ney Haydlen N. Bell a letter settini "Payment under protest, which Is fort th majr prtin ofalln-1 to 1b applied to ail tpaxes ratabiy, exc- iorlitht hemao r oriosO nalu- cept....... ........ percent piaid tax bis nwba eiu ea- ( ..........%> e ré f which is ob- ties. Ail taxpayers, whether on real l jected to on the ground of excessive qýstate or personal property, should 1valuation."1 read the letter which follows: If payment is made under these cir- May 1, 1994. cumstances, the amount obiected to wil xew rierTownhîpCornflte. 1e heid by the treasurer and reimbursed 4 4-Iltîemen if objections, are sustained. This letter i. in answer to your letter, a*Peltsaracuuating- upop alunPaid and past due taxes fortho ,înder date of May 8, 1934, in relation to vears 1928 to 1 931, Inclusive, and for the ilie questions, the New Trier Township- irst instaliment of the 1932 taxes at th.e ~'>iitedesires answered., rate of onie percent. (1%) per rionth È. The first instaliment of 1932 taxes whether ozflot the taxpayer has filed iiay be paidin C..ook county .without pro- objections, to eny of said taxes. .if test and the ainount of tax found to- be objections are suqtained, naturaliy no illegai upori subséquent compiaint or penalties wiii accrue, on thé part of the aiiowanlce by the Board of T ax Appeals tax adjudged void by the court, but. If Z laai 1w deducted front the second instail- objections to the, paymen.t of t'axes are ent,., of course,, that the ie- overruled, the accuMulated penalties are gai portion i8 not larger than the second due and payable at the tinte of the-pay- i nst al ment. ment of the respective tax bis. I'ayînent of the first Instaliment 0f th(,4. The fifteen percent (15%) reduc- 1932 taxes in full wilii fot affect av tay- tion order.ha-,-nui application, to îwrsonai payer's riglit to ahy réduction he m ay 13e roperty taxes, The 1932 uersonaI prop- en titied to- by reaspn 0f the fif teen per-, erty7 tax 1bi1l became delinquent April. 15, ,cent(1% order recently entered in the .lil:l4, and beais interest at the rate of '"Uinty court 0f Cook county by Judgce oni percent (117c>)îper month. J a r~ckL3!neerely yours, 2.the entire tax bill of 1932 mnay be (Sigîied, T-AYDEN N. BELL, paid under prlî)test, where the o>bjectionlis .~at tt' Attorney. Christian Science Churches .1 rt a Is and Immortals" wa.s the t ubjeetý of~ the L.esson-Sermon' in al (iîtrç.hesý of Christ, Scientist. onri >uIi<Iav, MNa 20. 'l'le Goldien Text was, Aswe: have bornie the image of the earthy, wve -,lait also hear the image of the IîevcnV'(1 Corinthians 15 :49). Aogthe citations whichi corn- prise*! the L.esson-Sermon. was the ioilovitg, Jroin. the Bible: "Blessed is the man that, trusteth in the Lord, and %vhose. hope theý Lord is. pFor he shall bc as a tree pianted by the waters, and that spreadeth out her roots by the river, and shall not sce when heat conieth, but ber leaf shail 1e green; and shall fot be careful in the year of drought, neither shall cease froin vielding fruit" (Jeremiah Art Center to Close 1Year's Work Sunday Artists who have participated ini the. nunierous, exhibits at the Art center in Evanston this year will be guests of* ionior at a reception and tea Sunday afternoon from 5 to 7 at the center's h'eadquiarters ilu the Public librarv. Iîic1uded wilI be the group of north shore painters whose work is now on view. activities f or the year to a close. North sl 1 re artists ini the current exhibit. who vî1l be guests of honorý are: Mfonroe Turner F. P. I Richardson D. NacMillani, Jr., -t'ari Linden P'ercy V. Eckhiart Helen J. Tatylor Lydja Lowry 1-leurietta Brander Ciara MaeGOwalln Elizabeth Mill ard Kari (,a.4s-Iander- Mrs. .1. W. lVork Tï,lizbetli I1>eraud. Franik Peyraud I~enrB.- Hatch Louise, Goffe I.ew Merreeli .A.-.itta Burnharn CalLoi> B-rnhamr Dudley C. Watson Amne IHtnt E,. Fayerw. Babcock' Edna May Johanseli fiai-nid Storer Frances Bowmnan GOLFERS PAYACRES announces a. programi of FREE LES- SONS to North Shore Golf ers- to, teacb the ladies and cbildren - under comipetent instruction.ý These are flot'class tessons -but a complete cou rse on each individual Club by a seasoned golf prof essional wbo bas specialized ini teacbing rather than tournament. play.- Thosewho bave enjoyed PLAYACRES in the past know, that not even the private ýgolf club olfers a more dignified or beautiful spot a1.itl iprove tbeir gaine. h is completely enclosed witb a heavy -low-cring shrub border - with a background of towering elms and sturdy oaks - f ree f ronm the noise and annoyance of passing motorists - wbere you can really enjoy an bour of relaxed practice- and imdi- vidual itntruction frtee of charge -by. .acometett instructor. Advantages at Plagactes- I., Fuit1 series of individual lessona on aIl clubs free of charge ta anyone over ten years of age.. 2. Grass tees. 3. Pra 'ctice without facing sun. 4. Speciat attention to women and cbildren. 5.' Semi-private practice fairway. 6.Surroundings and atmosphere equat tao those of a private club. 7. 'A tiberat pail of good practice baits -for only 50 cents. .To1 letu, 'ix road, iý end at inigtonl, 'Mrs. Robert worth av.enue, tained a, dozen the southi side ner and bridge 0I 0. Law, 321 Kenli- I Ken'Iworth, enter- guests, frie'nds from i in. Chicago for dill- hast Friday.L EDLWEISS PRODUCTS WILMETTE, ILLINOIS Harvey Olsen, Professionat Phone Wiimette 5301