feated tmis year, makifng a total. of 793/ ponts against its opponents 25!2 in seven matches. Captain Anthony Franco was un- able to play in the league meet last Friday because of an .injured shoul- der. His. younger brother joe'. Geo rge Victor, Tom Gallagher and Ai Bohnen made. up. the Ne w Trier foursome. Victor hacj ascore of 74, Franco 78, Gallagher 79. and. Biwhnen', 84, giving ,New Trier a total of- 315 for tbe eighteen holes.. Evanston, second place winner,ý was' twelve points behind, with 327. Deerfield-ý Shields finished third, with 328. Foll.owing is a summary of .the scores by which New Trier defeated its opponents this season: St. George 15 to 0; Moirton, 1452.to ¼1; Proviso, 10 to 5; Evanston, 10 to 5; Morton- again,, 12 to 3; Deerfield-Sbields, 10 to $, and Oak Park, 8- to 7. Only three' players on this. year's teani. Captain Anthony Franco, Rich- ard Flynn and AI Bob nen will be ls'by graduation~. Vetèrans who will return to form the nucleus of next year's team include Tom Galla- gher, George Victor, Joe Franco and Chester Bland. The teani is coached by H. B.. Aram'. John of Evra Hoffman to Wed Evanston Girl June 2 Marguerite Helen Schroeder .nston wili become the bride St. Mary's ciiurch i n, iEvanston. uA smaIl reception will follow at the, home of the bride's parents, Mr. -ind2 Mrs. John Scbroeder, 1749 Brown, avenue. The bridai couple will have but two attendants, Miss Schroeder's sistcr, Kathileen,, being ber. maid of honor,- and Roman 'Riengel. of -Wilmette ser ving Mr. Hoffnxan as best man, 1The -bride-eIect bas been honor guest at two* delightful parties during the last few weeks, the first being L lv v her sisters. Mrs. MiItonI Winnetka, until his parents returil. 0o Mrs. Owen Garfield (Harriet John- ston) of Bloomfield, N. J., arrived last week on a visit with lier parents, the Richard' C. Johnstons of 321 Meirose avenue, Kenilworth., ummer! White in service plates with. smart Mansard embossment, a, dozen $21. Garder flower. centers in dessert plates of. white,, ea.ch $2.. Also in. white with conter dots and edge of black, yellow, blue, or green., each $2. COaur crystal in a new hand-cut, design named Baronet, which features the correct shapes for each 1beverag e. Goblets are $12 a dozen. Guy colors on fine bon. china, which is very'specially priced. .Plates: each: dinner $3,,dessertý 12j bute $2,tea cup an sauçer $27 SPAIJLDUNG»GORHAM 1636 ORRINGTON AVENUE a EVANSTON