~1 Advertisem ~Photo 4Co. 7h laha'i temp'le, aili its nagîificent ami just recenhiy e, onîpleted dome towering above WVilmecttè harlior, u4li bc'thse mecca for t/sou*ands of folloivers of thse Baha'i failli ths: v..xk-eid on the occasion, of the Z6th, an- imal cotentioti, of the' Baha'is of the LJnifed StaUtes and Canada 1 lu session fron May 31. to lune 3. A4 public service u'ill bce held Suîîday afiernoon at 3:30 o'clock in Foun>dation hlaitof tlie temp/le. Services Held May 30 for Thomas C. White Funeral services were held Wed-. nesday afternoon..at the Graceland cemetery cbapel for Tbomas C.. White, 310 Richmond road, Kenil- wortb, who shot and killed himself Monday morning in the basement of his home. A finding of suicide was mnade by a corotler's jury.: Mr. White, VISITS EN -VILLAGE, Mrs. J. M. K. Letson of Van- couver, B. C., who, bas been visit- ing ber son-in-law and daugbter, Mr. and Mrs. Beveuly. Baxter in London, England, for the past year. is the guest of the Frank Burpees of 129 Dupee place. PANOY UGHT MMATJ Tu= F"sI. ..~i5 Cocamait ' 39c: 21c ANN PAGE k" aCoca. UULK Ccommei SUNNY PURE Cane Suga r ..L.1 [ID z: 48c SULK Brou uga .5 .23c WNiTS NOlISE EIvporated 1411k 3 ~17e Nectar Tea ORAÈNGEÈ PRNCE AL8ERT TobocoH L ^D AL Hi res RnOT BEwR ETC FSINE GRANULATrED Beet ug'lr. FIfiM. RIPE v 12 <1 "'i z a.' oe~fl ~w ~< ~> z w. g11, Sa Ste r S. C., i E. C. IIAILEY Sheridan Road lu No-Mas, Laned Phone University 6147- AMERICAN, PIMENTOI BRICK OR CHATEAU Borden's Chees, 2 màse: 29c * KG. 19'c 2IL 23c 1OCLOTHAA 9AG- 46 1.9E. s .*