*W. S. 'Van Dyke Directs Polar Expedi- tion in Which Men Risk Lives to Film Grandeur of North "Esim,"the great epic ýof .the: North, wvill tlirill patrons of the Wil-. mette, theater this Thursday and Fni- day. 'More 'thaù tlîirny-ye men * isked' their lives.daily duri hig a. year in the Arctic to flim this rexnarkable Spectacle of Esk 'inmo 11f e. Col. WV. S.. Van Dyke directed the polar.expedi- tion which made the remarkahle pic- ture ýofferIng an interesting s.tory agaiiist- a b)ackground. of ice and snow, and aimost unbelievable mag- nlitudeC an(l leauty. A native Eskimno cast helps'enact tlîi s stôry hasel on a strangeArctic code. Van Dyke. Who bas directed such ýfilms as "Trader Horn" ýand "WVhite Shadows ini the Soutb Se.as," did niot shy away fromn the hazards and privations of the,"E~skinio" pro- duction, %hichi was completed only after a journey that covered more than 13,000 miles frorn Hollywood to Point B3arrow and return. SaturdaN, 'May 26, the W'ilmette theater presents "Ke.ep 'Em Rolli.ng," ia film the entire family, will enj oy. Ba sed on tlhe popular Saturday: Eve- nin .g :Post story, "Rodnley," thé pic- ture is concerlied mnainkly ~th the fate of %Valter Huston and his horse (That's Rodney). ,The artillery unit of the, United States armiv at Fort Meyer, Virginia, collaborated ini the making of. this filmi .%hicli presents a fine, bimman st.ory. How These Boys D ive!1 \Vith tbe annual Indianapolis auto race. just arotind tbe calendar cor- ner, Wilinette theater patrons w.ill be eager to see how Wheeler and Wool-- sey baidle a car wbeni théN; c;t(ldenlvy flnd thienselves paàrticipatiig ina trans 1-nation race that featuires "Hips, 'Hips. Hooray," their nlew m-irthifest, at the Wilmett on 'Ï St*nia3,, Monday and Tuesday, May 27, 28 and 2,-9., PreC ipitated into the racing game hy the troubles the\ .had brewed as cosnmetic salesmien and romancers, Wh,'leeler and XVoolsey speed aIl the faster to avoid emharrassinwtt with the law. TIhe faster . thlese boys go, couint of Frank Buck' most recent expedition into. the dense~ Malay. jungle.. lrovides fasciniating and i- formative entertaininent at the- Var-~ sitv theater this Friday and Satur- (lav. Flin fans Uwhoii thrilled to "Bring 'lLmn Back Alive" are anticipating this lieu a(lveture-an id they will flot 1)e disappoinited. As the film un-, folds, Mn. Buck explains liow eacb Con(juest is madle. Everyonie will en- joy his clever nietbods of capturing the wild beasts. S plend id photograpliîv also makes somie fille captures. includfing a bit of comledv supplied frofi time to time by playful nionkey and wrestling hotte%-, ear. micknanied ,Strangler Lewýis and L.ondos. Suniday, Monday .andl Tuesday, Mav 27, 28 anid 29, the, Vansit.y pre- sents *Ritîde." a. brilliant Psycho-, logical study of a mail who becomes a' victimf of the Poison of jealouisy. Hierbert 'Marshall gives, aàflamless. performance as the busband, while Norma Sheaner is..convincing as the, wif e vbo inever dreanis of being un- faithful until hier husband's insistent. suspicions practically force bier to be. Rob>ert, . -1ntgonmerN is the charming playboy. Edm und Gould 'gets. t lt credit f or the stonr' and the direction of this film,. a masterpiece -iin depicting tense mental. dramfa«. in' \Vhirtpool," with robust Jack Holt ithe lead, is the Varsity's featur 'e attraction for tbe Decoration Day program Wednesday, May 30. SONG SUGGE STS TITLE The titie for "Keep 'Em Rollinig," thé RK'O-Radio Picture filméd on lo- cation* at Fort Mver, Virginia, with Walter Huston and Frances Dee, de- picting how the life of an artillery- ýman is affected by horse, is sugges- ted.,,hy-the ýfamous phrase in the populan army Caisson song. RETURNS TO STAGE Walter, Huston, featuned miaIle lead witb. Frances Dee in "Keep 'Eru Rolling."~ recently returned~ to the stage in the starring role of the treasure bunt in a land of prehistoric inonsters. warlike natives and colos- ýsal sea serpents, is the unique theme cf "The Son of Kong" whicbh will be showîi at the Winnetka Comniunity thecater Friday, and Saturday, NMay 25 and 26. The production is said'to be more spectacular and miore elaborately staged than its predeqessor "Kinig Kong."o Thie story opeus with -Carl DenhamÙ (Robert Arnîstrong) accompanied by a girl (Helen Mack), who sniuggled lierseif aboard bis ship, and a small party invading Skull Island. Therd he meets the, Son of Kong. estab- lishes friendly relations by saving Che huge iéreature's.life,ý and togethier they set out for a startling series of conflicts. An earthquake. sequence climases> the production. E£vanstop-UNI. 8S0 Today (Thursday) Last Day ""TEE wLOIT PATaROL"" wvith Victor Mcl.iqlen B rit KarIff Wallac.- Ford also "Popeye." cartoon Fni, Sat, May 25-26 VRANK DUCK'S Greatest Adventur. 'WILD CARGO"' Adults, 25c-Child.n, 10e Always Col and Comfortable Thurs, Fni., May '24-25 W. S. Van Dyk's Also Garfoon-N:ews soc.. May 26 Walter Huton-Frances Dée 6K.eep M 9Eu9olI Also Chanrli<e Chaplin "The Counf' Cartoon-R. K. O. New& and Sat. Mat. only-Rin Tin Tin "The Wolf Sun., Mon., Tues, May 27-28-29 lam rose Also Wali Ruth Etticg Thelma Tedi Dorothy Lee ey's SilIy Symphony oer and Ants" at Hlaskell. Ann i>vorak< and Ulire Dodd. the former in tlht rôle of an ln(lian ma (1, and thie latter as the wihite society girl, are thte rivaIs for thje love of tdie yotitg chiief, thte thire fonming onie of thte stratigest tri- angles on record. Besides the cast of regular, Hollywood stars there are 300 lIndians in bit andýe-xtra parts.: ém -. .. K .nnu. in '"WIULPOOL" witls Lila Lee-Jean Arthur Do"aldCook "Wonder Bar" AI Jol son "If Happened One Night."C. Gable "WiId Cargo" Frank gtick *"Catherine the Great"