f The setting for the play is a bauti- fui Virginiaùixxansion-a martsion that embodies the profits of the culti- vation of thouisands of acres, bu.t that noNv, to a* fourth generation of Dain- gerfields, is mnereiy a tremendôus' stanon.the already 'weakened fam- ily credit. To 'these.ý st raitenled aristo-, crats, at the crticial momen t, came salvation . in the person- of Burton f Crance. a N%-ealthv, Y,'ankee. .Craniewas (eirol-, of renting the ancestral honte, No ant agreemientwas madeýýa Iease signied. So. exultant were these sci .ons, of .the. Hanse of-Daingerfield titat they neglected to notice that the contract specified a. staff of -white servants. A last moment search faied to tinearth such a body, soi in order not to break their contract, the highly edt iated and prideful Daingerfields1 a s s u:îed the rotes of menial servants.! Complications Arise "ie arrivai of thé' tenant. and sorte friends froin the north greatlycop- cated the situation, and, incidentally, the ;ervice. imagine an aristocratic Vle g1ratdxate as a bôotbiack, the vale- dfictoriani of lier class at .Wellesley as a c ook. The climax is reached wvhen the j>rincelv- northerner, falls iii lovej %vithî the cook-_ýas *a cook-ând the servants look down upon a union be- tween one of their number. and their lordl and master. situations produced by the generai incoui)etence of the patrician serv-ý ants are hilariously funny. Merrimaa Featmred * Nut oaîtv does the manuscript sup-1 piv adequate humor, but Bob. Merri-i man, w,,homn yo'u bave seeni in "Severi- teeni," ' "he Purpié Mask," iThe Road to Yesterday," and "If 1IWTere Kilng," provides a pro 'fessionai touch to ilis comnicat characterization. AI .Browný, equally- well known in --New-1 .Trier and North Shore Dra matic 'club icircles, isý one of the maie ieads, and a charmningly ro0mantic lover.- The femi- iiine leads are excellentlypotad by Ruth ,Anderson, iwho found her lai.t 10veý "On the Road to Yesterday" and Site Mi\itchell, a taIented nlew- Collier. The cast is entirely comiposed Of Seniors, of wvhon _you i)robal)ly *~iw itch The: Cast, ne* Dlnger-field. HIa Býetty Hierrick ind Kathryn nli a s l*Iizahleth, Dajngeýrfield. 1hiwke Rogers and Gross Wvilliatni Ma.ýthev I"raneis Photo Bernie Photib Bernie Photo. Whcn the Wkesley Players'of the Wil»wlcte Parish M.4ethodist'Epitscop»al church, present tise three-a ct comedy drainai dpeg o' My f-kart," af the church hall F riday and Saturda v epiings of ihis wveek at 8:15 o'clock, -Miss Janet K. WVright (keit) u4ill pay the part of 'i'Ptý" (YConznelI, t lie Icad in: this verýy:delight fui cornedy bjy Dav'id .Heartley _iIaniers, and Lecý Blaylock, cent'er, ïvill p'lay the le'adin<ii male. roie of Sir ýGerald Adar. - N. T. Tennis Tea*n 1A venges Defeats; Tournament Next New Trier Highi schooi's tennis tearn, gained revenge 'In the past week for two Suburban league de- feats suffered earlier in the season. On Monday of this week New Trier woi f romn Evanston at Evanston, 4 to i. Ili a previous match, wlhea New Trier was playing without the services of Artý Neilson, Evanston was victorious, 3 to 2. On WVednesday of last week New Tri1er hianded the strong Oak Park teami its first defeat in four years, 3 to 2, on the New Trier courts, ln addition to the victories over Eva.,- ton anid Oak Park, New Trier t!so has, a Suiburban i eague win over I,,)eerfieid-IShields to its credit. A, re- turn match with Deerfieid on thé New Trier courts' wasý sclheduied for TPhursday. of this week,.On Saturklay of this week the New Trier.bovs vwiit, enter the league tournament ai Evanston. Neilsoas, Ctindy Win Tht i pay is open tu te public, and witl be the last dramatic production of the year. The Oison St ring trio, com- posed of Jane and Ann Oison and Elea- nor Steen wilI furnish music before the play and between acts of the play. Mrs. Bettin E. Stailing wiIl be in charge of the make-up for the play. On Friday evening following the play, the mem- bers of the High School league of the church will hold a party at the home of Marjorie Kresge, a member of the play cast, at 2615 Blackhawk road, and on Saturdsiy evening, foliowing the play, the play cast wil attend the World's Fai r i a group. Miss Wright and Miss Kresge are i 'harge of ar- rangements for the, xlsit to the Fair. Mfiss Annaniarie Booz is in charge of the party on Friday evening. Mahion E. Sharp, --aiso - piettired- above, plays the part in this play of 'Alaric Chichester, the English son. Ev- eryone wiit greatly enjoy seeing Mr. Sharp in. this very difficuit character role. He wiIi be reniembered as play- ing the lead ini the play "Undercurrent," which won first place in the Chicago Drama tournament this year. . Mr. and 'MIrs. Lyniaii Drake, 933'. Lake avenue, .returned Sunday, May 13, from a four weeks' visit at Puget Sotund. NM rs. 0. B. .Sonsthagen of Mantito- 1Voc, \is., 'is spending several. days with the James Xalders, 931 Green- wood avenue. WiImette's OnIy Fioeproof Storage WnroIiouse Off.rs Security Efficiency Responsibility Wit.Its. . Moving, Packing and Storage services. ,Estimatos Fuiýnishd mIn., to visi oit Mother's Phi Gamma yed at * -o-- The Thomas A. Armstrong fam- ily, 1239 Lake avenue, have. moved to ý,1119Centrai avenue, Wiimette. No. 2 mani, Berns, 6-2. 6-4, and Da-le Early added another singles victory for New Trier by défeating Pratt, 6-2, 6-2. I-n the doubles the honors were divided.. Rodmnan and McConnefi of New Trier won. froni Baird and Quail, 4m6, 673, 6-4.. This.wa an upset in Phonos *05