ILus.W-. Sier of lWin;- iretka ) icli off er a conicer-t of. *Spa,: isli d<ances at te Chicayo IVonaschl thratre Satturdavý Juni.lne 2. ai 8:30 o'c!ock. Thése d anciers have pro-.,et. tizir tiblitv /' prtravinq the iicëretii daue'es (,.ftihe varioles prozinces of S painl. ,\oft nlv arc the <fonces his- *toriaillv truc, but so also arttihe co.tulpliw. WIicll are ç;orgt'ous in color ami tpical lei desigit. Christian Science Churches * 'Soul and Body"' was the subject of the tesson-sermon in ail Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, May 27. The golIden text was, "'The :very ;od *of peace sanctify youwhly and 1 pray God your whole spirit and so ul and body be preser, ed blaineless unto the coniing of OU.- Lord lesus Christ" (1 -Thessalonians 5:23>.-. Pure. Oit Bumner, Oi meot officiai ,standards Of qua lify,- and> the individual n.eleds of your, bumer, because Pure Oil controk quality from oit Wells to your burner tank. At the. refinery, and again at Chicago storage. plants', quality is ckeckedand double-checkced for uniformity. It MUST meet Pure Oias exacting requiremnents. Your neighborhood Pure Oit service station man has a Fuel Oit story that you should hear. He will maintain a personal interest in the fuI- filment of your r.quirements.. . malco doubly sure, that you get what you want when you w antý it. Ask about his special Fuel O,1it Plan. Back of hlm is one of Chicago's largest distributos of quality Fuel.,Ols become meUV 5w o icq the higher Iaw of Soul, whicli pre- vails over materiai 'sense through lirmony and immortality" (p. 311>. Mrs. Claude Sanders, 236 Cumnor road, Kenilworth, entertained her sewing club at luncheon Tuqesday.