Ioiva State T'eachers' college. Dr. M~ Clintock, a dentist, is a graduate of tl University of Penntsylvania. One Case, wlIIconvin'c'e Y.ou-.that Monarch, C h ic ag os own brewery has been in continu. ous Oper-dtiOR -for nearly 50 years., operating during te 14 prohibition years. under' fedr eral supervision. Over 200,000 barrels~ of Mon- arch Ber c-rP çn.JA. remndfolks tha th Vaedaayteand ýSaturday, when dealers of c- day off erinwicsos e Ayres 1ei htte aecate vanston open their greatest Out-. and Patricia Ellis trying to live on ater, withi its wide range souind SYS- 1 door Auto show on Lake street, l)c- In4 Lew's small salary and flot succeed- tem, is a fine place to sec and hear twveen Hinmian and Sherman avenues-. ing until bothi learn their lessons. thjs filin fWednesday, Thursday and The show wili be open daily from I "flevil Tiger," Saturday film at the Fridav, Mav 30, 31 and June 1. to 10 p. in. There will be. no admis-. ValenIcia,. gets its nime from the sion charge and the entire north man-cater which Harr% Woods, Kane1 shore is invitecd to. be present and t& Richnmond and Marion Burns set out North WVestern Provides inspect, the approximately one. hutn- to trap in the Malay* jungle. Puncëtuý- Free Rides to the Fair dred automobiles to. be displayed. ating with tooth and. clawv the bar- Frerun-à usrdsan sto'-Be Shown rowing experielices ùf.this party, arestetcridsro teMaso Among them will be the following many~ jungle- beasts, ripping at each streetstatiOn of the Chicago & Northmaendtee ilbetreo otherin fercecombt. Westen railway to A Century of Sunday and Monday, May 27 and Progrssgr ds will be provided heoeCrysler,1 Dodge od 28, bring "The Cat :and the Fiddle," wth aIl urchases of North Western Hudson, Hupmobile, Lafayette, Nash, with' the giorious voice of Jeannette shoppers tickets ini mos -t suburban Oldsmiobile,. Plymouth,. Pontiac, Stij- MacDonald and the cÉharm of Ramon territory :where the regular round- d ebakeanTeapn. ýNovarro.' The songs corne in for trip shopes fane is 45 cents or 'hs year's show, the second of its thirshreofpris, hie hechr-moeeffective this Saturday, 1 May 26, in vanston, is being sponsored on he penng ay f te Xorl'sby the, Evanston ýAutomobile Dealers' Fair andlasting thnough October 31, association, which , was recentlv R. Thomson, passengen -tnaf'ic juian- organized and alneady, b as mapped agro the road. announces. out an intensive prognam of activi- gThese tickets will be goodî on al ties.Thotorsoig.oau- îtrains îeaving the startinig station at mobiles, it is expected, will h-ecome qA.M., daylighit saving time, or an annual ev.ent. THEr Teywllbesodfrm ta uch intenest was attracted by a tions Main street ini Evanston to imilar Sho er ggvnb 1 Mo SkoeMan Ave. Uni. 3444 Vaukegan, inclusive, Edison' Park to heEanston automob ile dealers with Crystal Lake. inclusive, Weber to the - cooperation,, of the Evanstoi) WlDE RANGE Emerson street in Evans .t oninclusive, Chamber of;Commerce. This year's Weser yspm Geneva, inclusive. pass it, inasmuch-as more dealers are COO IDgyBoth street cars and buses leave. cooperating and the display will coven COOLED SYfrequen.tly fromn the 'Madison Street- twice as much area. REFRIGERATION station to the various Fair gates'and To Use Colored Lights b it s ossbl, b ue o taiifesý oColored electric Iights will b j reachi almiost ativ gate desired , toplaced over the entire show and to c kMo.t4y to Saturday j increase the beauty of the exhibit at 1 1 t 6:30 p.M. * .... ii .ig there will be htandreds of Jar)- 1 Last limes Today (Thwrsday) CONSTANCE BENNET IIMOULIN ROUGE, Friday OnIy-May 25th Lew Ayres, Pefricia Ellis >toameu ne mwmnf e VWàIARCH ' ' ' F pu.ê'lii ac"'"i Mr. Vogeding at a special meeting panied' by Miss Catherine WNeany of{ lst week appointed the following Wînetk ae Iavig une 12nmebers of the group to serve* on. rnotoring east to attend the graduat- colemmittees in connection with the inig exencises at Lawvrenceville.ehbt Their son, George., who is ini the Senl- Puýhbiciy .S apa n ýion class, expects to, enter Princeton. Frn utr eoainJsp Wesctt and C.7 MacDonald;. signs. -' Mns., Lèon EIl lis,> 207 Cumberland Bert Bickler-and Williamn Schmitt. avenue, Kenïiliwort'îi, was llostess at Another meeting was held Monday her luncheon bridge club) on Tue-t opeearneet o-h day f l st w ek.Outdoor Automobile show. 413 Linden.Avenu, CREAN Phone WiJmetfe 4120