matcLeUs. iTne two vctories also gave New Trier tbe league champiônship. Oak Park was defeated Monday of this week, 8 to 7 and Deerfild- Shields on WVednesday of last week, 10 to 5. Over-conifidenice almfost cost tbe New'Trier--boys -a defeat at the banids of 'Oak Park Mofiday on the Indian Hill Country club course. The two* Franco boys, Joe and Anthony, New Trrier's No.1 and No. 2 players, botb lost their matches. Joe, a fresh- man who bas been, playing well, scored an. 85. His- opponent, J. Chamberlain, finished with an 81, givimig 2/ points'to half a point for New Trier,. Anthony' Franco, New Trier captain,' Iost bis matcb to S. Spitzer, 3 to 0. Spitzer 83 and Franco an 87. Eke 'Out Vîctory In the three. other matches, how- ever,. New Trier. collectedý enough points toe*1 n by the slini margin of One pont. Tom Gallagher of New Trier, with a score of 81, whippedi A. Mockler of Oak Park, 2 to 1. Mock- ler scored ail 86. Gallagher tied Chamberlain of Oak Park for in- lvîdual lom, score for tbe day. AI Bobnen of New Trier won bis match from W. Coulter of Oak Park, 2¼' to ý2. The scores were 83 for Bohnen and 85 for Coulter. In the fifth.- match neither player bad a. low score, but Richard Flynn's 91 for New Trier was better than J. Russell's 104 for Oak Park, and New Trier was credited with tbree points. The Suburban Içague matches are conducted on the basis of match play for eacb hole. Tri., De.rfielM.ShieIjs In the New Trier-Dee 'rfield scrap at the,Sunset Valley course in High- land Park Wednesday of laàst week, New Trier :was victorious, 104to 5. jo e Franco had îow score for tbe day, 78. His opponent, ýT.ý Sa*illi, scored an 82. Franco got 2 pintýs and Sailli half a point. - Results of the other matches were:i two points, and C. Notagiacomo o~f Deerfiel (84), one point. L.uigue Touruioy Friday heguesolsacl o riay of this he g sholseaoso foria Suburb week , when the league. tournament. is to be beld at the Sunset Valley Course, Highland Park. This will'be, a medal play. event, with competition for* tow team and. low individual scores. Each school. will enter a four-maîx team. In the state liigh- school golf meet last Friday and Saturday at Urbana, Richard Flynn, New Trier's repre- sentative, scoredan -81 and an 85 for a total of 166. 'The nxeet ýwas. won by Tom'Sheehan of. Cbicago Heights. presented especially for the children by the pupils of Miss Alice Stade immedi- ately, after. school Thursday afternoon, May 31, in the auditorium of the How- ard school. Ail the dancers will be in costume, and the effect ',will be that of the finished p erformançe. For that reason the mothers- areasked not to attend, as- thé same pýrogram will be given at the annual P. T. A. lunchéon june 6, in the Shawnee club. Any of the fathers whoP cani attend. will 4e wel- corne. A Ërmall admission fee wvill he On Friday, May 25, our association will be represented at a gathering of. P. T. A. miembers of District 21, inx Bensenville, Ill.. where, there will be several tables of bridge. Mrs. J. D. 1404 Forest avenue, Thursday, Ma~'~ 31. *Make your plans now for the Atmnual luncheon on June 6 at the Shawnee club' You, may take as mnany guests as you wish, simply notify your roomi- mother of your intention, as reserva- tions must be. nmade ahead of tirine. Ail of Miss St ade's pupils xilil perforni. frorn the tiny toddlers to 'the eighth- graders who have been studying hall- room dancing' during' the past winter. .Mrs. H. G. Nevins, your social. chair, mian, and ber helpers. including Mrs. Benjamin Jacobsen., Mrs. Ludwig Skog. and Mrs. John R. Kenniey, are in chiarge. of. floral andi other table <ecorations. a really important. part of tItis one fe.ý- tive event of the P. T. A. year. Mrs. Henry Fowler is entertaining, the Babies Friendly at lier home. at "BEEGE HIMELV"Presented by BRAUN BROS. ServceSaon ý l -0a (l:S I %VLC P~ ' I, A-'S (i A. -. i I u 1, get, Miles of Satisfaction fromi them, ,tnd ou crwilI reX)n bers mi-<h more quiekiy. FLASH AHIA1) WITfI SILVEILFLSH Phone Wilimette 5405 Jn~î*o Lak Aveue (ustWest of Bldge), Inet 54 North> Evanston IoeuGarage230 W. i«ilroad Avenue, Phone University> 51 + - x .- t, J .1 ~. .~ Lr-t~ DAD-rr~ A ~JNL ~Q$. '-4- ,'Yx~ u.~.OO DAIr ! i .1 - -- - r- cab --Pl r%&=.>'1IC 14 ..A%%L SILVERFLASHI SericeStations ~2J 37.90 M 1 1 -Ille-